ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]

@ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
0 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Couple of small issues with that idea: can't hide from the big fiery sauron eye, and nazguls on pteradactyls.

If you're gonna make jokes about niche internet personalities in public you're gonna have to get used to explaining the joke.

Go into the notes of almost any of their releases and you'll find borderline schizophrenic screeds full of hate and bigotry. Racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, thinking the Harry Potter series is good, all kinds of shit. Also, at least once she said she was going to jail because she was caught cracking something but kept putting out releases without any disruption. Here's one from the time she was accused of being a trans woman (cw: all of the above)

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You're asking why radical leftists reject your reformism. Who other than radical leftists are going to give you an actual answer instead of a pat on the back?

Anyway the answer is liberalism is far more violent, it just exports the violence overseas and commits it at an industrialised level. The infamous "Terror" in France only killed a few thousand people - the Iraq war killed over a million. While millions were killed in the cultural revolution, hundreds of millions were killed by the British Raj. Revolutionary violence is in fact far less violent than regular capitalism, so you're hated for supporting its continuation.

Quantum superpositioning. Schrödinger was right, it's absolutely ridiculous and the cat can't be alive and dead at the same time, box or not.

The problem is it provably does work that way, or at least in a way that is indistinguishable from it, ridiculous or not, and we don't really know why. We've learnt many of the rules, managed to trap particles in superimposed states, even discovered that plants take advantage of it to transport energy more efficiently, and it's just a thing that happens, an apparently fundamental rule of existence. And it doesn't make any fucking sense.

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Good range of spices - preferably slightly more than they have enough room for.

Observation in quantum physics isn't about a consciousness being able to see it happen, but about it interacting with the universe in a way that could potentially be measured. There doesn't need to be a physical observer, just a theoretically measurable result of it interacting with something.

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"Dead meat is hung, live meat is hanged." Turns out most people's grandma's aren't radical leftist english teachers.

Gonna change your question to "dog", as that's what I have

  1. I would choose basically any other life over my worst enemy's. In a choice between them and no one, I'd save no one. I feel you don't understand how emnity works.
  2. Better question, dog,
  3. because he's a member of my family that I'm responsible for. As annoying as his theivery is and as bad as his farts are, he's my friend. Would you choose a stranger over one of your friends?

If we say Israel and you hear Jews, it's not us that are antisemitic.

Ah, I see what you mean - that the superposition is a model of our uncertainty of unobserved actions, rather than the actual state of the particle. While that was my understanding initially too (because it makes sense) our testing, things like the double slit experiment, has shown behaviours that only make sense if they do occupy both states simultaneously. Quantum computing is actually reliant on qubits being in a 0/1 superposition for it to work. It's what makes the entire thing so maddening, because experimental evidence has disproven every attempt to make it make sense.

First thing my quantum mechanics professor told us was that if you think you understand quantum mechanics you definitely do not understand quantum mechanics. He was at the time one of the world's leading experts on quantum applications, and had just proven the existence of an additional state of matter that quantum theory predicted, and straight up told us to our faces that he didn't understand it, he just knew that it works.

Just Google the paradox of tolerance. It's really not as complicated as you're making it out to be.

Also, punching Nazis is always morally correct. If you wouldn't attack a nazi because they're not currently threatening you specifically then you won't develop any additional moral prerogative in time of civil war - you'll join them, because they're still not threatening you specifically, while fair and equal redistribution of resources will effect you. You don't have any sort of morality or ideology underlying your objection, you just think extreme things are bad because you're not given a choice.

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Sorry, you're trying to turn slave into an unsayable slur? What the actual fuck, is this some kind of right wing psyop to nullifying discussions of historical and modern slavery, or just USian libshit racism that equates black skin and slavery?

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I've heard good things about Palm Springs from 2020.

Yes, there must be brigading going on, it's not like there's some sort of "front page" for federated instances that just anyone can browse, where active discussions like this would be promoted over less active content.

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I'm sure it's worth the money if you have plenty to spare, but somehow I suspect that OP isn't just trying to be thrifty, and your advice is about as helpful as telling them to just walk on water.

What's wrong with reading a book, writing poetry or a novel, exercising, playing with the smartphone...

Ask your manager. They'll probably say something like "it looks untidy".

One time I got back from annual leave only to find out that my job had been done away with by the board over a year beforehand and my manager had spent the last year submitting fake timesheets claiming I was working a different position, so I could do the parts of her job that the assistant manager wasn't already doing. The company had assumed I knew about it as they couldn't get in contact with me when they discovered it and came down on the manager (my job was only the beginning of her fraud), but I was in the middle of nowhere and had no signal, so the first I heard about it was when I walked into the office and one of my coworkers went "what are you doing here?".

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The only marketing I don't hate is handwritten signs by the gate to a farm with addendums like "manur: $free$"

Ok, but it's what telegram has. So would you rather keep your "free" speech and put others in danger, or lose it to keep others safe?

as if the metal rod that is my handlebar usually disintegrates once I hit the ludicrous speed of [checks notes] 25kph.

I would agree but I once dated a girl who somehow snapped a whole-ass bike in half riding into a street sign.

It's ridiculous that the author thinks they can tell other games to follow D&D when they've only looked at D&D. Not only does this update lag well behind most TTRPGs, it doesn't actually bring it up to date - species has its own issue of being inaccurate in a game rampant with half-lineages, which is why other games moved to terms like lineage and ancestry instead. These are discussions people have had because of the problems of D&D, it hasn't been a trailblazer since the release of 3.0.

BBC Radio 6 Music has a lot of obscure stuff, especially the DJs like Iggy Pop and Craig Charles.

Edit: also, go to a local open mic night, find someone whose music you like, and make friends with them. They'll have loads of obscure recommendations for you.

I recently played Battle Chasers: Nightwar and was reminded how much I enjoy turn based combat where you can see and manipulate the turn order, like in FFX and an Atelier game I played on PS2. Any modern games, preferably available on Switch, like that?

On a similar subject I'm currently playing Tactics Ogre: Reborn, and there aren't any Final Fantasy Tactics, FFT:A, or FFT:A2 remakes currently out, so I'm looking for anything that uses the same combat system as them, again on Switch.

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Ok, I see what you mean, the way you wrote it made it seem like you considered the process of becoming a moral relativist to be speed running maturity. Well done for growing out of it, then.

The Good, The Bad, and the Weird (좋은 놈, 나쁜 놈, 이상한 놈) is a fantastic slapstick take on the classic western that has a lot of fun with the setting.
Trollhunter (Trolljegeren) is a great horror-mockumentary done in a found footage style.
Basically anything by Kurosawa.

This goes for ANY working breed that is actually expected to work at their job in real life. And they cost a LOT of money to buy, train, and maintain.

TBH it depends on the work - up until the surge in demand from the pandemic, Border Collies were super cheap in the UK because it was mostly farmers selling the extra pups they didn't need. I'd imagine other areas have a local working breed that's similar. That said, they are now more expensive than rescues, and require a particularly high energy lifestyle so aren't suitable pets for most people. Most people just need something kinda friend shaped, which rescues have plenty of.

because it was superficially similar to Overwatch it absolutely bombed.

Sort of, the real issue was it had no advertising of its own, just Randy Pitchford synergising buzzwordsalad on twitter and trying to create a rivalry with Overwatch. Nobody really knew what it was supposed to be from advertising, because nobody thought to just say "FPS MOBA".

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You're right on your interpretation of the word and to disagree with the poster. They're just some lib psuedophrenologist.

Actually I jumped to conclusions based on the whole comment, as it makes them seem like they consider becoming a moral relativist to be speeding through maturity.

To my knowledge she got away without any real consequences - last I heard she had the same position at one of the competitors.

Sony have a few decent wireless ones under £100 - I've got some MDR-ZX770BN that are about 7 or 8 years old now. I think WH-CH720N is about the current equivalent of them.

I've had good results with JBL earbuds too - the Reflect series have done a solid job while I'm cycling.

I just add carbonated water to squash. Usually tastes better and doesn't have the slimy mouth feel most soft drinks have.

"I didn't say there's any brigading going on, I just said there's some brigading going on - look, this incredibly popular post has more engagement than any of our other posts!"

The absolute brazen dishonesty you're engaging in the whole way through this thread is disgusting, and why you get piled on to. The fact is that you're pretending a racist term isn't racist (in the same way as calling stealing "jewing" isn't racist, I suppose (just to make sure you understand, it's very racist)), and your only real argument is "all the hexbears are piling in and being mean :(", not some justification for why taking a racist term for improving the look of a car without improving its performance isn't racist when you apply the exact same term, without altering the concept in any way, to computers.

NGL, I've never had an issue with cheap/expensive coffee at all, as long as it's real coffee rather than instant. I use a pour-over or aeropress rather than machine (or make cold brew), but I've never even had a cheap bag of preground coffee that was bad enough call it worse than an expensive one, rather than a different.

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Are you sure they're not saying "you're whale cum", because that's what I do.

I'd probably encourage earworms I get rather than try to ignore them, so anyone trying to read my mind gets something like this or this or this

Been quashed? You're claiming that users could only semi-organically stumble upon this post, when your continual engagement has kept it at a healthy position in the active feed for the past 2 days. If it weren't for your insistence on being racist none of us would have seen the post at all.

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I didn't realise it was strange until my sister complained about it being incomprehensible gibberish, but I listen to podcasts at at least double speed.

One of the characters on the Hideous Laughter podcast Interlude episodes had long pauses between words so I kept speeding it up until they stopped bothering me. Then everything else sounded weird at normal speed and I'd get bored during the pauses between people speaking, so now they're all on 2-2.5x speed.

Maldon is a sea salt, the extra cost comes from the extraction method rather than adding anything. I don't think it tastes noticeably different, but the large crystals stop it from clumping together and gives you better distribution when sprinkling it over stuff.