4 Post – 35 Comments
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Yeah, it is portfolio-padding. I see this happen all of the time. Like, I see programs and other technological products start as newborn projects. It takes 1 - 3 years average to see them blossom, they have their big break and then somewhere down the road, the creator(s) are looking for buyers. Because they've made this project now with the means of profit so they can live a life worry-free from all of the years they worked developing said project.

And you know, I get it, I mean I'm not going to disagree with the principle. Don't we all want to live worry-free with money for the rest of our lives?

But I do also get a tinge of hatred towards some of them because of the hundreds to thousands and even millions of people that have believed in them to use their products faithfully. And now they're facing a new entity, god help us if it's someone from a private firm or someone who's a shareholder ass-kisser. Because now we're going to experience the dip and we'll be troubled with moving on or sticking with the shit that now has degraded because the whole thing is entirely for-profit.

It has long stopped being useful for a long, long time. It is just but a symbol of piracy. It hasn't even had it's original creators for close to 10 years now? Maybe longer.

It's discouraged because it has lost it's place as the place to go to for pirated material. All you'll find is nothing but people slipping in malware on things you want.

You see...

It's okay when THEY do it.

It's not okay when YOU do it.

That's how they function.

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I'm a faithful follower of never using your real name in social parts of the internet. We don't need to know and we don't want to know. The only ones who would want to know are scammers or people wanting to give you a shitty time. I only use my real name online for people and places in where it's required like talking to agents from my bank, insurance .etc And very few friends know my real name through FB and the circle anyways.

Don't send nudes online to anybody. I know of some communities where people happily are flaunting it one moment then they make a post later whining about them being exploited or that they thought they were crafty hiding the nudes from someone they're married with. They delete it but they're too naive to think that what's already out there, has most likely been saved by hundreds by now, so you're fucked either way.

Another is, is that if you want to be understood, then you need to use proper spelling and grammar. I miss the days when you got kicked at because you used 'u' in replacement of 'you'. It's just two fucking extra letters you lazy asshole. These days saying stupid shit like; 'yah fr u tha fam' is somehow a complete sentence. No, I'm going to give you shit for it and if you want me to bother caring with what you have to say, fucking make some sense. I don't even get offended by insults when they're poorly spelled, it just tells me what kind of an inept moron you are.

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Yes they have. They've just recently nuked on the Switch emulator.

And you can bet that if they could, Nintendo would go out of their way to sue any other emulator developer that emulates their games. The only things saving some of those emulators is technicalities like open-source.

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Good on Discord. If these corporate cretins want pirates so bad, do the work themselves, not push others to do the dirty work.

Just assume almost everybody is an asshole online and you can't be wrong. Because anonymity has granted them that capability.

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Enjoy it, asshole.

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.50 I bet


You know, you actually hit the nail on the head in the context I had failed to articulate. Like yes the Fediverse does have some interesting communities, but they're communities we expect of the fediverse to have that everyone else has. But, it does not have a dedicated Nostalgia community, it does not have AbruptChaos or anything else. Just the basics.

And I think if more people took on tasks like running the communities while educating people the benefits of the fediverse, then we can see a bit more growth. Because the point of the matter is if people are desperate for a Reddit alternative, they're going to want to feel like they're home. If there's nothing here that's going to help make them feel that, then they're going to just stick to Reddit for better or worse.

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No, their idea of value is bothering with a bunch of shit you could honestly give less of a shit about. Audible? Oh cool, you mean another service you gotta sign up for and keep track of? And you have to cancel that separately or get a subscription charge, which happened to me before. Aggravating.

Prime Video...E-Book...Games...

Yeah they're trying to shove all of this content in your face and you may not likely be interested.

Slower spending meant that their prices suck. I mean, I've gone into a few Walgreen stores and their prices are just horrendous across the board. It sucks they chose greed than sticking around for people who need medication.

We wouldn't be buying shit food if all of the healthy food that's been promoted as being healthy, weren't so expensive.

Now before you start trying to sound smart, I am not talking about the vegetables, fruits and bagged series of rices available.

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Give them enough time, they're going to bar eating and basic survival instincts. Whatever those are to them.

Okay Consoomer.

Oh yeah I've noticed this tone too with them. Like with one ad, one of the Mountain Dew ones, they tell you to 'get off your ass' and stop putting your playlist on repeat with party remixes. Their entire message is your life and lifestyle is nothing unless you drink their shitty product. Like fucking hell I'm going to now that you're going to assume what my life is about and that I'm not smart enough to do anything else.

It's that kind of attitude that won't make me boycott the product, but directly go to any marketer to personally tell them off.

Sheriff Owens, on the other hand, argued that it was a simple business dispute that any citizen could have called in.

Well, does every other citizen have a vehicle equipped with computers, sirens and have the authority to basically break traffic at will for emergencies?

And we need to hold the people who allowed the company to break ground to provide us those utilities that lead to allowing us to pirate.

And soon we'll have to pass so many ridiculous laws to where we mind as well just go back to relying on oil lanterns and telegraphs.

I think his lawyer personally wants to see the nudes.

Facebook has no anonymity though. So it's different. You are sole responsible for who you allow yourself to add that now may know your real name.

I think people being assholes on FB with their real names makes filtering a hell of a lot easier.

If you think this question is being asked too much, go and sit at AskReddit sometime. Count the many, many times you will see questions like 'Why are you single?' or "What would you do if someone gave you a million dollars?' or similarly worded questions. They are posted by the hour, almost nonstop.

You get a question like mine like once in a few weeks or a month maybe. But you hadn't seen anything until you check out AskReddit.

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It does. You aren't looking. I always feel a sense that I am talking to people from other parts of the world. Moreso than anywhere's else.

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My store is out of them but right now it's wafer rolls. They come in orange, vanilla and strawberry flavors. All of them are damn good and I end up eating the whole jar once I start eating a few of them.

Ads should never have to be a source of income for anybody, in the same vein that paying for tips having to be a source of income.

The problem are the fat-cats hoarding all of the money so they can piss it away by flaunting and throwing down those millions so that we can suffer ads at their expense. That is a problem.

Millions are spent on marketing, that's not a secret. You should sit down and think sometime, where those millions could've been spent on than just shoving ads and ads down our damn throats.

Whenever I read stuff like this, my mind goes a bit hazy. Because I'm just finding myself asking 'Why and when did the simple mechanic of passwords get this difficult?'

Maybe if password requirements weren't stingingly stupid, companies cared more about actual security and not an obstacle course they've gotta send people through to do one thing. We wouldn't ever know or need to know systems like this.

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Man, I'm still listening to an online show that hasn't released anything new since 2012. But the episodes I'm listening to, since there's different versions of the show based on different years of release. The episodes are now 20 years old and everytime listening to them back, it's like opening a time capsule again.

It's a very niche show called 2 Sense and it's hosted by a couple furries. It's a very acquired taste for sure and I won't argue with anyone that some of it's content have really aged like milk, but what there is to be found on there can be a bit entertaining.

It's just a show I visit so frequently, it's become white noise now because of how much I've listened to those episodes.

Yes I am racist. I'm racist to stupid fucks who deliberately twist contexts around to fit a projected narrative of theirs, you asshole.

You're the one bringing the race into this, not me. This is simply a response. Let me remind you, since your braincells are in single digits, that this is a response to something you brought into the discussion that wasn't otherwise warranted. Get a fucking clue.

Wow, not too long ago we lost AnimeSuge and now they're already after HiAnime.

Hey, why don't you fucking go tell Crunchyroll to get off it's lazy ass and get shit available? It doesn't have everything!

You know a platform is big when like nearly all states of a country have their own subreddit and their own userbase. It's like, that's impact there.

It's the same here, I check the front page and what do I see? Politics, politics, politics, a couple memes and maybe a news report that isn't politics.

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I swear there is one dude who is like a frequent news reporter, I see his name nearly all of the time around the instances. But yeah there seems to be just a handful of people who represent the minority that just chat away.

I think the Fediverse is the perfect platform for things like what you run. I also think at times how great the fediverse could be for those who're mentally struggling. Just imagine, a decentralized platform where not only is it separated from the general network, but it's an instance/server where people can feel safe and private. Also secure too.

You don't get that feeling on Reddit. People are telling sensitive stories out there for all to see on Reddit and anywhere else. They're unfortunately setting themselves up for the chance of anybody stumbling upon those tellings and could give them hell for it. Making them worse off than they already were.

Okay so I've watch some of the video and I'm annoyed by it. A problem in the video has been highlighted when it comes to indie games and that's genre favoritism.

Indie game development seems to have such a hard on for roguelikes, strategy and anything that is addicting with retro visuals. That to me throws a lot of red flags. He does show some other games from other genres, but the ratio is evident. A lot of the games don't really impress me that much and that's coming from someone who has already been spoiled with the best of what indie gaming had to offer in previous years.

That guy is also kindof annoying too. "I realllly want to play", "addicting" .etc

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Haha, you're a fucking retard. Get a life.

I want to say Middle-East, but that's not fair because it's a cluster of countries. It's hard to pick just one though, because a lot of countries in the Middle-East are batshit insane and allow extremism to dictate how they run the country. Extremism of any degree is just a bad thing to have around. It is technically, though scholars may disagree, the birthplace of Terrorism as we know it today.