2 Post – 149 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I agree with others that the concept of "mega threads" are fundamentally broken and not something I'm interested in carrying over from Reddit.

This is a place for discussion where users vote to decide what rises or stays obscure. Let the system work how it is designed. If there are too many posts about a particular topic, it's either extremely relevant at the time or there are other moderation rules that could be considered to make sure low-effort posts are not dominating more substantial posts.

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Even if LK-99 does turn out to be a room-temperature superconductor, significant challenges around manufacturing and engineering would remain before it could be utilized in real-world applications.

This part seems irrelevant for this story. Of course there are going to be challenges and unknowns about taking a lab experiment to mass scale production. That is true of literally every thing that may eventually become mass produced.

What's interesting about LK-99 is not whether this particular room temperature superconductor would be useful. It's about proving that any such material is possible to exist. That would ignite a huge effort to discover why, which will lead to the development of other, better materials. Some of which will be scalable and affordable, most likely, given enough research time.

But until we know it's possible, why spend all of that effort? The first discovery on the edges of science are almost always most important as a signal that research is headed in the right general direction.

He and his wife are still the majority (perhaps only?) owners, so Linus is still in charge even if he is pretending to delegate some duties.

I think the fact he appeared in the latest video and was still so defensive is enough evidence to prove that point.

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so that AI can do creative activities

Let me stop you right there. The current concept of "AI"--otherwise known as Large Language Models because that is really what people are referring to--is not capable of creativity. ChatGPT and things like it just regurgitate stuff they find. They can't create something new and original

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How about the multiple merch plugs in the video itself or that the video was monetized, in direct contrast to the original video from GN not being monetized?

The FBI needs to be mandated by law to not care about politics. There is so much apparent hand-wringing over "not appearing political" that they are making huge impacts on politics. It doesn't matter if someone who breaks the law also happens to be a politician. Treat them the same as any random citizen!

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OMG why do tech bros try to force blockchain into everything

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The video from GN had footage from WAN show where he said that, so yes. I have not personally looked up the context, but it also sounds very much in character for how Linus thinks these days, so I am not at all surprised.

I also think it's an excuse to cover up the real problem: complete disorganization and the extreme pace of production. In the video itself, Linus seems legitimately upset with his employee that didn't even realize they had the wrong GPU. He did not seem surprised, however, which is very telling.

Gamer's Nexus recently released a video detailing how LMG's pace-over-all-else attitude is in direct conflict with their "we're going to be a serious data company" plans for LTT Labs. What has people the most upset, however, is the story around Billet Labs. LTT did a terrible, rushed, unprofessional job at reviewing a custom prototype from a small startup--they used the wrong hardware (after losing the GPU the company sent them to test with), didn't care enough to re-test properly, and then auctioned off that hardware instead of returning it to the owners.

Linus then responded (only in a space he controlled, of course) and said "we're going to do better, trust me bro" and made everything 10x worse. GN was essentially forced to respond to that because Linus blatantly lied to cover up the timeline on the Billet Labs fuckup.

Oh, and LTT also released a video in the middle of this that had a ton of testing problems, just like the original video outlined.

Now we're here, where the new CEO, Linus's wife (and co-owner, to be clear) and the rest of the LMG leadership have to pick up the pieces to try and salvage their reputation.

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I will be remembering this anytime someone says they were just protesters or that it wasn't actually a violent event.

Target and Starbucks are (understandably, IMO) bowing to violent threats against their employees and customers. There's not enough nuts out there to make a boycott actually impact their profit margin, and if there was it would be obvious to the other side that would probably more than offset any effort. Rainbow Capitalism wouldn't exist if that wasn't the case.

But there are enough nuts out there to make good on their threats of violence. We've already seen those threats carried out many times, so it's not just some hypothetical possibility.

Federation is a two-way connection. Beehaw shut off the incoming stream, essentially, so anyone commenting or posting on spaces from that instance will not be seen by users logged into Beehaw. However, the outgoing stream is still active so anything posted there that you subscribe to or visit from another instance can still be seen. Users on other instances can even comment in those threads, but users on Beehaw would not see those comments.

For me it helps to think of the instance you are logged into as the place you trust the most. Content from other sources can always come in, but you can choose to simply not see things you don't want. This is a fundamental part of how the Fediverse works, for better or worse.

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Hey folks, looks like we found Linus's Kbin account!

I had been using Podcast Addict for a couple of years after switching from BeyondPod which I used for many years.

But now I'm using the open source, community-built AntennaPod. There are a few quirks I had to get used to, but that is true of every app and especially something I use so frequently throughout the day. Performance has been great, especially with audio casting which has always been buggy and inconsistent for me with other apps.

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Only the nerds in Silicon Valley could come up with a technical solution to such massive problems as income inequality. How can supposedly intelligent people spend more than 1 second thinking that makes any sense?

What's next, are we going to make an app to answer vexing questions like "why does evil exist"?!

The whole point of the Fediverse is to add a human-based trust component. Why would a company that has repeatedly shown itself to not be trustworthy get the benefit of the doubt?

IMO, Meta can start their own instance and ask to be invited to the larger system, assuming they first prove to be worth taking that risk.

An email to Twitter’s press account requesting comment returned an autoreply with a poop emoji.

While hilarious, this simple statement in a legal filing does so much to underscore how insecure, weak and petty Musk (and probably all billionaires) really are.

Probably doesn't help their legal case at all, either!

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Who nominated and approved those appointments?

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What law did the migrants break?

Does the Coast Guard do a thorough investigation of anyone that is in need of their services and establish everyone is innocent of any potential crime before rescuing people

but that progress has arguably already been largely achieved and somewhat plateaued; continuing an upward trajectory now requires different tactics.

What "progress" are you talking about, exactly? Quantify your claim, please.

I would be happy with Emily and Alex starting their own channels. Maybe Dan can join one of them and make the dryest jokes possible. That's all I really watch for, anyway.

They don't "have" to do anything. LMG chose to hire dozens and then hundreds of people in an effort to grow as fast as possible. Linus could have prioritized accuracy or quality over quantity, but that would have made less money, so he didn't.

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From what I have seen so far, I am confident he wants to and will eventually do this, he is just completely overwhelmed right now.

I would encourage you to read his recent "apology" post to get a sense of how he is approaching his role as admin. So far, he appears to be saying and doing all the right things from my perspective.

Defending billionaires is an even more ammoral act than making a joke you don't like, comrade.

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The world is ruled by idiots, and anyone that thinks being rich makes you smart is an even bigger idiot.

I will be surprised if we don't find out soon that neither of his family members were themselves aware of these loans.

Yeah, but small correction: Beehaw only defederated from two specific instances of Lemmy, not the entire system. If you were engaging with a Beehaw community from lemmy.one or other instances that Beehaw is still federated with, everyone sees everything on both sides.

Also, if the Beehaw user really wanted to engage with the lemmy.world or other defederated instances, nothing is stopping them form creating an account on that instance (or any other instance federated with the desired community) and commenting or posting from there.

How do they know it's a bad product if they didn't bother to test it under the conditions it was designed for? It was a prototype, not a final product. In the original video, Linus is surprised (and maybe a bit upset) that the other guy didn't grab the right card or even notice that he didn't get the right card.

And to the point of the comment you replied to: it doesn't matter what the cost of the cooler was. If it was the best of the best then it was worth showing that. LTT does not seem to have a consistent viewpoint of "practicality". Even if we ignore that, saying "this product isn't worth the cost" is very different than the "useless" comment they ended up with.

The whole situation is what I like to refer to as "fractally wrong". No matter the perspective, how close or far away, it's always wrong.

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How is it even possible to have "official" vs "unofficial" categories in a decentralized, trust-based system that is designed to never be 100% interconnected?

I have go problem seeing Biden go to jail IF he did crimes.

100%. This is not even controversial or hypothetical: just point to all the Democrats clamoring for the return of Al Franken.

Oh wait, nobody ever talks about him? Even though he was unfairly sacrificed and railroaded as a political ploy by the GOP to try and undercut a movement they feared? And even himself appears to understand that's sometimes the price of democracy, even if it sucks and he didn't really deserve to be cancelled?

That's all the proof anyone should need that "both sides are the same" is total fiction.

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I like how it says their "updated" API rate limits but doesn't mention when those rules went into effect or how much warning they gave developers.

Spoiler: the answers are "very recently" and "not even a month".

I would like to see someone explain how restricting buying options is a good thing that lines up with "conservative ideals"?

Just answer a simple question: why should anyone believe this is anything but a blatant example of regulatory capture and legal bribery?

Why would a refugee or asylum seeker "never have a chance" at getting hired by a company like SpaceX? Seems like that is part of the problem, no?

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I don't understand why people think the end goal should be one network of Fediverse instances connected to each other. We already don't have that and never will.

Meta adding "more users than the entirety of the Fediverse" is irrelevant. They already have more users and content from Facebook, Instagram or whatever else Meta owns is not showing up on my Lemmy or Kbin front page. How would I notice any difference if the tech behind Meta's services is different?

State charges from Georgia are likely coming this week, too, from all the recent headlines.

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What source are you looking for, exactly? You asked about a specific incident and got a fine summary. If you want more context, it's very easy to find.

If you are looking for a "source" for a subjective opinion of someone's personality... I don't even know what that would accomplish or what form you think that would take.

The only hopeful improvement is that his reign would be more unstable and maybe the oligarchs don't support him. Like always, that means that innocent Russian civilians will take the brunt of the actual consequences.

Are you referring to the concept of capitalism?

You mean the thing that was a blue sky research effort? From that website it doesn't even sound like anything exists, it's just a thought experiment to see if it would make sense. How is that in any way dystopian or nihilistic or whatever tone you appear to be going for?

This is how public policy should work. It would be foolish and irresponsible not to investigate if a new technology has a valid and useful application.

This is like noticing that the Army has plans for a Zombie invasion without applying any of the context and then using that as evidence that zombies are real and the gubment is covering it up. Instead of applying a tiny bit of actual research and finding out it's a common way that the military plans for politically unsavory possibilities like Canada invading the US. Also known as doing their actual job in a professional and not-at-all-suspicious way.

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What a ridiculous, tech-ideology-above-all-else take. Not to mention over a decade past being relevant.

Flash could do things other technology at the time could not. It served a purpose at the time, thus its huge level of popularity.