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Joined 1 years ago

That's very disappointing. So at least 90% of people are still on there, if not 95% or even 98% still there. That's barely more than a rounding error. Fuck, that is disappointing.

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The State will take the baby. I guess there are no good outcomes here. I expect both children are currently in care.

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Copyright is fucking wierd and an anomaly. It has only existed very recently in all history. Part of the reason we have the works of Shakespeare is due to the fact that there was no copyright then, so taking a part of someone else's work and rehashing into something new was common and innovative. Disney do this with old folk stories, but then they get to "copyright" it? It's abhorrent. It stifles further creativity. Take that horrible weirdo TERF who wrote some wizarding shit. She would have done very nicely without copyright protection. It's not needed. So-called "piracy" is just normal behaviour. Nothing wrong with it.

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This is an incredibly long article, mostly rehashing old information. Tl:dr is this. The war will take 4 to 6 years. It is irrelevant that Russia has more people as they don't have the kit or tatics. The battle has become one of artillery attrition. Ukraine is getting stronger and Russia weaker. There will be a sudden breakthrough when the Russian army is exhausted, but don't know when.

The last 4 or 5 paragraphs are worth a read from, "UKRAINE IS GROWING STRONGER, AND RUSSIA WEAKER" onwards.

Look for those artillery numbers every day. Great to see.

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He was, but once he'd finished getting sued for sacking contractors, randomly turning off critical servers and reopening the accounts of some of the world most despicable people, he hand over yo Linda, who he had personally selected.

The artillery destruction is a major factual in winning this war.

I doubt many people bothered to read past "Wager Group isn't 'the Russian Miltary' " and immediately downvoted. Tbf I did read the rest of your comment and, having done so, I wish I could downvote you 3 times. Precisely 3, no more, no less. Out of interest, are you a Russian troll?

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They need to send many more.

The way things are going, may he's talking about trying to take Belorod back after it falls to the Freedom of Russia troops. Joking aside, there is increasing talk from Ukraine about buffer zones. I can see them needing a bargaining chip ofbthis sort of order.

I guess that Ukraine are getting paid by the Sudanese government. As a strategy, possibly just trying to hit Russians anywhere they can as a threat. I don't know if I'm honest. Wouldn't even surprise me if a third country, such as France, UK or the US, were paying Ukraine to do this.

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The point that was being made was that it's abhorrent for one person to have such power. Should be in government control. Elon may be a complete and utter asshole, but it's actually not his fault. It's a want of government oversight that is the problem 😉 that was the point in the comment you first responded.

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I include the latest ones in too, like Alina Habba.

I agree 👍


Further digging leads me to believe you are right, and some of this body language expertise is about as valid as chiropractors. I do think he's looking around a lot, and on the "who will win?" there is a very exaggerated sidewards glance at the same time as he does his shrug. None of this appears normal behaviour for him. I can't back it up scientifically, you are correct.

I know. Fuck Disney and Warner and Sony.

It can be done by good communications with Ukraine and a prearranged landing point, as was the case with that helicopter. Even then, very dangerous for all involved.

Geostationary satellites are orbiting. They are orbiting at a speed and direction to match the earth's rotation.

And it had to be that way. That was the clever part. Also, the war with the Soviets was already underway, and still is.

Yeah, that makes sense

Typical British tatic tbh, and I say that as a Brit. In a few days we'll learn that some essential components are made in the UK.

Inbev did well out of it either way, the Bud Lite boycotters were idiots for this reason alone.

He looks to the right a lot, especially on the last question. Looking right is indicative of using the creative part of the mind, rather than factual or logical.

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I agree

That statement is correct, but you are still wrong. Blue Hydrogen specifically refers to hydrogen produced fron fossiles where the CO2 is captured. There is just very little blue Hydrogen being made from fossiles- most production is either grey Hydrogen (from gas no capture) or brown (same but coal).

Yeah, I imagine that this concentrated the cesspool even more, increased concentration of extremism, whether political or religious, just by removing moderates. I was going to use the term liberals with a small "l" because that's what the damn word means, but went with inventing a new noun to be clear.

I only ever interacted with strangers on ShXitter. I guess that means you're right. Hello stranger 👋

I keep saying exactly this. People talking about WWIII, WHOA! we're still fighting the last one.

You are right.

Reddit --> Lemmy 4 me 2

My friend, I'll take your first point in good faith. It is in the right it'll take a long time to fall apart. True. Thank you, I'm cheered up. I will kindly offer the following for the rest of your comment, as honest freindly help. You present a false analogy fallacy, we're talking passenger losses, not stations. Then you segue into a slippy slope fallacy. I mean, it's a nice comment and all, but factually 97% count on users or 103% is just noise it the data. We cannot conclude much at all from it and that's why it's factually and honestly, disappointing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The environmental benefit of blue hydrogen is that it doesn't put CO2 into the atmosphere. This is better than burning the hydrogen carbon gas it was produced from.

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