2 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

One million percent. It’s enough to trigger the instinctual “open Reddit” motion

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There will be scabs eager to volunteer their time as moderators - at least for now - solely for the perceived power.

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Tankie fuck

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EFF doesn’t miss. Those guys gals and folks inbetween all rule. Fighting the good fight ✊

This you? Trolling racist tankie fuck. Quel surprise.

Probably a significant number of bots tbh.

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Full stop the best thing I did was talk to a pet nutritionist and getting a meal plan made for my boy. Super affordable, easy to make up in bulk and freeze each week - and honestly it feels good to feed my boy something that resembles actual food. Turkey, carrots/zucchini, rice and vitamin powder - all told about an hour each week to prepare, portion out and freeze; and I'm pretty dang sure it comes out cheaper than the dried stuff in the long run.

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The evil clone of XBMC is finally in its death throes (yes I’m still bitter about that). No worry, Jellyfin is better.

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Kodi IS XBMC. It’s the same team, XBMC changed their name to Kodi once it became unavoidably awkward that no one was running XBMC on actual Xboxes anymore. Plex started as a fork of XBMC but went down the proprietary route and shunned their FOSS roots.

Well today I had someone support the Tienanmen Square massacre, another say the war of aggression in Ukraine is a denazification campaign, argue that nothing is happening untoward to Uighur's in China and assert that Pussy Riot "is a CIA op" lol. Yeah. It's over run with brain dead tankies. They suck. That instance will get defederated eventually if Lemmy actually takes off, and good riddance

Has no one seen The Matrix/Animatrix?!

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Really generous estimation of the hellscape we’re leaving for our descendants. This IS the glory days. It’s all downhill from here.

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I just use docker compose files. Bundle my arr stack in a single compose file and can docker compose pull to update them all in one swoop.

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That is a feature available in your settings.

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You don’t seem to really understand the word enshitification. It’s not just “things getting shittier” - it refers specifically to the capitalist pressures that are exerted on private platforms and services that need to chase investor capital to scale and survive. The reason enshitification happens is because they are operating under a model that needs to first entice users with a high value product that is subsidized by venture capital, but that when that dries up the pressures come first to appease the investors at the expense of the users and then the owners at the expense of the investors. Fediverse for all its croaks and groans in these early stages is specifically designed to be decentralized and scalable by small clusters of users. It’s user owned and managed. When one cluster shows signs of degrading, you can move to another. I’m bullish on fediverse and decentralized platforms like this on being that solution and it’s not clear yet that they suffer the same inevitable enshitification that legacy platforms do.


There’s plenty of tutorials out there for it. A quick DuckDuckGo search turned up this as one of the first results, but the theory is the same if you wanted to bundle ‘arr containers instead of nginx/whatever.

Essentially you create docker compose file for services, within which you have as many containers as you want set up like you would any other compose file. You ‘docker compose pull’ and ‘docker compose up -d’ to update/install just like you would for individual docker container, but it does them all together. It sounds like others in the thread have more automated someone with services dedicated to watching for updates and running those automatically but I just look for a flag in the app saying there’s an update available and pull/ up -d whenever it’s convenient/I realize there’s an update.

Oh right but should have added that upvoting or downvoting a post counts as reading it. I wish there was a “mark as read” button but this should still do what you want I think

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You've got those carrots in the wrong direction.

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The checkbox is checked by default so uncheck “show read posts”

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Another strong vote for Syncthing. It sounds like exactly what you’re looking for and it’s dead simple to set up, low resource (far lighter than next cloud), E2EE and expressly limited as far as what directories you give access to.

Eh, personally I just found NPM super easy to set up and manage, especially when it came to setting up letsencrypt etc. Everything just works. Easy to update, easy to manage, easy to take down and spin back up again. My OP had a bit of snark though, I'm not exactly an expert, I'm sure there are very good reasons why the OP and other smart nerds on this community may disagree

Absolute psychopath.

The tankie fucks suck, for sure.

Okay but seriously 🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖

I'll piggyback on this post in that I'm looking for a good ObsidianMD -> self-hosted wiki solution.

007 Nightfire softmod crew checking in. Kodi has been making the best htpc for more than a decade now. I love me some jellyfin, but I'll probably always have a kodi box or two around the house.

Read the report, it covers the legal basis they are using and why warrant protections don’t apply. The “publicly available information can’t be sensitive personal information” justification has basically allowed them to buy what would otherwise require actual warrant processes.

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Get a mini pc/NUC with an intel j4125 or better and it will be a great little streaming powerhouse for jellyfin. Usually can grab one for < $150

Doctorow has it right. Enshittification.

Psh. This shit ain't addictive. I've been doing it for years and I'm not addicted yet.


Yet another thing that has been eye opening about living in Europe is how fucked and terrible tipping is in the states. Twenty percent AS A MINIMUM? When I’m picking up food at the counter??? AYFKM?

Seriously. Even better when they just turn it on one day without warning because they can’t handle building out infrastructure to suit their growing customer base. Bastards.

Not quite. It's more like, "Oh, I definitely don't want to see this post, I don't want to read it or see the headline or the thumbnail ever again." It might be cringe, it might be triggering, it might be gore or spoilers or anything else -- where I don't want to block the user or the community, but DEFINITELY don't want to see the post/thread.

The Cornell app is magical. If i self host this is it mobile compatible? I’d love to be able to host and share this with the family if so.

Again, you’re obviously ignorant of how this stuff actually works. That is simply not the case. Otherwise the training set would necessarily need to have images of every type that you hope to generate, an impossibility and which obviously isn’t the case - a very quick look at some of the crazier things people have generated disprove it. Training the model on nude and clothed images of adults and clothed images of children - as others have pointed out - would allow you to generate nude images of children. Could a model have been fine tuned with CSAM - yes; but it’s certainly not a given, and probably not necessary.

The stable diffusion sub has somewhat migrated over to the fediverse. You can find more information about how this stuff actually works beyond your introductory understanding of the concept there.

There are trackers though

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LMFAO sure, sure sure. Totally coherent. You fucking clown.

Good news everyone! They investigated themselves and turns out… no! Everything is fine!