3 Post – 121 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It doesn't quite fit, but there are a lot of boardgame phone adaptions, and they rarely have microtransactions. Cat lady, carcassonne, ghanz schoan clever, doppelt so clever, hex roller, rail road ink and roll player are some of my favorites

I'm taking a grad school course about the psychology of decision making, and the science behind how we process and use data hurts my mind and soul. At some level, we are biological logic machines. The implications of that terrify me.

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Like...each of us...right?

To be fair, I have a ton of games I completed with under 10 hours in them.

Automatic draft, but notvoter registration...

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Frasier was on my backlog of stuff to watch. It's nice when my backlog clears itself like this.

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It can still be used to artificially pump up an idea. Or used to bury one.

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American really will use any measurement except metric

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Hot fuzz. Because the first watch is enjoyable, but every subsequent rewatch makes you appreciate Edgar Wright more and more. He is just the most incredibly meticulous story teller with the most dense movies.

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What the fuck!? Come on!!!

Someone once told me that malls are appealing because they match what we want out of a walkable city, and I haven't been able to get that out of my mind.

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I like the implication here that your phone is so used to you saying Rohan it autocorrected.

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I just hope it's the same banner in 5 years. The longer it stays the funnier it is.

Fuck them, and fuck South Carolina.

You choosing to continue to support that political party after all of this nonsense shows a lack of moral fibre.

Shit.... the quality is gonna drop to cardboard and sawdust isn't it?

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Deep Rock Galactic. I love the progression, the community and the humor.

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Well, not that shocked.

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I'm not even sure it's that.... "principled"? For lack of a better word. I don't know what the piece of shit version of that word is. But I think this is just them clutching at power any way they can. Being racist is either a non-issue or the asshole cherry on their asshole sundae.

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My dad is way better at car maintenance and handy work. Machines just talk to him.

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I believe the impetus is on the bigot to figure their shit out. It is exhausting arguing with bigots, and it is not people's job to teach them how not to be a bigot. There is enough information out there now that you should know not to be an intolerant asshole, and if someone chooses instead to be a piece of shit, I'm comfortable with them being ostracized while they sort themselves out. And if they can't, I'm comfortable with them dying old, alone and confused wondering why nobody visits them.

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Awww, I love this for him. <3

It's super silly, but eating a snack cake. I was a teenager, sitting on my couch at home and I was eating a snack cake, like Little Debbie's, or Drake's or something when I realized "this cake is awful." It just didn't taste good. Like, not that it went bad or stale, it just was crap. And then I realized I was just eating it to eat. It was purely empty calories. Made me a lot more cognizant of what I chose to eat.

I always thought it was a way to show the foibles of using pure logic in a regular setting.

Can you imagine getting shot, and the news article for it being "no worries, Drake's ok!"

One of the best RPGs ever made. I'd jump to either the Breath of Fire series, Wild Arms, or Suikoden. All are solid, though none quite as brilliant.

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Antifascism? I hope?

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Wait, I was told not to pull off scabs so they don't scar.

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Yeah, I understand that it isn't a walkable city. But the inside shows why we should work towards walkable cities.

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Cheap Steam games? Maybe the Steam deck?

Scott not really understanding what he learned or why he needed to change actually fits very well with the new anime.

Other way around. Places default to open, then if people don't come, they stay closed next year as acost saving measure.

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Yeah, I think you've got me right there. When it comes to being a bigot, I do believe in ostracizing and silencing, in order to put them in a tiny fringe echo chamber. That is much safer than having their ideas out in the open. Racists and bigots should be afraid of stating their opinion, this way their backwards-ass ideas die out with them. Because people aren't racist from well thought out rational thought. Their racist because of emotions like fear and anger. Something is going wrong in their life and it's easier to blame a marginalized group than it is it take responsibility. No amount of debate will fix that, and I'm tired of trying. Fuck them.

I also firmly believe in the paradox if tolerance. You cannot tolerate the intolerant, and part of that includes not treating their opinions as valid. Because they are not.,or%20destroyed%20by%20the%20intolerant.

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Good to know! I imagine that will save me a headache in the future. Also,

But someone has to be the first, and that lemming must bang it.

Quote of the year.

I still haven't seen a must play game on the ps5 or series x, especially not one that won't come to pc. Closest so far is spiderman 2, but I'll wait for the PC release.

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The owner of most companies, I've found.

If you got a camping backpack maybe you could bring them! That's my plan.

The One Piece!

I mean, for a long time the Series S was all I saw in stores.

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Seeing as their valuation has tumbled over the past few years, and all their value is made from user content like this, if they aren't afraid now, they should be. 🤷‍♂️

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