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it's crazy that "it's too hard :(" has become an acceptable justification for just ignoring the law within tech circles

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you have to limit it somewhere or you're opening yourself up for a DoS attack

password hashing algorithms are literally designed to be resource intensive

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4/5 products will be repairable

the fifth would've been, had lenovo not filled it with a bunch of glue for a laugh

It was basically an aeroplane flying with dead pilots before then

aren't we all

"Internet does full week of free advertising for soon-to-release Warner Bros. movie"

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sounds like big tech shouldn't have spent the last decade investing in a kitchen refit so that they could make stew really well but nothing else

but that is not a fix

congratulations you stumbled upon the reason this is a bad idea all by yourself

all it took was a bit of actually-reading-the-original-post

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it's not the fact that A^2 + B^2 = C^2 that's important, it's the proof

there's been evidence for ages that previous civilizations used it

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you're only starving yourself of warmth

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the point of the original post is that artificially fixing a bias in training data post-training is a bad idea because it ends up in weird scenarios like this one

your comment is saying that the original post is dumb and betrays a lack of knowledge because artificially fixing a bias in training data post-training would obviously only result in weird scenarios like this one

i don't know what your aim is here

like a tent peg maybe? like where you're camping and your gal pegs you

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good thing the people responsible for these decisions will have long-since moved on and thus be impervious to any rulings that might come from this discovery

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if there was a movie that was 200 hours long and you chose to stay for the entire duration and not walk out, then you either enjoyed the movie or you need to learn about the sunk-cost fallacy

sql syntax doesn't support even itself correctly i fail to see your point

  • Giving effective error codes is the opposite of unhelpful
  • Users who can't figure out the underlying logic behind a GUI aren't exactly going to thrive in a CLI environment
  • The dominance of Office is because it's better than its competitors, and because getting businesses to change literally anything they do is near impossible. SPSS isn't even a Microsoft product.
  • Troubleshooting on Linux certainly never involves "edit this root-owned file buried 6 layers deep in a cubby hole you never knew existed", and it never involves "run this .sh script lol".

This is an absolutely insane take

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historical conservation isn't really this cut and dry

sometimes it's better to restore things, or to do work to prevent them degrading further

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oh no then we'll have stopped the genocide for NOTHING

why is he waiting on you hand-and-foot if all you're doing is sipping a coffee?

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if you don't believe that adding more structure to the absolute maniacal catastrophe that is sql is a good thing then i'm going to start to have doubts about your authenticity as a human being

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  • Fallout 3 releases and it's good
  • Fallout New Vegas releases and it's great
  • Fallout 4 releases and it's disappointing but it's okay because it's just a blip. They had some good new ideas in there, they were just balanced out in the other direction by a lot of bad ones. Bethesda's track record is still solid, if somewhat tarnished.
  • Fallout 76 releases and it's disappointing but that's because they've never made (and shouldn't have made) an MMO before. A lot of the coverage is centred around the shoddy launch, which doesn't really matter for a non-MMO title.
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and we all made fun of that 30-50 feral hogs guy

truly we were the fools all along

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i know but i'm roleplaying a semi-informed fan

i think it's fair to say that at least a portion of bethesda's reputation is built off that game

NFTs part 2

ok i guess you don't get to use private data in your models too bad so sad

why does the capitalistic urge to become "the world leader" in whatever technology-of-the-month is popular right now supersede a basic human right to privacy?

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gods am i glad microsoft didn't have to dip into their literal trillion dollar valuation to pay independent artists any money at all to advertise the independent developers they're so gleeful to take credit for

jean shorts -> jorts
jean shirt -> jirt
jean pants -> jants

who said anything about "water"?

arguably RAM matters the most

gpu and cpu you can just downgrade the quality, but at a certain point everything has to fit into memory

e.g., baldur's gate 3 literally couldn't be properly ported to the S because of a RAM limitation

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bethesda's games have always been incredibly buggy on release, but they've never released a single player game that was unplayable because of the bugs

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yeah it is

us weapon system names always seem to be jokes

e.g., the AT-4 launcher is called AT-4 because the projectile it fires is an 84mm rocket, and AT-4 sounds like 84

Baldur's Gate 3 was probably the best game of this year (?), but it has an advert for the DLC as soon as you launch it

However, it's also probably one of the least-bad "triple A" games of this year when it comes to overall monetisation, that singular DLC of cosmetics and the soundtrack being the only one available

Unfortunately, I think this one is a losing battle

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he's not major dong he's captain li shang

They have their own people

microsoft has QA?

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media stereotyping older people as somehow being affected more, implying they can’t/won’t switch, are somehow not savvy enough with technology to cope and to be less capable

because that's all significantly more likely to be the case if you're over a certain age

obviously exceptions exist, but it's a stereotype that exists for a reason. if you haven't spent your life using computers on a daily basis then obviously you're not going to be as adept with them

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y’all don’t understand we’re going by a dangerous route

who knew that pre-game handshakes were load bearing when it came to the apparent house of cards that is modern society

holy shit over 3000 curries?

i'll be eating for the rest of my life

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shader processing isn't bottlenecked by read speed

the precise line you draw the distinction between "true" intelligence and not is one thing, but wherever you happen to draw it, chatgpt isn't really close

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Order a giant metal statue of your dog to put pride of place in your home as an apology to the dog

As a bonus, it will function as something you can touch to earth yourself

alternatively you could try an anti-static wrist strap but i'm not sure it'll help since you still need something to ground it against

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