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It's not like it's a singular action he can take. It's going to take weeks of consistent behavior before people believe any kind of short-term issue like a cold.

Can he do it is one question. Is there enough time is another.

Making a web browser that’s fully compatible with modern standards is not easy nor cheap (and worse it’s a moving target because the standards keep evolving). I’m rooting for these folks but eventually money will be an issue.

It’s not going to matter how Trump did because there’s gonna be clips of Biden all over social media showing him mumbling and stuttering. He looked terrible, the attack ad footage is just there for the taking.

Despite concerns about accuracy and potential misuse, facial recognition technology seems poised for a surge in popularity. California-based restaurant CaliExpress by Flippy now allows customers to pay for their meals with a simple scan of their face, showcasing the potential of facial payment technology.

Oh boy, I can’t wait to be charged for someone else’s meal because they look just enough like me to trigger a payment.

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Doubt there is one. The hard truth is that most Americans' taxes are pretty simple and straightforward. We can stop pretending that copying some boxes from a W2 and a 1099 is difficult.

I mean, personally I wish we'd stop pretending that the IRS isn't already fully aware of what you owe and could just do the filling for you, like in other countries, but until Grover Norquist fucks off forever we're stuck where we are.

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There’s some old Reddit posts like this too. Advice threads where the person who posted a solution went back and overwrote their comments during the boycott last year. I know why they did it but we still lost some information in the grand scheme of things.

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The local vote, which was eventually certified under pressure from state officials...

and further down:

"The Constitution and Michigan Election Law do not authorize boards of county canvassers to refuse to certify election results based on claims made by third parties of alleged election irregularities, or a general desire to conduct election investigations," the letter says. Failure to certify would mean that the clerk would have to personally deliver all records including ballots and voting machines to Michigan state canvassers — all at the county's own expense. The price tag, the letter adds pointedly, will be "expansive."

Spoiler alert. It's all fun and games until you actually have to put in work. Shouting random crap you read off Facebook doesn't work in the real world.

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Even if he wins he won't accept any states he lost that he thought he should've won. I could absolutely see a situation where Trump sues one of the Secretaries of State and tries to pull all the same shit he did in Georgia (which he has yet to be punished for, assuming he ever will be)

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Even if you hate Biden because of Israeli support

i.e. don't be a single-issue voter.

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The ultimate issue is exactly what you said; phones exist. I’m not carrying another voice assistant around when both Siri and Google Assistant can be installed on my phone.

Based on MKBHD’s review this whole product category definitely screams “solution in search of a problem”

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Can we please stop adding “After 28 years” to every article and video about this game?

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They're just using antisemitism as a convenient excuse to regulate schools further. Dragging admins before Congress is not what Jews are asking for right now.

Source: am Jewish, don't want or need Congress involved here

And yet it's still valued at nearly $50 per share

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It’s bosses who are sick of Teams meetings. “You just can’t collaborate like you can in an office setting” is what I heard most during my job hunt.

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If Trump wins, they'll certify faster than they've ever done anything in their entire lives.

If Biden wins, you'll see a public temper tantrum bigger and with more lawyers than you ever thought possible.

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That first part shouldn't be too surprising. They're obviously fans of his if they're going to see his standup.

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It's very likely the GOP will win control of the Senate, and if they do McConnell would sooner die than let Biden even consider nominating someone.

Still gonna vote for Biden though, because if Trump wins the Conservative justices will all retire at once and they'll nominate 30-year-olds to fill in. I don't want 60+ more years of a Conservative court majority!

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It’s not like he’s gotten away with it multiple times or anything.

Toddlers don’t learn anything if you don’t correct bad behavior on the spot.

Keyword searches stopped being useful years ago. Every site owner stuffed every single word they could think of into that field making the whole thing effectively useless.

It’s like how they’re now returning results stuffed to the brim with AI-written crap. Google can only show what’s on the web and that’s all the web is now.

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It's not difficult at all, these companies just have no reason to do it that way. They force you to agree to their terms before you can use the website at all, which means they're in a much better position to make demands. We can't counter with anything, it's just "agree that we own this copy of your content".

And most of us agree to it because we have no way of knowing that someday our content might actually be worth something.

Once you’re charged with a crime that’s all some people think of when your name comes up. Even worse that some family members get dragged down by it too.

And all thanks in this instance to John Ashcroft and the W administration 🤦‍♂️

We saw it at Blizzard but the woman they hired left within a year because she was paid less than her male counterpart.

I’d say it’s fine to be an investment for individuals and families. You should be able to at least break even on something you owned for 3 decades that’s still in good shape.

But that’s all. No LLCs or S Corps or any of that shit. People should own homes!

How many additional people sign up when these password sharing crackdowns happen?

Several million

Which every company saw, and that's why they're all gonna do this too.

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Regular people don’t have access to that data. They do have access to a $30 tracker, and people need to know if they’re being stalked.

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Trump won't have that problem because he won't care how complicit he is.

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The password crackdown will work, sadly. However is it going to be enough to make up for the fact that Disney's got nothing right now except shitting out sequels?

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For the last century, it's been commonplace

We said this a ton during Obama's time in office. Look where we are now. Expecting things today to play out like they did in the past just seems extremely naive now.

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You know it’s serious when you’ve set up a whole new subdomain for this one big!

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Just to add to this; half of the global Jewish population lives in the US. We’re not all Israeli.

I'm just gonna assume Trump has a blood boy and he missed a session so the kid had to mail in the vials.

Why am I not surprised they found a way to blame us for it?

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Calling others beta convinces me that you’re just projecting. Alphas don’t talk about shit like this.

And calling your enemies f-gs convinces me that you’re extremely active on Grindr.

Yes but it still looks bad because it’s saying “you can talk about it, but only if you say nice things”. A full embargo would’ve made more sense and wouldn’t have raised any eyebrows. This current contract leads me to believe it’s a shit game.

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Let's also go after the folks in the plastics industry who intentionally misled the entire country into thinking their products were recyclable. Even now they use that symbol that was designed to look like the recycle symbol but it just tells you which type of plastic it is.

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He pretty much said that exactly. Told people days ago that Israel was gonna raid Rafah regardless of any ceasefire deal. Surprised talks didn't break down right then and there.

All well and good for Enterprise folks I guess, but what about home users?

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Much cheaper to have an external company do these things sometimes

McConnell has already said

Let me stop you right there, because this man has already shown his word doesn't mean anything. It shifts with the political winds.

Democrats have to win in a lot of red states this time around. I'd be over the moon if that happened, but maybe we should have a backup plan in case Democrats lose in Ohio, Montana and Texas.

free filing would discriminate against the poor

As opposed to the current system where the richest among us can hire a whole team of accountants to find every deduction possible?

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