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Joined 11 months ago

If you know you’re going to lose, because you have nothing but hate as your platform; then cheating is literally the only option left

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Fox News called him evil, so… at least he’s not woke.

That was Jobs’ (Jobs’s …? Jobses..?) whole thing. People don’t know what they want until we’ve told them.

And I’d say it’s worked out pretty well for the entire tech industry so far.

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Depending on how you define “modern” Fox News did call him evil in 2007.

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For the same reason that someone decided that it would be a good idea to have machines be able to generate energy from organic material….

Yeah, let’s build robots that can feed on humans to recharge their batteries, no way that’d be a problem.

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That is almost always the case. Pharma companies are mostly just advertising firms

One of the more interesting things I saw (on this topic) was a historian stating that George Washington (and his contemporaries) would have been able to relate the world of Julius Cesar more than they would our modern world.

I think about that A LOT whenever I hear some idiot spout nonsense about the "vision and ideals" of the founding fathers

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I’m okay with the government suing this smug piece of human slime, that is in the puss, within a boil, on the ass of humanity, into nothingness.

If they can use this as the catalyst that finally destroys him, then in my mind, it MIGHT have been worth it.

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Every time someone gets all self righteous and posts stuff about how this isn’t “practical” or “cost-effective” or “actually useful in a real world scenario, where efficacy is needed”.

They always forget the critical important factor: Mech Suits are Awesome!

I want to believe this, but given how wonky AI bots have proven to be as of late, I can’t help but think that you can cut this number down by several million

Don’t…. don’t give me hope

Laughing as the judge read all the charges against her and she slowly realized how fucked she was.

You were around when this happened. For gods sake it was all happening live in front of everyone a couple of years ago.

It’s literally impossible for you to actually be this ignorant about it.

I understand trolling, I get the propaganda hype, I get brain rot; but this, this is just plain ignorant.

No, he voluntarily took second so he wouldn’t make Usain Bolt feel bad with his natural ability.

I’m just glad I’m not the only one who thinks that

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Is it for p0rn watching? I feel like with the current Temporary Speaker of The House, it would be for p0rn watching

No I mean a source that is easily and clearly placed in front of me that I can still complain about not being the “correct” sources. /s

I mean, people are slightly more complicated than that. But sure, at their most basic, people simply communicate with statistical models.

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over like ... a weekend

Are you crazy?!? It has AI in the NAME! It’s a gold mine! A GOLD mine!

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… so far

Same here. Just dropped it, no questions. Went back to clear out any comments and useful saves … realized I didn’t miss it all

Right, but a microwave is surrounded by a faraday cage, and the cell phone is next to you head. Does that make any difference?

Honestly asking, I have no clue.

Or, even better, that this part of the constitution doesn’t count for this specific person, in this specific case, at this specific time.

But that it counts for anyone else, at any other time.

“…. there MIGHT be a small fine of it happens again”

Attempted murder of judge happens again, under Trumps specific orders.

“Okay, this is your very last warning”

Scientist to world: “magic conch is useless in trying to cure cancer.”

News media: “Magic Conch is completely useless!”

It’s that extra crap that kills it for me.

I have all the add-ins, extensions, etc so my experience is fine (and I also just use DuckDuckGo). But I tried searching for something on my parent’s computer with Google… it was like the early 00s with all the crap before the actual results.

I immediately switched their default, but I could not believe it. Like why would you do that to your own site?

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The solution that I have been bouncing around is to get the watch for quick use, and then a larger phone to act more as a tablet. Of course this requires me to have multiple devices, which is annoying. But here we are.

dude... it's 2023. Why are you fighting for a mega corporation that cares nothing for you. Just let people use what they want to use. If they are happy with their color box, then leave them being happy with their color box.

It's a tool, nothing more.

As opposed to having their writers just copy directly from IMDb?

I guess that's progress.

Now that is a B1tchin’ cane.

My question was the same as above, because I’m kind of concerned.

Bur your actual answer is:

  • Bananas.
  • Olives.

Bam! Got it one!

Well done.

I did not know about this one.

How far gone does one have to be that saying this on TV is not only okay, but encouraged?

Well this is an internet game changer

It’s was just a prank dude!

An individual is not a lemming, no. But people? People are scared, stupid, lemmings who will follow the crowd, almost every time.

We’re social creatures, designed to work in groups. The downside (or upside I guess) is that people do follow the crowd.

Asking the important questions.

…. but yeah, which one is it?


you will still get most of the top results, but without all the nonsense.

Their browser is a bit shady and how it shares info with Microsoft / Bing but their search engine is solid.

Stupid name, good search results.

I would rather it add words:

“X, formerly known as Twitter, which acts as demonstrable proof that Musk is an idiot, and should be taxed up to the hilt”

I also feel this should be done by every news outlet.