1 Post – 159 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

thank mr skeltal

So they've (officially) done nothing wrong? Does that imply that it's not wrong to laze about while a shooter—who they obviously knew about—works unimpeded to hollow out classrooms with a fucking carbine?

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I loathe seeing ads in any medium whatsoever, especially a medium I use for escaping this ad-filled apocalypse of a world we all live in. Why on Earth would I willingly force ads onto people who have generously supported me doing the thing I love most?

Disclaimer: I haven't made any games yet, but someday "soon"...

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I also hope he ties himself to the rest of his fellow lunatics, but they'll simply say he's a Democrat plant or some shit. "Lone wolf" at the very least. It's all so tiresome

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  1. Place in bucket
  2. Break bottle with hammer
  3. Grab your favorite silly straw
  4. Betray yourself
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Satanic panic is their whole life. I really pity them. They live in constant fear of not only their god who supposedly "loves" them, but another deity who also doesn't exist.

The RNC is so pathetic they need to make an effort to stop slobbering his cock while he steps on theirs. How embarrassing...

I'm sure he was "just following orders" 🙄

I'm right there with you. People need to focus on their own lives and not the private life (and health!) of those who live in the highest echelon.

But also

celebrity warship


Neat! That reminds me of this thing I saw years ago. I wonder if the underlying phenomenon is the same.

Henry Kissinger is apparently still alive, at age 100. There is no god.


I'm also talking out of my ass, but it could be because on a subconscious level it reminds us of being in the womb when all sounds were perceived through basically a low pass filter.

I love how they depicted Fry this way. I would usually expect him to be bored or indifferent about something that's typically seen as boring, like history.

But he would otherwise have been around during this time if "I.C. Weiner" had never ordered that pizza, so he's excited to hear about the things he would have seen firsthand.

This show is one of the reasons that time travel is my absolute favorite fictional concept.

Back when I was in Boy Scouts we'd see these giant inflated turds on a lake, lovingly called "The Blob". It was the same basic concept as this, but the goal was a more vertical trajectory, and the jump onto the blob was much higher (at least to my memory it was).

One time my dad and I decided to do The Blob, and he wanted to launch me. Guest how high a 12-year old skinny kid goes when his ~250-lbs dad jumps?

After about a week I hit the murky lake water with the side of my face and swore off that cursed slug forever.

I still think it's a really cool concept and a great lesson on physics, even for onlookers, but you won't catch me on one of those again. At least the horizontal one in the gif is mostly contained in walls, so the trajectory is controlled. The lake one is more or less an oblong balloon sitting on the water's surface, and the lifeguards tell the projectile generally where to lie.

Edit: here's a random pic I found giant inflatable on the water, with a person sitting on the edge. Another person is jumping onto the inflatable in order to launch the first one into the air

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I don't know nearly enough to determine if I should be excited, but I feel like we need to start walking up a lot of sleeping people. (It sounds like) it's finally happening!

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I picture it as taking off in a plane full of their employees and customers, and climbing as high as possible. Then, as soon as the engines stall or fuel runs out, the execs casually jump out and pull the ripcords on their golden parachutes.

The game of telephone has itself become mutated. I can't tell if that's funny or sad.

I know you're (partially) joking but, the way I've seen my coworkers swoon over chatgpt for code snippets, I'd be shocked if thousands don't already use it for summarizing emails.

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I have a virtual machine with WinXP and one with 98, for when I'm feeling nostalgic :)

Sorry to hear you have to use Windows... I'm still stuck on 10 but I've been enjoying the hell out of Mint Xfce and I'll complete the move soon enough!

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I'm gonna play this game soon, but I wouldn't have even considered it - let alone buy it - before watching the first part of this video by tomatoanus, explaining the any% speedrun. I stopped watching before one mission that he claims is one of the best chapters of a video game he's ever played (and the chapter itself apparently has a Wikipedia page??). I'm pretty excited to play it based on that preamble 😁

ETA: It was on sale for $3 so that definitely helped

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Freeplane is such an amazing mind mapping program, as long as you have some patience for learning it. I had never heard of it until maybe a year ago when I downloaded it. It's FOSS!

There are so many ways you can relate ideas to each other and lay out details. Plus it lets you embed internal or external links, images, and probably other types of media; I haven't gotten around to exploring all the features yet. And it also supports add-ons made by the community to extend its already broad functionality.

I'm currently using it to plan my dream video game, and it has been a priceless source of continued inspiration. I have pretty bad ADHD, but using this software has helped me stay motivated and ambitious. I used to get overwhelmed and turned off while navigating my huge plaintext thought-vomit notes. I swear this isn't an ad, as much as it sounds like one 😂

"Goober" is a more whimsical descriptor than she deserves, but I'm with you.

Guess it's time Sears started mailing out their catalogs again...

As a trapped Texan, thank you for remembering the good people. It's hard even for myself to shake the "fuck em, let them find out" attitude. Honestly the morbid part of me really wants to see the day-one collapse, much as it would hurt.

But then again we all know for a fact that the Cons will find/fabricate a new bogeyman to blame for their very own actions.

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The article mentioned that someone spotted her with a (I assume commercial) drone. This makes me wonder if future search and rescue operations could include an array of drones flying in a wide formation, sweeping across a large grid. They could even have thermal imaging cameras on board, which in winter weather should be magnitudes more helpful.

If something like this technique has been employed already I would love to read about it. Not sure I've heard of it before.

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My pessimistic opinion is that they'll lobby ths shit out of governments to get laws written which make it illegal to circumvent this stuff somehow. I'm not sure that's even possible, but it's my irrational fear.

If it does happen, I'll convince myself that I don't care about any of the content on YT. Let's face it - 99% of the shit on there is emotionless-face-with-open-mouth-and-red-arrow/circle hot garbage. Sifting through that sewage is so exhausting.

I didn't even think that it would vary by state (of course it does), and I should have checked my state's law, but this community was made for a reason after all 🤷‍♂️

Anyway, my state says something very similar. Thanks for indirectly nudging me to do my own research!

Safe from Ukraine maybe. I'm hoping for a pod of orcas to find them!

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I thought it was at first too. In the U.S. (at least, here in Texas) I feel like the bigger offender is all the lifted trucks, coal-rollers, etc. Not sure how bad muscle cars are but they're also very prevalent. Seems like every 5th person in my city has a Mustang or Charger with a muffler delete.

The first game is multiplayer-only. I had also assumed this one was too, but it has a single player story.

But aren't billionaires completely sick in the head? I'd be careful with a claim like that

I am a banana!

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These answers are all really fun but I didn't see anyone point out one thing: why should we assume that our creators' "computer" architecture is anything remotely similar to our technology? I'm thinking of something like SETI—We can't just assume that all other life is carbon-based (though evidently it's a pretty good criterion). The simulation could be running on some kind of dark matter machine or some other exotic material that we don't even know about.

Personally I don't subscribe to the simulation theory. But if it were true, why would the system have any kind of limitation? I feel like if it can simulate everything from galactic superclusters down to strings vibrating in Planck Time, there are effectively no limits.

Then again, infinity is quite a monster, so what do I know?

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As the great Jerma985 once said, "Fuck Capcom!"

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I think you meant "secede" but this works too and it's really goddamn funny

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Five minutes ago I would have asked how a law can possibly ban divorce during a pregnancy. Never ever give Republicans the benefit of the doubt.

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It's amazing the amount of freedom I enjoy simply by not being a conservative. When I get home from work I just have a good time playing videogames or whatever else makes me happy. I'm allowed to like whatever I like.

They really should try it. It's liberating 😌

backward electoral system

Gerrymandering, disinformation, election fraud, voter intimidation by big guys with their big tough guns at the polling stations. Oh, and the arbitrary under-staffing/removal of said polling stations. Lack of ranked-choice, etc.

Sorry, going off the cuff, but I guess your choice of words covers all that. Man I'm proud embarrassed to be an American

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It's a shame some of the better components have baby-sensory RGB lights tacked on. I'd have bought my parts plain if that was a convenient choice.

Oh also

mmmaaadddeee wwwiiittthhh mmmeeemmmaaatttiiiccc

I'm currently trying to learn music theory. Finding it hard to concentrate at work because the pieces have finally just started falling into place in my monke brain and I'm sucking up as much content as I can find.

I'd like to compose stuff at some point for video games that I will eventually develop, but if nothing else I'm dying to be able to know why I like my favorite music other than "that part sounds good." There are too many "composer reacts" channels on YT and not enough people who truly break down the concepts. My favorites that I have found are 8-bit Music Theory and David Bennett.

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