0 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

What's funnier is that you didn't even include the allegedly gold comment in the screenshot.

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I pirate AAA, I buy indie.

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All I can think about is that atrocious braces indentation

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Even worse, DBMS *shudder*

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I just blocked all of them when they started spamming my feed.

I love posts like these because they help me avoid mistakes I would've definitely made too. Thanks OP!

I'm in this photo and I don't like it

Hello inject me with beans please

not again

The insinuation of "merge now otherwise you are letting your users down" in the F-Droid PR is so sickening. I can't imagine talking like that to people who voluntarily put their time and effort into a FOSS project.

Deep Rock Galactic

Just gotta finish one last assignment...

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The performance is pretty on-par with other major browsers now, but it is the obscene amount of popups built into the browser that irritates me.

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He said they DON'T speak to him

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WSJ coming back with the worst takes possible

Other than the better discussion and nicer people that other commenters already mentioned, I've also seen a lot less of the same boring memey replies that permeate every post on Reddit now.

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Everything is a godsend, I install it on every Windows machine I use. But it always makes me wonder why Microsoft doesn't integrate such search features in their own OS.

Poor dog

Skibap Badap

Mathematicians can have a lil doubt, as a treat

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cat on cactus

Or when it tells you where you can hide

Fuck, why is this me!?

Now I need to know what the other 9 images are

If this is based on store region, VPN is not enough. You'll need a payment method from that country as well.

BlOoDtHiRsTy RoOmBa EaTs kiTtEn WhOlE NSFL

If you really want to make Skyrim playable on an HD Graphics card, you might have to go lower than even the low settings (like by editing config files, for example).

Many people have made recommendations on what to change in videos and posts, you should look them up. IIRC there was even a mod for low-spec Skyrim.

Are there games which don't use this mechanic? Might be interesting to check out.

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It's line no 16896

I genuinely thought it wasn't English for a bit.

WinDirStat is good, but it's really slow compared to its alternatives.

You should try that mod that adds thousands of lines of lore-friendly dialogue across all NPCs.

The API is bad, I get it. But the author also seems a little too aggressive with the "my way is the best way" attitude.

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Better give him some respect if you don't want your cities razed to the fucking ground.



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you made this, I made this

Thank god I left early

I have a Pixel 5a too and the call screening option is a godsend.

I also see a lot of parallels to Oxygen Not Included in the screenshots.

Livin the dream!

Hasn't this been the case for a looong time?