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Joined 1 years ago

Sounds like people are in bed with the government to stop competition

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Hard to compare.

The two apps just have a different workflow..

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For everyone 1 person who want cheap housing, there is 10 who want the status quo

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Seen plenty of example of the 5 eye spying everything, yet to see an example of evidence Huawei spying.

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Can he freeze up his employment

The weapons manufacturer win!

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There is a difference between a democratic, allied government raping, killing, bombing, murdering, genocide and an authoritarian government raping, killing, bombing, murdering and genocide?

It's okay if we do it! Double standard!

The 5 eye has been caught with the penis in cookie jar via the NSA snowden leaks. Yet to show any evidence of Huawei spying for the Chinese government.

Where do you host your nextcloud?

Depends if you learn gimp or PS first.

Like if you start life with Linux, windows seems weird

Did anyone read the opinions?

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Its only free when I say so

Yay, we restrict their access to silicon etching machines, and the return with metal restrictions.

2 wrongs surely makes us right

Don't forget the nuclear waste and banned cluster bombs

People are not willing to die for democracy.

People are willing to die doe their cunt tree.

Divide the wealth of the billionaire and the number of poor people and see how much they each get

not sure if the billionaire are jealous or not.

The protest going around vandalising property to make their point is definitely an action from jealously.

People have vote with their money to shop at Walmart.

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Some are, some not. Hard to judge.

Everyone expects others to give what they have away like a river flowing downstream.

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Billionaire who don't want attention are not going to be parading around.

People who want attention does

At least we have democracy and freedom to do this!

Allah forbids if it was China

Wish they would add a photo editor as well.

Smells like cow shit

We are pirate and rob others

You father must be hungry to appreciate the "famine" food.

They are free to give up their "wealthy" Spanish life and go help those "poor" people get rich.

More action less talk.

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We lost focus on making our browser better, lost customers.

However, we like to make statements for virtual signals to distract us from making better browser

All talk, no action

Welcome to the party. Enjoy your stay in space!

Comparison. These billionaire compare to average Spaniards are filthy rich.

These Spaniards are filthy rich compare the most people in African.

I doubt the action came out of "care", more out of jealousy.

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The USA blow up your gas pipeline, but that's totally acceptable

No shoes, learn to walk again

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If parents teach kids well, society will not have to ditch out such punishment

Let's exercise to defuse the situation instead. This guy like the kid at school who shouts "fight fight fight" at school!

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Hi renter here,

I just rent and want you to subsidies my living expenses so I can profit from you.

I do have an entitled given by god.

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The food still looks pretty garbage compare to Japan!

The Chinese people need our support, can we open up the flood gate and fly them in!

Jealousy becomes vandalism?

I wonder how they feel good themselves if people from Africa came and vandalised their house and say rich people should exist

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Please volunteer at the front line 😀

More protectionist measure as national security issues. Lip service to free and open market.

Huawei owns lots of 5g patents, will be paying one way or another.

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Yes, let's escalate the war.

I wonder what USA reaction would be, if Russia send arms to Iraq after USA attack it.

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