R. J. Gumby

@R. J. Gumby@midwest.social
1 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Infosec engineer. Not an actual professor. Former technical support engineer, SOC analyst, IT technician, factory worker, radio DJ, bartender, cook, truck driver. Middle aged liberal snowflake who believes in equal rights and fair treatment for everyone.

I'm lazy and I have the money.

Exit interviews can be a goldmine. Some people who don't want to burn bridges might hold back and tell you what they think you want to hear but others will tell you exactly what they think.

Don't forget to mark it not safe for work if you're going to post a picture of a pussy.

Civil forfeiture is theft plain and simple.

How did that fuckwad get that much power that he can hold up all those promotions? That doesn't seem to make any sense.

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NPR mostly

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Um ... Isn't Toronto in Ontario?

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The canonical answer is "Happy Days".

I read the first half and skimmed the rest. The primary complaints seem to be that the fediverse isn't centralized, monolithic, stupid easy to use, and just like every corporate controlled network.

Ok. Cool. Fine with me. I wouldn't call it failure if it is what it set out to be.

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Probably not. Energy storage is probably the better idea. Check out this link and scroll down to this sections on types of grid energy storage. https://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/green-tech/sustainable/grid-energy-storage.htm

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That's too much crazy in one room.

No one wants to be a fed

Red Hat is dead to me.

Do not feed the trolls. Do not engage.

Just because you don't know what it is doesn't mean it's aliens.

Remote controlled garage doors.

Alive and uneaten

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If you are in the US, cram every penny you can in an IRA or 401k if your employer offers it. You're gonna want to retire some day.

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I have family who use facebook messenger but I refuse.

The bump is probably Peyronie's disease

We have those in southern Illinois too

No. One is a decentralized social media platform. The other is an environmentally irresponsible pyramid scheme. They have nothing to do with each other.

The Murderbot Diaries

I don't know about a gui but jq would be the command line way to do it.

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You can follow Lemmy communities and users from Mastodon but I don't think you can do it the other way around. Mastodon does not have communities and Lemmy will not let you follow users as far as I know.

I'm not about to kill myself or anything but no I'm not ok. I just keep breathing and waiting for the sweet relief that death will bring.

or load it into postgres and use pgAdmin to slice and dice.

Naltrexone and a change of scenery.

Which account?

checking - no change

savings - nice bonus

IRA - I might be able to retire eventually

Now you have to re-season your pan


cool. cool.

I've been accused of vulgarity. I say that's bullshit. -- Mel Brooks

Burl Ives - The Whale

I used to use my 3rd monitor for company email and chat programs so they would stay out of the way of my actual work.