
1 Post – 60 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I wonder what the future is gonna hold for famous people. There's gonna come a time when a rando dev can just press a button and a beautiful, funny, and any other-positive-quality-you-could-want person will be generated. This person will never commit a sex crime, will never say a racist remark, never do anything controversial. I imagine once that happens that's just kinda it for famous people who represent a brand.

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If this is real fuck you Nintendo, so bull shit for not just making it oled. There's a $50 difference right now between the regular and oled variant which could 100% just be worked into the new switch pricing. You just know they're releasing the oled model 1-3 years after launch so people buy again.

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Vietnamese Dong 🥵

Unlucky, didn't see this until after I clicked. The new default for posts about reddit here on Lemmy should be that any links are just screenshots or archived versions or something

Burn baby burn. I have no illusions on how much we actually affected reddits bottom line but I can only hope that the power users from reddit will slowly leave the platform.

Yeah I'm confused by this too. Everyone I've talked to has just expressed concern in regards to who's running the military, the direction its internal politics are going, sexual assault issues. I've never met anyone who thinks it couldn't execute its mission properly. As a veteran, trust me people, there are some white-hot shit people at the tip of the spear and running all the way down it too. There's shit bags for sure but I'm pretty confident in it meeting most expectations.

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Based. I bet everyone at Peterson is glad as hell they don't have to move to the sweltering south

Please post again when it's a little more fully developed... Looks really nice!

Idk that makes sense for like story driven games where things have a definite ending. For a fighting game I don't really care if they keep pumping them out since it's not like detracting from anything major. People just want to play as like slippy or geno or something. People will just keep playing the good ones, like how melee has survived.

Towards the end there anytime someone would pm me about something like 80% of the time it'd be a chat. I exclusively browsed on Reddit sync so when I randomly got on reddit desktop and saw I had like 10 chats from months ago it surprised me. Just goes to show how the community has shifted from when I first started 13 years ago and now imo.

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System shock remake... Pretty incredible. Never played 1 but beat 2 a few years ago and it's awesome playing an old school game again with a modern flair. Hoping to finish before baldurs gate comes out.

I have never seen this meme. Was it actually popular? Was I somehow living under a rock?

I mean that makes sense. Samsung doesn't bill it's front screen as a full phone, it's supposed to be just a window for quick info at a glance. It's probably more just Google hasn't made its app compatible with the flip's cover screen. In any case at this point the screen on the flip 5 is actually a decent size so it should be able to run any app like the razor.

Well, just being the change you want to see. Being vocal about building less car-dependent cities leads to more people being aware a car isn't necessarily critical to daily life which leads to people voting for people who share those same ideas. Sure it won't be tomorrow but as someone who hates driving I'm definitely making an effort to drive as little as possible and voting for that lifestyle.

But to answer op's question, Lemmy's population as a whole is probably very techy/urbany and young. Very conducive to living in a major city where it's possible to live without a car.

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How does that work? I'm a federal employee in a union. You figure if the feds can so can state employees

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Pretty crazy about the paying people for content, hadn't heard of that. Seems like a great way for content to get dumbed down to appeal to the lowest common denominator and fish for free money. Oh well, I'm sure reddit has honorable intentions and is doing this solely to benefit its average user.

Some points you can't really refute are cost and repairability. Yes, they're expensive and yes, they're quite difficult to repair, there's no getting around that. One thing you don't have to worry about is the screen though. I'm not sure what people have told you about it being "better," because at this point most phone screens are pretty incredible; great brightness, contrast, oled, 120hz. Where foldables do shine is content consumption. I use my phone A LOT. And trust me when I say that the experience is pretty unparalleled. Multitasking, large video streams, gaming, browsing Reddit and now Lemmy were all absolutely incredible experiences and I can never go back to a slab phone. I bought both the 14 pro max and the pixel 7 pro to try to come back but it's just not the same at all.

And the crease thing 100% disappears after 1 hour of using it. A lot of people hear about the crease, decide they don't like it, try to have a hands on, see the crease and focus solely on it the whole time saying to themselves, I hate the crease, why would anyone buy this. It's analogous to when apple did the notch; tech people were like what the fuck is apple doing, why are they making phones so ugly, I use that part of the screen, Samsung made mocking ads about it. And now every phone on the market has some variant of it because people learned it's really not a big deal. Your fingers never go in the middle of the screen to feel it and as long as you have your phone on like 10% brightness it will wash out the crease from being apparent if you look at it dead on.

Trust, next time you're at best buy check out Google or Samsung's offerings. The phones are incredible.

The reason why there's a large influx of users is because the reddit thing finally kicked over so it makes sense that a large amount of comments about it. But I don't mind those as much as these meta posts complaining about people talking about reddit because it just puts a magnifying glass on everything that is worse here than on Reddit. Of course there's less interaction, the userbase on Reddit dwarfs Lemmy. Reddit was like this 15 years ago or however long it was. Either you understand why people have migrated here and accept that there's less of a community or here you stick with reddit. Stop complaining it's not a 1:1 copy.

I got a head sized burrito at chipotle yesterday that took two minutes. For me the issue is the peice. Total was $11 for a chicken burrito and chips and salsa. Not terrible imo but I miss $6.90 burritos. Buffalo wild wings is rough though.

I wish I could have intimate relations with sync's swipe actions

It really blows my mind to hear opinions like this because my viewpoint is so overwhelmingly the opposite. To me it seems like the clear next step; we have phones in our pockets and tablets in our homes. What if we could combine them to get the best of both worlds? The biggest issues I've heard are durability and price; both things that plagued early smart phones. You dropped your iphone from 2 inches or let it touch your keys for two seconds and the screen is ruined. The iphone 1 was $500, post subsidized, something unheard of back then.

Both of those are solved now and I'm sure in time foldables will do it as well. It might just end up taking apple hopping on board to really bring it to the mainstream like how they're going to do with their VR set.

Can I ask why you think it's such a gimmick?

State's rights!

Negative. Just download the launcher, then you can pick the version of Spotify you want to use. Then it'll download the apk. Basically like how YouTube vanced used to work. It's been pretty perfect for my use case.

I don't what it is, every time I stop playing I tell myself, well, that's that, done everything I've wanted to do with it.

Then 2 hours later I come crawling back, fishing for royal flushes...

The main channel is mostly still kind of an internet history. Concordia was an obvious outlier though. But yeah all of his other stuff is basically just him creating whatever he wants with his friends. Humor for me is kinda hit or miss.

Same. I bought two at a local Asian grocer near me without knowing what it was, just to try. After forcing myself to finish the first couldn't bring myself to start the second.

Fucking Tom

I only listen to music with my phone or on my desktop. On my phone I have a pirated Spotify premium app, and on desktop I just stream from YouTube with adblock. Don't have any recommendations if you're looking to download though.

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Pirate it and if you think it's worth buy it afterwards. That's how I demo games.

Just beat tears of the kingdom. I think if totk had been released instead of botw it probably would've been one of the best games ever made... But with it being a follow up to botw it just felt way too similar for me to enjoy it. I essentially 100%ed botw so had no desire to just redo it again in totk. Basically just ran through the main story, did whatever side quests were easy, then fought Ganon. In a vacuum it was still a great game but I was sad it was so similar to botw.

Now playing the system shock remake. I beat 2 for the first time a few years ago and loved prey so have been excited to start it. Enjoying it so far for sure.

Same, although my attempts at the other ones were pretty brief. I like liftoff a lot because it has the swipe anywhere to go back gesture, which I love.

If you're trying to learn Japanese, wanikani for kanji and bunpro for grammar have been the best resources I've found. People recommend to just use anki but I don't have the time to customize decks and mine sentences for hours on end. Wanikani and bunpro set up a structure that's easy to follow and understand. I've loved using them over the past year.

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So when do we get our own the narwhal bacons at midnight

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Yah basically my viewpoint exactly. I loved pgr and was excited to see what their next outing would be, just to be disappointed that besides the combat it felt very much like a genshin skin. Collecting the gold cubes, doing shooting mini games, basically identical UI... It's as if someone said now that genshin has had time to mature and gain mass appeal, let's put out an inferior copy and have a perceived poor launch.

I really hope they find a way to differentiate the game, even if just a little because idk what would keep people here over their maxed genshin accounts. The reason I quit genshin was because after hundreds of hours climbing mountains and gliding to the next treasure chest I saw ad nauseum got extremely old and pointless considering that you level your characters for these huge damage numbers just to run the same abyss for the 500th time. Combat seems to be everyone's favorite part so I really hope they lean into it and create some cool mechanics and features and stop with the "speed run" events where you could basically walk it and still get max rewards.

Btw, are you keeping up with news for the game at all? Since leaving reddit I've had a hard time keeping up with more niche subjects like gacha games...

Hope it's good, and then good enough to further revisit the pillars franchise. And then for Xbox to see bg3's success and create another crpg!

I fucking love typing games, this is super cool to see. I was poor when I was a kid and I would just dump 100s of hours into typeshark lol

I can't really remember if that was an issue for my S4. I'm sure it happened like once or twice but I don't really drop my phone and I'm sure the majority of people nowadays have a case that will pretty much prohibit the battery cover from opening. What I DO remember is keeping a spare battery in my wallet and anytime my phone was low (I'm terminally addicted and 3 hours of screen on time was the best I got back then) just popping that bad boy in. Was a great feature and took a lot of stress off of me in the days when battery life was terrible. I hope they can revive a feature like that in a modern premium phone.

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I didn't feel the need to abandon them because I don't mindlessly scroll them. Well, I guess I did for reddit but I stopped that easily enough by substituting for Lemmy. And since Lemmy is kinda barren right now besides the front page I've cut way down on phone time. I still use Twitter when I try to get news on something, I use reddit to get random people's thoughts on a purchase, don't use Facebook or Instagram at all. Snapchat I just use for a single groupchat.

Western Washington is probably the most beautiful part of the US