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Joined 1 years ago

Ditto. But I'm in the USA myself.

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This article seems like each piece was written by the companies themselves. Like it says the A15 only.charges at 25w and then uses words like " charges rapidly at 18w" on the next phone. Really shitty writing.

He definitely thinks.its in Central/South America. To be fair if he was corrected he would not admit it, so we won't ever know.

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That seems unnecessary. You have them on the phone and they have the ability to guide you through it. It's not like they should have to text or email you that information. You aren't guaranteed to have a data signal or be on a cell phone or something to receive a text or email.

One company that bought up most of the hospitals and small practices just up and decided to move out of the area, fire thousands of people and NOT sell the hospitals to people that put in offers. They DIDNT work with the cities they left. They sent a piece of mail to me letting me know I had 30 days to get prescriptions from my PCP and that I wouldn't get any more. Now I have to find a new doctor... While working full time during the hours of doctors... While hoping to God my ADd meds last until I get a new doctor. They didn't even pretend to try to work with anyone in the area on this. They don't give a fuck about the people. This is not an industry that should be ran by corporations.

One of the hospitals they are closing is jam packed, filled to the brim every day. How the fuck is it legal for them to just up and leave without working on a plan to slowly leave the area or transition to another company?

Videolabs is what was created instead of trying to make Videolan closed source or for profit. The founder of Videolan is the founder of Videolabs. Fully intentional.

You all are awesome. Finding out new features every day with Firefox. Glad I returned.

Not enough information. What are people.doing or not doing that isn't right? Do they take the middle urinal when there are 3 available? I had a coworker who did that and it was a little weird.

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A family member has lost their taste and smell 3 times now. They got it back the first time but barely did the second. Can't say for sure on the third time though as they have not got it back yet.

I hate this trend on the Internet. Looking through 30 pages of a forum may be tedious but it's not behind a wall people might not know about. With Telegram and Discord it's great for the community but even worse usually when you need an answer. If you search discord and the question was not replied to or your search term was not mentioned you may have to scroll through for a long time. Not to mention how quickly information can go away if the server is deleted or something.

Coming from a Midwestern state in US, guys, is a very common word. I would say GenX/Millennials use it most, can't speak for GenZ much, or Alpha as I never know what they are saying anyway.

I agree. But I worry that unfortunately this won't stop most people.

As someone who doesn't have the attention span for long games this one kept my attention real good.

Well the first issue is that you think there's a problem with the border.

Some people aren't using any VR headset.

Apple itself or rumors have already shown they have thought about removing the port altogether.

Sounds familiar.

Lol love this thread with so many people confidently incorrect. It's not common to come in bags but not the norm. Also... Yeah why isn't it still in the bag.

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Because you can close the bag or tie it or something so it doesn't go bad as fast.

Comedy Bang Bang

Great improve podcast. Lots of funny people.

You can't delete a thread account that is created without also deleting Instagram account. Someone reported seeing that they were following people that didn't have threads accounts yet so Meta might be creating shadow accounts for Instagram accounts that haven't taken the plunge yet.

Maybe there will even be Palestinians alive after all of this is done. Who knows?

Boomers may have invented computers and the Internet but it's the Gen X and Millennials who used it most, developed it into what it is now. All of my millennial friends are just as comfortable on a computer as they are on an android phone. You definitely have the Millennial thing mixed up with Gen Alpha or Z.

I would get it from their website just in case. In the video where Louis announced it he talked about another app he promoted, FOSS stuff, that people download from the play store that had malware in it. So I went straight to futo for it. That and I figured Google would probably not like it.

Those companies have changed their own launcher so many times as well that it doesn't give me any hope that they will continue to exist or continue to let me borrow the games I bought from them.

This is not an issue of what Distro Valve chose to use (SteamOS used Debian now it uses Arch) but is on Canonical for how they package it. I have just been dipping my toes into Linux lately and have been using Manjaro and Nobara and they have been working great for gaming and every day use... Until I play a game like Finals and have to swap to windows.

I literally won't buy a product that uses micro USB. It's the only.standard cable I have used where I've had both cables and the connector on the device fail.

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Indeed. And with things like SoD you have the choice now too.

It's worth it. You only have to.install it once and then you can update it from inside itself. I have YouTube premium so ads don't pop anyway but sponsorblock awesome and the actual interface is better and doesn't completely change randomly for the worse like YouTube app does Everytime they get an amazing idea for how to make the UX worse.

I agree. Unless that's the whole point of the game you are making, and then it's just the nature of the game. Flight Sim is one of my friend's favorite games, but not so for me. At least they aren't telling people that they are wrong about it being boring because it's realistic and realism is better or some crap.

They still didn't release this port on PC. Unfortunately.

I did the same. Got a remanufactured steelcase Leap v2 and it was the best purchase ever.

Still not definitive proof necessarily. Splashtop used to sell their custom OS to most the motherboard vendors. They usually rebranded everything but it was still the same OS.

Hey don't get any ideas. I just can't lie and I'm a lawyer. I'm trying to get the trial postponed.

Probably Bioshock. First thing that came to mind. Such an amazing experience.

Lol right. Here's a cool bill for an investment we can't control. Seems legit assuming it is

I need to hit up the ATM machine.

I've never seen one.

Doesn't break as often as Micro USB so I hate it slightly less. :D

"Self defense". Sure. When someone drives to a protest out of state and starts walking around patrolling streets with guns for some reason it's less of self defense to me and more hunting. He took it up on him himself to be a vigilante and put himself in dangerous situations that he didn't need to be in.

Calling him anything but a childish POS who wanted to wave his metal dick around is a fucking joke.