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Joined 1 years ago

The average person has one boob and one testicle.

18 more...

There are 7 elements that will naturally form covalent bonds with themselves.
Here is how to remember these diatomic elements:

(H)ave (N)o (F)ear (O)f (I)ce (Cl)old (Br)eer.
The Ice is solid, the beer is liquid, and everything else is a gas.

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Just remember, you only have control of your second thought and first action.

Hot dogs in a can? That's disgusting. Enjoy your upvote.

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Living in the PNW, I would very much prefer to be on permanent summer ti.e, since that way fall and winter night time does not come obscenely early.

It gets very depressing to go to work when it's still dark, stay in a windowless room while it's light, minus a few short breaks, and then go home and it's already dark again.

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As a dude who build wire harnesses, I absolutely loathe when people call them male/female.

There are plugs and receptacles, and pins and sockets.

Plugs plug into receptacles. Receptacles get plugged into by plugs.
Pins plug into sockets. Sockets get plugged into by pins.

It can get very confusing when you have a receptacle with pins or a plug with sockets and some chode says something gender referenced, such as "the male end".
Ok, are you talking about the plug? Nope, obviously they were talking about the receptacle, because it has pins, even though that's the end that gets plugged into.

So frustrating.

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It's more complicated than that. Don't be a dick to someone on the edge.

Is that a gun that is also a penis? Or is it a gun that shoots penises as ammo?

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  1. Wait until you have to fart while coworker is away from desk.
  2. Position sphincter directly above the tube in the office chair.
  3. Lower chair as far as it will go.
  4. Fart as you raise the chair as high as it will go, sucking the gassy shit particles into the tube.
  5. Walk away.
  6. Watch the carnage when coworker sits and lowers the chair.
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Clear tape works really well, because the mouse will still work, but terribly.

It's incredibly difficult to find anything at Target, especially gender-neutral hygiene products since they hard-segregated hygiene into men's and women's. Just give me regular ass bar soap.
My partner was looking for coffee and looked all over the tea section and nope, naturally coffee belongs next to the liquor and red vines.
I hate going to Target, but I still take it over Walmart. At least I don't feel dirty shopping at Target.

Oh. Suddenly that makes sense.

Setting VPN to Poland works.

Maybe he shouldn't have spent so much money on avocado toast and fancy covfefe.

I build satellites and actually enjoy my job. Sometimes I am disappointed when my 8 hours is up and I have to go home. What about those people?

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Demolition edition? I'ma need SIX seashells for this.

God forbid I Google for information about anything that may be a product for sale, because all I'll get is shopping links. It's super annoying.

I just use the printer at work.

The Long Drive is a cursed game that is surprisingly addicting. Basically it's you, your car, and a 5000km road. That's it. The world is infinitely generated and you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. There's no end game so to speak, just you and the road, if you decide to follow it.

Noita is a very difficult roguelike where "losing is fun" except that it's not always, but many deaths are a learning opportunity, and I find myself starting over even on runs that I live for more than an hour. You have very few healing opportunities, and once your HP gets to 0 it's game over. The game is not fair, but sometimes RNGesus gives you the tools to be a god early on, and even then, it can still be easy to die. Even in full-on god tier runs, there are some things that the player cannot survive. Each playthrough is different, but the map gen is 'basically' the same each game. It's definitely worth your time.

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Yeah, especially for some creators like veritasium where they play "musical thumbnails" and change it every few days for about a week or so. It's so annoying because I keep thinking it's a different video.

In the connector world, we call it mating. In my previous comment, I should have said "mates with" instead of "plugs into", but wanted to make it simple and abundantly clear.

"Interface with organic systems" I actively laughed at this. I find your phrasing way funnier than it should be. Thanks for the chuckle.

But yeah, every word is a made up word, so make one up?

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I mean, you kinda were.

Such hostility.

1 more...

Only 6 fingers this time.

If you have a VPN, set your location to Poland and you will not have any ads on twitch. I guess they have some law against it or something.

Wow a Zardoz reference. Well met, Friend.

Joining the military. It was not for me, but it gave me a career path and got me out of the house at 18.

Quitting drinking.

Not having kids.


Well said. The Pao kerfuffle is why I left reddit.

No, plastic wrapped, because jars can be reused.

"All posts must be self-posts formatted as code and must only be *nix/Mac/Windows command line input.
No link posts allowed.
All comments must be formatted as code and must only be *nix/Mac/Windowsal command line output. "

Thank you.

It's a sailboat!

I have had a 3 day weekend of the same clothes with no shower. I stink. Tomorrow I fly home. I have a middle seat in a very packed airplane. I just ate a lot of refried beans. This is going to be a fun flight.

I think definite exceptions would have to be made. For instance, some operations take more than 4 hours to complete, such as getting the satellite ready for install in the launch vehicle, or the work has to be done in a tight finite timeline, such as "you have 1 week to fully test, prep for launch, and install the satellite in the launch vehicle." Of course, these are edge cases.

With my personality, I feel like my work ethic would suffer since I'd spend so much more time at home than at work and I wouldn't want to do shit when I am actually there. I also think my skills would degrade, and I'd spend a lot of time trying to remember where I left off and what I was doing. Perhaps it's just my career, and other careers/jobs wouldn't have my issues.

I pride myself and my high work ethic, quality products, and kick-ass attitude, but I also need structure, routine, and discipline to function as an adult. When left to my own devices for too long, it all falls apart. Again, perhaps that's just me.

I won't turn down a bigger sack of money though. I do like money.

experts exchange dot com

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Dating is definitely a learning experience. Good luck dude!

less than three