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Joined 1 years ago

I don't know why q47tx uses it, but there are a lot of niche support communities that would be very difficult to give up. Subs that encourage sobriety, give basic legal or medical advice to those that can't afford lawyers/doctors, and subs with resources for domestic violence are just a few examples. I don't begrudge anyone for continuing to use reddit if they use it for things like that. I find myself there often because unfortunately, it's basically the largest resource for user-curated information and solutions, and a lot of my google searches for particular issues are only solved by going to an answer there. The part where I'll judge someone is if they continue to mindlessly browse reddit, as I used to until the API fuckery, but for all those things, yeah, reddit is still the best, as much as I don't want it to be. Lemmy could get there eventually, but the simple fact is, it's not yet.

The article says Cure was going at 100 MPH for 80 seconds after the officer put on his lights. Cure pulled over in the end, but that doesn't mean it's not a chase, which is why the cop ordered him out so quickly. 100 MPH is already more than just a speeding ticket, that's reckless endangerment. In general, 15 MPH above the speed limit is considered reckless. Add that to the chase, and that's why Cure was under arrest rather than just a ticket. I agree with you, the cop did nothing wrong here. He gave lawful orders, escalated force reasonably, attempted both his taser and his baton before firing as a last resort when he began to lose the fight and his own life became threatened, and administered first aid immediately.

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Here's the full video. Please give it a watch.

He also fled and resisted arrest. Both arrestable offenses. If he would have promptly pulled over, it would almost certainly have been a citation at worst. He fled at 100 MPH for over a minute before finally pulling over. Also, how is an officer being choked out on the side of the highway defending himself with a taser, then a baton (while actively being strangled and bent nearly backwards), and only THEN a gun, "zero cause"?

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A black man is dead because he was speeding, evaded the police, resisted arrest, and assaulted the officer.

A cop defended himself.

There you go, I fixed it for you.

Did you also flee, though? That's the other thing. He kept driving for well over a minute before finally pulling over. That was the reason for the arrest, and then when he resisted arrest, only then did the officer escalate.

Give the full video a watch. It may change your mind.

I want to be crystal clear. The content I am talking about wanting to view does NOT include CSAM, which is illegal in practically every country on earth (I'm fairly certain it's actually all of them with any type of functioning government). At no point was I or am I advocating for the existence of CSAM anywhere in the fediverse. The only things I have ever advocated for is for fewer defederations, and dealing with those infractions as you would if it were posted to namely, deleting the content and blocking the user. I am fully aware that mod tools on lemmy are very limited, and that your hands were tied with a fairly tight rope in regards of what to do about this as you can be legally culpable for content posted on other instances that gets mirrored to yours. I have only ever pointed out that punishing a group for the actions of a few can lead to problems with user retention by forcing innocent users to continue to instance hop, and that's if they don't give up and leave the fediverse. I would bet that very few of feddit's users feel as I do about defederation, and they joined that instance for reasons completely unrelated to that. This is essentially being banned from many communities all at once through literally zero fault of their own. The solution I want is unlikely to occur, nor is it feasible with what lemmy currently has for tools, but that does not stop me from wanting that solution. Many people do not see defederation as a problem, and that also does not stop me from seeing it as one.

Any fleeing is still fleeing. I don't understand why you think this was an unjustified shooting. He was putting every other driver at risk, refused lawful orders, and threatened the officer's life while saying "Yeah bitch, yeah bitch." Not exactly a paragon of humanity here.

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But you didn't establish that he's a murdering son of a bitch. Did you actually watch the video you posted? All of it? Cure wasn't "pulled over for speeding", that's insanely reductive to the facts. He was going over 100 and refused to pull over for over a minute for no clear reason. In addition, when he refused to obey lawful orders and allow himself to be placed under arrest, he further escalated the situation. When he attempted to inflict severe bodily harm on the officer while taunting him, I'd say the shooting is extremely justified, especially when you consider the fact that the officer only fired after deploying two separate non-lethal methods to subdue Cure. He didn't deserve to die for speeding. I'd say he somewhat deserved it when he attempted severe bodily harm on the officer, though.

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I think that's a reasonable take. It still could have been prevented by Cure simply complying with the orders- the court is the proper place to fight that- and I think the officer was well justified in attempting to arrest, but he should have only used the taser and escalated once backup arrived or he was forced to. I agree that was probably a mistake, but at the same time, with a person that combative and non-compliant, it's difficult to say for certain.

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I am well, well aware of how shitty the system is, I assure you. But given how you patronized me ("Maybe try to live a little more empathetically"- sincerely, go fuck yourself, you self-righteous prick), I don't feel like arguing. All I'll say is this- Leonard Cure's death is a sad situation that was avoidable with different choices from either party. The officer made mistakes, but given Cure's erratic behavior (my bet is that toxicology will show that he was high on some sort of stimulant given the strange "Yahweh" answer, the disjointed head and arm movement, aggression, and lack of pain response to the taser, baton, or bullet), combativeness, and noncompliance, I completely understand why the officer defended himself. If this was an "obvious egregious case", then why is it being discussed here and throughout the internet?

The CNN video is very deceptively edited. The full clip shows way more combativeness and non-compliance from Cure.

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We have no idea if he complied before. Given the fact that his sentence was only so long due to a previous record, it seems more likely that not complying was his usual stance. I don't know this for sure, obviously, but it does seem more likely. The previous statement is misinformation, I believe. One of the attorneys in the exoneration said that he complied with the original arrest and thought he'd be able to simply explain that he wasn't the robber, which obviously did not go in his favor. While it definitely helps explain his actions, I still do not believe assaulting an officer is the right path to take, though I do understand it better now.

But there's such a vast gulf between "complying" and "attempting to kill (or at least cause serious bodily harm to) an officer" that I have a hard time finding the officer at fault here. Why did he flee? Why did he refuse lawful commands? Why did he give his name as "Yahweh" as far as I can hear? Why did he attempt to assault the officer after being tased? What was he planning to do to the officer had he not fired, as the repeated "Yeah bitch" suggested very violent intent to me. These are all valid questions that I hope we get answers to, but it's unlikely that we will. All any of us can do is watch the video- which is the most direct evidence of the truth- and form our opinions based on that.

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