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Joined 11 months ago

Dark pattern games should be fucking illegal.

So many kids are stuck on terrible games that force them to get angry and beg mommy and daddy to buy stuff in a game. My youngest is forever stuck doing this and it drives me nuts.

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Are you this mad at pokemon too? They obscure all of this, but the premise is the same..

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Because they're free and can be counted on.

I pre ordered it, waited like 8 months, the first delivery got stolen (fuck you fedex) and I would do it again at full price without a doubt. I fucking love that thing.

Vaping is cheaper and more potent.

I have a few carts I use sparingly because they seem to be rougher on my throat than dry herb vaping.

But the best middle ground by far is dry herb vaping. It is very cost friendly, customizable in terms of effects, and probably "safer" than vaping. This is my primary method of consumption.

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Holy shit give me new content big daddy you own my wallet. Praise be lol

I remember discovering Warhammer when I was a teenager and thinking how cool it all looked. And then I saw how much it would cost and I until this day have the same dilemma some 20+ years later.

It looks so good!! Definitely gonna grab it on the next sale. Man these indie dev pixel budget games are so much better than the AAA ones.

Stardew valley. I stopped playing it earlier this year but picked it back up this week. I forgot I made a new game that went with joja instead of the community center and I feel disgusting playing it but I need to see how it shakes out lol

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Yeah that's fair. I know as an adult I have more control so I avoid those games (now) but once you're in, your locked into that fomo.

But I see it negatively impacting my kids more than anything. Imagine growing up playing those games.. I had Mario and games you bought and owned lol I can't relate to most of the games of today.

Diablo 4 has consumed me and I can't stop playing it

I just use the .1 gram capsules, but my other vape is .2 grams.

And it's not all used up after the first session. I usually start with only 3 or 4 hits and do that every 20 minutes or so. Depending on what I'm vaping it'll last for an hour or 2, maybe a cap change in between.

So that's what I use and I just pack it to a loose fill I don't stuff it.

On every game platform community I'm privy to, asking if pal world runs on x system is a troll move..

Is it not a joke? I'm on another steam deck group where asking this question turned into a joke...

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