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Joined 1 years ago

"the artifacts wound up being stored at Mar-a-Lago, and it remains unclear whether the former president is aware of this."

Dude lost track of all the shit he plundered.

5 more...

They've always done that: the Nazis were not the least bit socialist. Just pull words that poll well and make it up from there.

1 more...

I'd rather get nuked than show up to work Monday, but that's not really my call.

The test is not of the efficacy of hypoxia, but of the state's competency.

I dunno, endorsing Nazis feels like you're trying to discriminate in this community.

Aren't those called indie establishments?

12 more...

Governments by and large occupy a mindspace that is "individuals must be subjugated for the needs community", but not "we must subjugate ourselves for the needs of the planet."

And you don't immediately respond asking for some startup cash?

Now i'm ace.

Thanks Oba- er boys.

Seems that way, but keep in mind that military service brings with it a military mindset of heirarchy. With everyone being primed to accept a "this person is my superior," falling back on taking orders is a lot more palatable.

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Are... are you not supposed to do that?

Oxygen. That shit causes too much rust. And spoils my chips.

Thats a nice idea, but what with it being a literal warzone Egypt's gonna have to make a backup plan.

May wanna get an optometrist appointment then.

The likening to cable is noteworthy because cable started as a means of "tv without those pesky ads" and then...

Individuals who only get news from social media may find less "respectable" news coverage and an increase in "news" from sources who rely on unsavory backers.

Which is to say: if Facebook won't pay for legitimate news coverage, misinformation will drown everything else out.

So you're telling me i need to store a lot of canned beans in a nearby cave system?

Heh, 80085.

Well, one kills brown people....

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Kinda redundant? Never met a cat that did not have a intent to kill everything it met.

Dunno, I'm an ASs man, myself.

You like kissing boys, aren't you.

Kids are all jacked- very few can throw plates of any consequence that high in the air.

Ordinary can be awesome too!

Late in the Edo period, you'd be a poorly paid menial bureaucrat, but that's still a good gig compared to the others.

I'd imagine not. The meat would be poorly marbled as evidenced by the man being about as sedentary as possible. Furthermore, based on my very limited knowledge of his diet, that lack of nutrition will only pass along.

Probably not at all, but exist as a buffer state for the Germans that would be steamrolled.

What kinda long-ass rounds we shooting on the xr15?

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The Commisar determined I no longer needed my gender.

Reee, this is clearly art of how China is using the Gays to topple Western Civilization (TM)


Where do I sign up for my Atheist card?

Gin Rummy of the Boondocks.

There's the rub, isn't it? Fascists are the ones most actively seeking new platforms to move to after their removal from any other, meaning a lot of the start-up content has to be thoroughly filtered, which takes a lot of effor and resources away from growth.

I also just toss it in a backpack with the usual case, but jsaux makes a nice looking bag for it:

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Submarines in particular: sealed system that moves in three dimensions.

Yeah, but look at that streak! The "never again" following the Great War was only ~15 years.

I continue to believe we're making measurable gains

Nobody's anything but 'quite bad at it'

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

Solid choice. Just finished it. DLC is not worth it though...

Gotta go with Dwarf Fortress, boss. Never gets old, and seems to run better on Linux.