21 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The biggest reason is that it's a reaction to RF-ification. Starting back on 1.7.10, there was a big push for every mod to move over to RF. This eventually cumulated in RF being renamed FE and becoming part of the Forge API. This was good for cross-mod compatibility and came to dominate the space.

1.12.2 was peak RF. Before Create, you'd have to go all the way back to Rotarycraft or Electrical Age on 1.7.10 to find a tech mod that wasn't seeped in RF, and even then people sometimes used these mods solely for generating RF. The closest you could get on 1.12.2 was Better With Mods, the Better than Wolves spin-off. (To play the original Better than Wolves, you have to go all the way back to 1.5.2! It still receives updates, but I'm getting off track.) True, there was Industrialcraft, which used EU, but 1.12.2 saw it get displaced by Immersive Engineering, which was somewhat similar in function but used RF!

The problem with RF is that it's kinda boring. You make it, you move it, you store it, and you burn it. It's fine. It functions, but the power transfer isn't that interesting. You also had "magic blocks/multiblocks," which were powerful machines that were basically plug and play and didn't need much design to get working right.

So when Create showed up, it wiped all that away and used rotary power. No RF, no magic blocks. Here are the pieces, figure it out. Nothing like it had existed for several versions. On top of that, it had a vanilla-plus vibe, which people like. It's visually interesting, which people also like. Stuff like that gets r/feedthebeast's attention, which gets the packdevs and the YouTubers attention, which leads to modpacks and videos, which leads to attention over the whole modded Minecraft scene.

On top of that, it is a genuinely good mod. It is in everything, though, kind of like how Tinker's Construct was in everything for awhile. Eventually people burn out on it due to overexposure and the pendulum swings back. How many packs have Tinker's now? Plenty, I'm sure, but not like it once was.

Yeah, modded Minecraft is still a big deal. You can join us over at ! if you want. The mod Create is a big deal right now, and rightfully so. It may well be the greatest of all time, as far as Minecraft mods go.

Luckily there is a patch in the release section of the linked GitHub page. This primarily affects modded Minecraft servers, but better save than sorry when it comes to downloading the patch.

Yes. Mekanism and Immersive Engineering both use FE, they just change the name. This means you can use their energy interchangeably. That said, the Mekanism generators have a lot higher energy output than anything Immersive Engineering has, but that might not necessarily be a problem.

Create, by default, has no way of generating FE power. You need an addon for that. There's a couple different ones out there, depending on the version.

Kinda going back to that post I did the other day about Ska, but The Clash's cover of Wrong Em Boyo, which was originally by The Rulers.

No, but I'm pretty sure I played a flash port of it.

That's the version Rotarycraft is on.

Warsim deserves love. It's a real passion project: a text-based kingdom management sim with lots of things to do and nooks and crannies to explore.

There's a pair of Beatles albums in this list. I don't mind "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" or "Revolution 9," but "Tomorrow Never Knows" on Revolver counts for me. Frankly, it's the worst Beatles song. I prefer the Daniel Johnston and Jad Fair cover of it on It's Spooky to the Beatles version. It's just that bad.

I just use VLC and organize my music by folders. If I want to listen to a certain album, I go to that folder and have VLC play it.

PopTop. Railroad Tycoon 2&3 and Tropico 1&2. They got bought by 2K, which eventually killed the studio. The Railroad Tycoon series is dead. Tropico is still around, but I'm not excited about the latest interation. Some of the guys tried to kickstart a new Railroad Tycoon but it didn't fund. Phil Steinmeyer was an underrated developer, though I believe he's retired today.

It's too bad it worked out that way. I think they could have been on the level with Paradox as far as strategy games are concerned, but focusing more on economic games, city builders, and the like. On Steinmeyer's blog he said he didn't think there was demand for heavier games anymore about mid 00s. That might have been true then, but so many games out now prove that wrong.

It has fastcraft. It's a pretty light pack, performance wise, so hopefully should be good on a steam deck, though I haven't tested it on one.

Hi! Nice to see you over on the little corner of Lemmy I carved out for this niche. Hopefully the transition goes off without too many issues. One thing I've been wondering is whether changes from 1.20 to 1.21 NeoForge will be enough to have a bottleneck effect like the 1.13 and 1.8 changes had on previous versions, but it might be too early to tell. Best of luck on the new project!

Intrinsically, definitely. Minecraft, Dwarf Fortress, RimWorld, Victoria 2, and etc.

Seems half-baked. Are they trying to resurrect the flash game? It could work as a standalone thing, but I don't see why it needs to be part of YouTube other than the fact they're going to shove it in our faces just like they did their TikTok clone.

New Mandela effect just dropped.

No, I always remember it being a forge mod, since the 1.15 days at least. Not sure what to tell you. Maybe they discussed Fabric but went with Forge in the early stages? Maybe you're thinking of being frustrated with it not being a Fabric mod and having to install Forge? Maybe you're thinking of another mod entirely?

Hadn't heard of it before, but looks neat! RPG-style packs are cool but sometimes get ignored in the sea of tech and magic packs.

I've only used it on Windows, but for what it's worth ATLauncher can run on Linux.

First, make a copy of your world, even though the stuff seems like it's gone now.

When that's done, I'd try manually readding the mod. There's a decent chance that the chests will be back. You could also try reverting the update and the loading the world in the older modpack version.

Usually Forge gives a message and makes a backup on world load if mod has been removed, so I'd double check your save folder for a backup as well.

Edit: You could also just cheat the stuff lost back in by opening to LAN and allowing cheats. This will also you to change game mode to creative, get the stuff back, change gamemode back to survival, relog, and then continue as normal.

Cool! I think whether or not this works will vary from case to case, but I'm glad you got it working.

Highway 61 Revisited, an all time great as far as I'm concerned.

The best mobile games tend to be ports. Stick Ranger is a good example.

It's pretty wild with Minechem installed. I found the amphetamine dimension during testing.

I didn't realize TFC was out yet for modern versions. I'll have to check it out,


Edit: didn't mean to make this a comment reply instead of post reply, but it still counts

Must be a day of the week that ends in y.

Beautiful! Great to see trains in minecraft. I know it's been done before, but Create does it while keeping in the spirit of the game by having you build it however you want in game.

Neat! I've just looked over his Curseforge page and he's got a lot of interesting projects under his belt for Fabric servers. I'll have to keep an eye out for the tech mod. Does he have a discord?

I've been working on my own modpack, Rotary Skies. It's a Skyblock modpack centered on Rotarycraft. I plan on doing a separate post touring my starter base before too long. I really like how it's coming together.

Mini zombies tend to spawn in groups, I find. Probably not many other valid spawn locations if you're getting a bunch of spawns

It's like that meme where it's the guy saying he just needs that one piece, and the piece is labeled "a billion dollars"

Looks cool, best of luck.

The cult of the new is pretty strong in modded Minecraft. To be honest, I haven't done much modded stuff in awhile, but 1.16.5 is a solid choice or at least was back when I last put a pack together.

Create is the big new mod that has everyone buzzing. In some ways it's a reaction to the RF-ification and magic blocks/multiblocks that dominated the 1.12 era. Everything is very nice and modular, and it reminds me of Rotarycraft in that respect, though they are very different mods.

Dang it, now I want to play some Rotarycraft. Reika has enough 1.7.10 mods that you can essentially put together your own pack of just them, but I digress.

I feel that most people play modpacks nowadays, but maybe I'm biased as a packdev. I've seen some good progression packs come out, if that's your thing. I'm biased towards my pack, Brass, of course, but Create: Above and Beyond is the official Create modpack with loads of custom content. I never got around to playing it, but it looks neat.

I'm in touch with her. Electricraft and Reactorcraft are included, but Chromaticraft is not

I tried TNFC back in the 1.7.10 era, but never got past a bronze anvil. TFC is fun but can be so tedious to progress in sometimes.

I loved John Deere American Farmer back in the day. Unfortunately it doesn't work on modern machines. The menus don't display right. If it wasn't for that, it would be half-playable. The deluxe version might not have that problem, but I never got around to trying it.

One funny quirk was that family members would gain happiness from certain items (housing, bbq, pools, etc) and lose it from working. If happiness dropped too far for two long, you'd get an event about them leaving to join the French Foreign Legion or some other nonsense (there were a handful of variants.) The thing is, though, the happiness gained from these material possessions would degrade over time, meaning that it quickly evolved into a materialism simulator as you built pools to replace the pools that no longer where providing happiness.

You could also just hire people. That was usually the way to go if you wanted to get any serious work done. As long as you could pay wages, the hired help would stick around.

Cool! I saw a vid on Better than Adventure but never got around to checking it out.

RLCraft is definitely a modpack, ha. Don't be afraid to change packs if you end up getting frustrated, since I've heard that unfair deaths are pretty common. You could also do stuff like turn KeepInventory on.