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Adventurous puppy with a love for hiking, camping, kayaking, climbing, and cave exploring. Gaming enthusiast (WoW & Hearthstone). Occasionally attend furry conventions. Open to discussing diverse topics, including politics. Join me on this captivating journey!

You are my favorite kind of person. May you always find the best parking spot right in front of your destination and may your pets always choose to cuddle with you, even when there's a cozier spot nearby.

Anyone wants to take one for the team and spoil the article? I don't click on clickbait article. I'm curious but fuck this practice.

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"Post-birth abortion" πŸ’€πŸ’€

Bro that's called murder πŸ˜… why do they try so much to associate abortion with murder? It never worked and never will. Nobody is as dumb as they are. It's like they are trying to convince you to become stupid and forget reason because Jesus.

What in the actual fuck is wrong with conservatives nowadays? This is why this ideology is dying. And the more it dies, the more radicalized they become

18 more...

This is fucking hilarious!

Imagine the conversation;

"Okay so what's the situation?"

"Sir we lost most of the devs and tech savvy people"

"Shit that's bad. What else"

"Lot of unpaid volunteers that moderated the most popular subreddits left too!"

"What the fuck! This is bad. Really bad. What else?"

"Powerusers that created and shared content left too. We have significantly less upvote count on posts of /r/all!"

"Fuck! We need a plan! Let's make people forget we cannot operate a website. What can we do?"

"Well /r/place has always been successful in the past. We've had great results with this"

"You are a genius! This is perfect! They will forget we fucked them over and this whole fiasco will be swept under the rug and we can finally move forward!"

/r/place :

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Do you really call Twitter "X"? It sounds like you are talking about porn or you are trying to censure a word πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

What the fuck was Elon thinking?

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Boycott Fox News.

To this day, I still have no fucking idea why they insist the 2020 election was rigged but refuse categorically to prove it in court. It's always social media whining.

When they say they have HUGE amount of evidences, I just ask why they don't tell Rudy Giuliani. Surely he would be more than happy to clean his reputation and make Trump King of the USA.

Why don't they have this debate at the only place it matters, in court? If you have the evidences and if it's so obvious and damning, why not prove it?

13 more...

I mean... his plan for the USA is basically "WOKE WOKE WOKE WOKE WOKE WOKE WOKE WOKE WOKE" so I'm not surprised at all...


Like, Republicans? Are you okay? Dont you have anything better to offer? Yeah I see Trump supporters supporting Trump even harder but the moderates are rushing away from your party. You might have a problem... and don't come cry to us "voter fraud" after you inevitably lose 2024... look how fucking shitty your ticket is

9 more...

Well yeah, no shit, it was kind of expected.

It lasted one more year than it should have but now the pressure will gradually and slowly build up on Russia's side.

All Ukrainians have to do now is defend, chill out and wait.

Your move, Putin.

Because the informations are hearsays from one man that may or may not be credible.

Basically it's a premium "trust me bro"

For some it's enough, for the majority it's just another disappointing nothingburger

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Remember when being conservative meant you wanted lower tax?

Now it's a competition to see who's going to say the most toxic stuff and who can become the biggest piece of trash a human being can be


like holy shit, calm down a bit...

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Oh they know Hunter did absolutely nothing wrong. They just need a scapegoat for when people point out the obvious crimes Trump committed so they have a "both side" argument.

They don't seem to understand nobody cares about Hunter and his "laptop". It's just Hillary's emails 2.0 ... with less credibility because they aren't even targeting a politician πŸ˜†

So, uh, how fucked is his shoulder? Because I almost feel bad for the dude

But then I remember... what the fuck is he even doing in Ukraine lmao get fucked

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Fuck you Spez, we ain't going back. Beside, I'm getting used to this new federation thing. I use Kbin and it's wonderful. Just waiting on a real mobile App and my scrolling addiction will be satisfied

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Sorry I meant the devs that used the API to creates 3rd party apps, fun subreddits bots & RES style addons. Basically the people that made Reddit what it was. At least, the ones I know joined the fediverse and haven't logged back into their reddit account since July 1st or before!

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It's crazy to me that we are talking about a counter-offensive. Last year we weren't even talking about a defense at all. Way too go, Ukrainians. Give 'em hell and send back these bastards at home once and for all.

Slava ukraini πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

14 more...

Because the internet is run by furries 😁

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Well it worked with Hillary in 2016 with "but her emails" and now they are trying that again with Biden "but his son's laptop". It just doesn't really have the same impact.

Also, in 2016, Trump still had the benefit of the doubt. I'm confident most people, especially independents, are not interested in another 2016-2020 filled with scandals, obvious lies and another White House turning door where nothing get accomplished.

That said, these countless investigations on the Bidens are actually proving me wrong. In 2019-2020, I was disappointed that Biden was the candidate because I thought since he had been in politics for 45+ years, he had to have been corrupted at some point. But Republicans are proving me wrong. The guy is squeaky clean and I find this really refreshing.

18 more...

I'm a huge UFO nerd but even I realize all this story is full of shit.

DeSantis will forever be remembered as "that woke guy from Florida" lmao

He kinda attached himself to that word now. At least, that's the only thing I remember form his campaign; "WOKE WOKE WOKE WOKE WOKE WOKE WOKE WOKE WOKE WOKE WOKE"

I tried to use Threads but I couldn't change my visible username without going to Instagram, which I never used in my life ..... and then I went to instagram to update my Threads profile but I couldn't because I needed a Facebook account, which I don't have. I found this incredibly frustrating and dumb so I uninstalled everything.

Yeah most likely, like those people that lived in Canada or Sweden and enrolled in the middle east to fight "with" ISIS

Turns out it was just all a scam and they were taken hostage or used as sex slaves and/or cannon fodder

Maybe, maybe not. I guess it depends on the country. In Canada, the right is mocked into oblivion and the message is pretty fucking clear that we do not want the shit that is happening in the US to slowly creep it's way here. Really happy with the progress we've done to push these brainwashed fascists away.

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This. Conservative in the US is basically extreme-right/fascism in the rest of the world. Even democrats would be considered right learning in say, Canada.

If you are the MAGA kind, you WILL need an echo chamber because nobody wants to interact with these anymore.

I had a 13 years old account on Reddit and a 6 years old on Twitter.

Both deleted overnight. Poof. Just like that. More than a decade of content, good or bad. Just gone.

They thought we weren't serious, yet here we are.

Now I feel like I'm on the top of a mountain, eating popcorn and watching the world around me implode and billionaires fighting each other for "power"

I just find the term incredibly stupid and hilarious πŸ˜… Republicans always says the dumbest shit.

Think about it for a second;

"Post birth" means you are born. Right? Once you are born, you cant be aborted anymore... it changes the whole meaning. If you are born, breathe on your own and someone kills you, its murder. Not "post-birth abortion" lmao. Abortion is the end of a pregnancy. No pregnancy, no abortion.

Republicans can spin and twist this off as "abortion" as much as they want, they aren't doing a good job convincing the average Joe that abortion is wrong. Which is their goal... and everybody knows abortion is a relatively mild medicine procedure that does not involve killing anybody so why still using these stupid ass term?

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I get what you say and I understand it but the American people in general didn't vote for Biden either... they voted against Trump

You could place a green plant with a [D] next to its name on the 2024 ticket and it would still beat Trump because everybody is fucking tired of the constant whining and dramas coming from the GOP

So in a way, we (and moderates) do the same as Republicans... but for better reasons

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Is communism in the room with you at the moment?

Ah so it's a joke, got it

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What's funny is Russia will never take Ukraine. They lost that war the second Ukrainians decided to fight back. The US can withstand this for centuries. Russia is already struggling for ammunition, political power, modern equipement and manpower. That's a fact nobody can deny.

Even if by some miracle, Ukrainians decided to surrender, Russia would STILL have to let go of Ukraine. The sanctions won't magically go away just because Putin got what it wanted, no no no. Not a single fucking Russian will have a retirement until every dead ukrainians soldier's family is compensated, the country is rebuilt and Crimea given back to Ukrainians.

You may not like it, you may cry about it all you want, the truth is that Russia lost. Get over it and tell Putin to end this right now. Until then, sorry but Russians will keep getting massacred by the thousands.

Slava Ukraini.

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Wait, why should the libs cares what the cult is saying?

All I hear is "woke woke woke woke woke woke" but no actual plan for the country

And somehow they think that will bring in votes?

Excuse me for not crying. Each dead Russian in this stupid pointless war is deserved. Nobody thinks of you as a hero if you are the invader.

If you are a Russian soldier, at least have the decency to put some sunflower seeds in your pocket so your corpse have a purpose and your existence will not have been 100% useless.

Yeah nah, pretty much everybody of importance left the platform quite some time ago actually. Twitter truly has turned to shit too. All you see in your feed is the same extreme-right propaganda we've seen for 4+ years since the pandemic. It's just that now it's boosted by Elon's fuckery. Also, there's a reason why they're begging us to come back.

They created their own little echo chamber and now they have nobody to argue with. That's what happen when a far-right social media is created usually. They realize they aren't the powerhouse they thought they were and all of a sudden it's just "uh, where is everybody?!?!?"

If you want my opinion, it's 1000% deserved and they can suck my dick, I ain't coming back just to hear "VACCINE BAD ORANGE MAN GOD PLS JOIN US WE CAN KILL EVERYBODY THAT LOOKS LIKE A JEW!"

Noooooooo thank you

Gosh I hate to day this but... Russia is a country at war.

This is a fact. And because the war almost entirely happens on Ukrainian soil, Russians seems to forget they are at war and civilians casualties WILL happen. The same is happening in Ukraine on a much bigger scale.

It sucks, yeah, but it's war. And this is why pretty much everybody is telling Russia to get the fuck out of Ukraine.

And some of you may think "well this is just common sense, why does it have to be said?" Because Russians think they shouldn't suffer any consequence from this.

In their heads, Ukraine should be the only country having to suffer losses.

Call me an asshole but these two young innocent ladies should not have been out in the open streets like that while at war. Imaging taking a stroll with your infant daughter in Berlin 1945, this sound stupid right? Well to me, this is exactly the same.

Supporting war is all fun and games until it hit home. Now it becomes a lot less funny all of a sudden. Yet, it's only 1% of what they're doing in Ukraine. I won't cry about that.

And yes, I get that this is just a Putin's power trip and he's solely responsible for this war but you'd be surprised how many of these RuZZians fucks supports this. The Russian people can decide any day of the week to risk it all and cut the leader's head but they don't care to do that, because they don't see the war firsthand.

Let this be a grim reminder that no one is safe when your country is at war. None. Fuck Putin, fuck RuZZians and fuck war.

/end of rant

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I'm canadian................. sorry

The Clinton hate started in 1993 with the Whitewater 'investigation'. Since then, it never stopped. Never.

There has been a total of 419 investigations into the two of them, Bill and Hillary. How many crimes was found exactly? A big fat zero. Nada. Nothing. Rien.

Hillary Clinton is, and by far, the most vetted polician in the history of this country. She's a woman, she has/had power, she is kind and generous so she's everything Republicans hates.

I'm tired of hearing that "maaayybbbeee the right is right, I guess we can give them the benefit of the doubt about her"

No. Fuck them. They keep pretending they are outraged at stuff that doesn't actually bother anyone. We shall not give them another single ounce of credibility. They constantly scream about obvious bullshit that can be debunked in a 5 seconds google search, they keep calling you a sheep whenever you disagree on a topic in politic and they NEVER admits when they are clearly in the wrong. I'm so sick of these failures attempting to subvert democracy.

So no, I'm not even gonna bother clicking your link. I know exactly what I'm gonna find and this is not the slam dunk you are thinking. As always.

/end of rant

Fun fact, western sanctions won't magically go away even if Ukrainians surrender and Putin got what he wanted πŸ₯°

Not a single russian will have a retirement until every Ukrainian dead soldiers family is compensated, the country rebuilt, Crimea is given back to Ukrainians and Russia refund the west for all the equipment they've sent to Ukraine.

And you know what the best part is? The longer they stay, the longer it will take Russia to recover. And we are already speaking about centuries here.

So take your time, Putin. Tick tack.

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That would be such a dangerous precedent tho

Step 1 : commit as much crimes as you can

Step 2 : become a presidential candidate

Step 3 : cry on social media that this is a political hit.

There. Loophole to freely commit crimes and corruption.

Russia does the same thing so if I have to pick a side, I will pick the side of the victim and not the bully. All I want is these murderers out of the country and then they can fix whatever social problem they have later. Stop the fucking war first

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Well yeah, no shit, it was kind of expected.

It lasted one more year than it should have but now the pressure will gradually and slowly build up on Russia's side.

All Ukrainians have to do now is defend, chill out and wait.

Your move, Putin.