1 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Jesus, how much of a no-lifer do you have to be to sue over your runs getting turned down for not having sufficient proof of legitimacy

Sounds like you just hate the idea of competitive games

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Pokemon black/white is definitely an interesting game while still bringing it in to a satisfying return to status quo. You're initially introduced to team plasma right after you get your first pokemon, and have not only had a chance to catch some early game mons, but are even encouraged to catch as many as you can by your friends. Team plasma, then, provides a stark contrast, the proposal that pokemon should be free from humans, and humans are just oppressing them. You then bump into N, who sees your bond with your pokemon, and has his own worldview challenged, that maybe humans and pokemon are strongest together.

Further into the game, you discover that team plasma is just a farce to separate people from their pokemon in order to make it easy for ghetsis to take over, and that he carefully manipulated N's gift to be able to talk to pokemon in order to make him truly believe in the cause of pokemon liberation. And this is displayed through the gameplay as well. N doesn't have a permanent team. Rather, he uses pokemon from the nearby routes whenever you battle him, and he lets them go afterwards.

The conclusion of the story is that there is no one right answer, that neither truth nor ideals are the way forward on their own. N is convinced by you through your efforts that pokemon and people are truly capable of achieving greater heights together, while still accepting that there are pokemon being abused that are deserving of help.

Insert b2w2. It's a few years later, and team plasma has split. There's the faction who follows ghetsis, neo plasma, and the traditionalists who still follow N. While the latter is focused on righting the wrongs of plasma's past, neo plasma has moved to be more extreme, with ghetsis still seeking power.

Fun side note, the climax with ghetsis and kyurem is the only time in the series where the antagonist tries to kill the player. Not beat you in a battle. Kill you. Directly and personally.

What, you think the dunces that run twitch are actually going to bother updating the banned game list? We all know that the only reason they changed the rules is to avoid punishing the streamers they've shown brazen favoratism towards for years.

There's no inopportune time for sex scenes, only an inopportune mindset

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You're... Confused why software can require server side features?

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It's like the textbook example of why you want a jury when your case is just nonsensical appeals to emotions and bias, and a judge when you want a case of facts

It's hard to find the right balance. I know I only want to pay once, or heck never, but I want these upgrades and updates too.

Personally, I'd love a "buy this version" option, where you can just pay once, and get a version that doesn't recieve updates, and I could then choose to subscribe to the "live" version from there.

Of course, this would just blow back in company's faces when it comes to the "average" user, who would be a total fucking idiot and harass support about not getting updates they didn't pay for

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You clearly haven't dealt with the "average user". Get ready for a boatload of idiots who followed some crappy tutorial for "how to get it for free" making a problem for support or review bombing the app when they lose all their data through incompetence.

He doesn't bring it up, but I want to give a shout out to cemu. I'd say it's the best way to experience Wii u games, with significant performance over the console itself, and being able to just use a mouse for gamepad inputs. It also has (at least for a bit longer) the ability to connect to official multi-player servers, as well as replacements via pretendo.

So basically, it's just "blowing previous gens out of the water" on flair at the moment.

Barring major changes in how things are done like rasterization to raytracing, the top end of the GPU market has always been about flair, as far as gaming goes, no?

Believe it or not, the majority of people don't just default to "but I could just pirate this instead", especially when a decent computer will easily be more than twice as expensive as a switch.

Beyond that, you lose out on the multi-player aspect of things. The switch is also far better in terms of portability than the alternatives in pc space, both in terms of size and battery life.

Overpriced, absolutely, but the 4080 and 4090 absolutely blow previous gens out of the water. Everything else does seem to fall on the side of incremental improvements, but nothing big

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but I'm still surprised that Google lawyers couldn't demonstrate to a jury that they're not preventing other companies from using their stores in Android and that the security measures are acceptable and an industry standard.

All the best lawyers in the world can't get a jury full of idiots to stop being stupid.

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I'd personally like to see changes like not having the ranking system torpedo your evaluation because of a single underperforming team-mate.

At least in terms of league, that isn't the case. Yeah, everyone complains about losing due to bad teams, but like, yeah? In a match of 10 people, any given person inherently has a minority of the impact on any given match. But statistically, that balances out over time. Better players will have greater positive impacts, and thus win more game and climb. There's an argument to be made that the old promotion system leaned towards bad games having an outsized impact, but that was kinda the point. They prevented lucky streaks from impacting rank as much and favored consistency. And trust me, I've mained adc since season 5. I know the impact of shitty teams first hand.

The mmr system also more or less completely prevents a bad game or two from tanking your rank. As long as your mmr is higher than your rank, you can climb even with like 40% wins since a win will grant more than a loss takes away.

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Average inopportune mindset

How about they keep their worthless government mits out of gaming?

There are far fewer games to choose and they are lower quality.

Lmao what?

For one, lots of software just flat out isn't open source. And plenty of it is far from short lived

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I know with certainty it's extremely hard to do in heavily team based sports like football and basketball, because that I do pay attention to. Maybe MoBAs are closer to baseball where even though it's a "team" sport, you actually can isolate out parts reliably enough to measure effectively, but I don't play them to know for sure.

At least for league, I'd say it's definitely the former. Team play and strategy is a huge component and is extremely difficult to measure. There's no hard tracking for things like "knew when to run the opposite way so the enemy couldn't get multiple kills" or "blocked an important spell so the carry didn't die". Individual skill is so closely intertwined with team results that separating out the two is only possible in the extreme cases.

For one, things like cloud storage are obviously not particularly viable to have the customer host themselves, on premise.

Secondly, some things can be extremely intensive to process, and thus performed on specialized, high end hardware rather than over hours on whatever shit phone the customer is using

Bub, I'm not the one throwing a fit like a toddler because online games can be competitive

If you could magically identify smurfs, you could just put them at the level they should be or ban them without putting them in a match

That's what league does. If it detects early on that you're probably a smurf, you get tossed into smurf queue where you'll face other experienced players, and it's pretty reliable. Both times I've made new accounts, I've almost immediately gotten placed with experienced players, usually before the account graduates beyond bot games

monopolistic behavior

It's such a monopoly that anyone is completely free to launch a competitor at any time and succeed on their own merits!

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I generally have little need for paid software since I don't (or more accurately, can't) do any work at home, so it figures I wasn't aware of what's out there lol. The closest thing I use is cracked office. Because yeah, that payment type sounds pretty good, so long as releases are priced reasonably.

I figure a big difficulty is deciding on "major releases" vs rolling incremental development. If they're going to sell major releases, they actually need to be able to consistently make pretty sizable upgrades, and not just "streamlined a couple menus, big fixes" type updates.

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It'd be funny if the patch just made the game open your browser to the amd website

This is probably the best chance foamstars is going to get, and tbh it sorely needs it. It's a game that wears it's inspiration on its shoulder a bit too proudly. It needs to get itself out there and actually show people what makes it unique, rather than just "you wanted splatoon but couldn't be assed to get a switch". Because from what I've seen, it definitely has the potential to be it's own thing, but the advertising so far does an abysmal job at really setting it apart.

I mean it's a dumbass game mechanic for a game that presents itself even remotely as a competition of skill.

Not sure if you're stupid or just retarded, but this doesn't apply to the countries you're pretending it does

I mean it makes sense. The S was marketed as a budget console, so all the people looking for the actual current Gen platform just lurked around until an X popped up for sale. And beyond that, the S didn't get hit by the chip shortage nearly as hard since it's lower end hardware.

I'm suggesting that it would have been a pretty difficult task to get a jury with enough technical knowledge.

I'm not an expert, but the purpose of this filter is for people who are all but blind. And while it definitely looks trippy, it makes sense. Black/white is the highest possible contrast, which is important for people who, y'know, can't really see that well. And the stripes are anchored in place, the character outline just moves over them, meaning that so long as someone can see the difference between the vertical and horizontal stripes, even vaguely, it's difficult for them to lose which is which when everything is moving since the pattern never moves

It really depends on your personal tastes. Trackmania is an extremely solid racing game if competitive time trials is your thing, Mario + rabbids is a solid tactics game, brawlhalla is, at least in my opinion, the second best platform fighter on pc, and just dance has its place.

By your retarded definition, the entire concept of video games is a scam, since you've established that they're just arbitrary and worthless crap, right? It's not real, therefore it has zero value, as determined by you, the almighty arbiter of value?

At this point, it sounds like you should just fuck off and stop yelling like a belligerent idiot in the video games community here, since you so clearly have zero fucking interest in the subject beyond crying for your big government to make sure nobody is allowed to disagree with you

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I prefer to think that your brother had absolutely no idea what you were talking about, and just kept accidentally solving the puzzle

Of the ones on the list, the only ones I've played are pikmin 4, Mario Wonder, and fire emblem engage. They're all solid recommendations if you already knew you would like them as a result of their series.

Yeah, league has separate mmr for ranked and normals, so you always get sbmm no matter what. Main difference is that in ranked, you're locked in regards to who you can queue with so there isn't too wide a gap in mmr, whereas norms let's anyone queue together.

League also doesn't do ranks directly based on mmr, but rather indirectly through an elo system, where your mmr decides who you play against do it's always a close to even team, and then the mmr decides how much a win/loss effects your elo. If you're a high rank player skill wise, your mmr will put you against similarly skilled players, even if you're still a lower rank, and it will just give you more upwards ranking.

They don't just have an unlimited ability to exclude jurors. Epic also had an interest in making sure people with brains didn't get seated.

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It's funny how the jackoff admins never remove anything from the unhinged guy calling everything he doesn't like a scam in need of government intervention, but always make sure to remove everyone who criticizes him. Quite telling about their integrity

Imo it's shitty regardless of how big the competition is. The entire reason steam got to the position it's in now is by being an extremely consumer friendly platform with little bullshit. No amount of exclusives makes the epic games client a genuinely preferable option, just a shitty requirement, and unless they stop with this shit, they'll never genuinely be a competitor with steam, as far as players are concerned.