1 Post – 95 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Send in the NYPD!

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Shame these guys don't build a hospital or something instead.

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Are homeless people going to start mysteriously disappearing now

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That's some good (and reassuring) information! I would see why you need to be on top of it, it would destroy a brand if it became known as bedbug infested.

Also a good reason to avoid AirBNBs

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I've always wondered how is every hotel not infested with these. With so many people coming and going you would think the chances of them being spread would be so high.

Do hotels have processes or protective mattresses that stop bed bugs taking over?

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Subtle af

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So basically we're pretty much back to paying for a TV package.

Musk was all about the Twitter files, so why so coy now?

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Every accusation is a confession

Right leaning politicians take notes from the US. Now started hearing "fighting woke" etc being used in my country. Sigh.

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Feels more like a 300 cuts

Maybe they don't want to seen to have tacit support for a site that hosts Nazi content and doesn't deal with it?

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Was a interesting reaction from some in the fediverse stating they would block the BBC instance etc. In reality how welcome are entity's that are seen as corporate?

I also cannot understand why the BBC news is not live, possibly they are experimenting with the moderation and management elements. I guess the news feed would get hit harder than Radio 4.

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Funny how there is always an event that occurs so close to Musk needing to kick up a fuss. Shame the press is not more switched on and calling it out.

I remember when he was being talked up for a run at the presidency 😂

Perfect time to buy in the for bounce 😂 /s

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I guess the handmaid's tale looked like a fun time for them.

I wonder how many low income earners in America are getting riled about this right now.

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Young people have more to loose when they are making decisions on climate change etc. Dudes in their 80s don't give a shit if their policy decisions mess stuff up as in the short term their dead soon.

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I can see the argument that Meta wants to kill the fediverse but I am kinda excited that we could possibly still get content from feeds that would not consider a mastodon account, even if that is a disagreeable attitude. Looking at Threads it already looks like brands "autosport, financial times" etc have setup regular posting schedules on threads so it really could be the Twitter killer.

Imagine if this guy had the controls to the oxygen on Mars

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Genius at work coming through!

You would think there is enough history of useful idiots being disposed off that it's hilarious that he thinks that he would remain in a influential position after unification.

Can you all keep a secret?

Certainly full of detached CEO's

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Out of interest can you give some examples of what you have gotten removed? Both on Reddit and Lemmy I have seen users post that they are not having success when putting in moderation requests. Either they are faking those screenshots or the moderation is at the very least hit and miss.

Awesome news! Hopefully more media follows suit!

Elon is as a Elon does

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The end user won't be aware anything happened. If a ban kicks in then they will start to notice issues when the app updates don't occur.

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New gofundme incoming

Just waiting to find out the bread has a new fungus in it

How much are they making on the stock market?

A shit pie?

JDart? Wtf he was even emailing BuzzFeed journalists after the event making the same claim. Goes to show you you can put the finger on the scale of justice if you have globs of money.

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Don't worry Linda Yaccarino will sort it all out

Governments need to create “weird shit” agency’s. We need people being visited by men in black, weird encounters in the middle of nowhere, scare some lake fishermen, start up number stations again, set off a bomb in the middle of the Black Forest…

Since this stuff dropped out of mainstream media I think it’s why the nutters have moved on to vaccines and big pharma. We need to feed these people less harmful tripe.

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Tbh this sounds like it's more about cost cutting and "toxic" twitter is the excuse to cut down on their use and move resources to other platforms. The fact they have left other accounts up would seem to hint that they will cope with "toxic" users to a certain point.

Still good to see bigger entity's leaving.

Hopefully the democrates don't start wheeling out the "letting the nation heal" crap. Trump needs to go down, the next fascist the GOP put forward probably won't be as mentally deffeciant.

I never got the argument that it's hard to sign up to. I think the main issues are that people want content from media entities that may not be present or welcome - legacy media etc. This could be where fills the gap but then it sounds like they will be blocked from a lot of instances.

I have worked around it via but they don't cover everything. I also follow more journalists directly than I did on Twitter. I don't miss Twitter and find Mastodon more informative but I'm sure that's because of the information I'm looking for.

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