Quack Doc

@Quack Doc@lemmy.world
1 Post – 135 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This would be a great comment if this was America...

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Do we really need to be so constantly cringy about it? Yes, custom ROMs are great. I run one. Lots of other people run one. They're great. Don't get me wrong. But you have to realize most people simply don't care for one, Most vendors also don't really support their phones well under GSI, so things like camera and stuff like that hardly ever work properly.

In a lot of cases, it is quite a bit of work to get a custom rom flashed and have it working well. The technological skill gap between most people who will run an Android phone and even enthusiasts who will so much as think about installing a custom ROM is so massive that you may as well be a hacker to them.

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Not sure how long this will last, but here are some videos I took of it, try not to mind the crunch on the last one, I had to use qsv_vp9 for it since I was running out of time and space. Also don't mind the fist video's bad fps, I was compiling in the background and forgot.

Simultaneously installing apps: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/719811866959806514/1217198163149197332/record.mp4?ex=66032720&is=65f0b220&hm=b1e495b579a5313cbaf0f3046ba78479f51dd44fa9f8ecf21929784c27fcbd66&

Phone aspect ratio: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/719811866959806514/1217198532641951856/record.mp4?ex=66032778&is=65f0b278&hm=4c4031dc44a5432570605bfa202720c0613105cd0c8487954d5859e0ec52e3ce&

Plasma mobile on x86 tablet vs gnome software: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/719811866959806514/1217287580916125818/tablet.webm?ex=66037a67&is=65f10567&hm=c4afb4d964b35e04f0a4b12d387a5110403ecf74d267747b5dc2738ff12166bd&

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Why? Hyprland has been limited by wlroots multiple times in the past.

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The issue with flat packs is the more you use it, the higher the chance that you get less shared runtimes and the higher the chance of the duplication. And at some points it really does get to awfully ridiculous levels.

A while back, I had run everything I possibly could with Flatpak to the point I'd even make my own Flatpak to try and see how well it would work. Instead of using the AUR. And it worked great for the first little while. I'd installed all of my apps and it was fine, but as I kept using the system, kept installing new apps and not uninstalled the old ones, it really started to build up awfully quick, especially with older apps.

I feel like the usefulness of flatpaks is the inverse parabola, where it's extremely useful in the center use, but when you go to either side of it, it becomes less and less useful.

Apologies for any incoherentcy this was written with a speech 2 text.

I tried Waydroid and it worked very well. The app ran supersmooth as if it was running natively.

thats because it was running natively

the blog post inside the linked blog post goes over some points. each point is copy and pasted more or less.

  • like for example the multiple times I've spent dozens of hours debugging a single issue only for it to turn out a small typo or a careless mistake that any language would catch at compile time, except for C
  • Memory safety issues arising from the absolute lack of any documentation whatsoever of wlroots have also been quite the annoyance
  • The development of a display server is very complicated, as they are very broad and complex pieces of software. Mixing a C library with 0 documentation is basically asking for trouble.
  • new wayland features that require changes in wlroots tend to take ages to get merged into wlroots, like for example tearing, where a basically ready MR took 9 months to merge
  • explicit sync still not being a thing, despite KDE and Gnome having implementations already (I believe it is now, but not at the time of the blog post)

Im very happy with how responsive its being in general. Discover and gnome's store are actually really sluggish to use when scrolling through in low end hardware and this app is smooth as silk.

even Fdroid stores on my phone are slower.

she has a pretty unique presentation method for the camera ive not seen others do. not bad.

I will never not be upset at people who don't realize how ram works

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I literally threw a ThinkPad at a brick wall in rage a long time ago and it was fine a t-42 iirc. reccomended them ever since

I find that even if you get a touch primary device, make sure to get one with a keyboard, Ubuntu, Fedora, doesn't matter, KDE, Gnome doesn't matter, the touch only experience on linux is simply not great. Make extra sure to get the keyboard with it if its optional.

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First impressions is I'm shocked by just how fast it is, Aside from the first boot which for some reason doesn't propagate apps and needs a reboot, it's extremely fast, Gnome software and Discover aren't even within the same league of responsiveness and speed. I didn't showcase Discover since I don't know where the cache files are to delete them.

Touchscreen for sure I wish was handled better. you can see I accidentally clicked an app in the last video instead of scrolling, but thats something that I assume will be fixed with time.

Does this mean we will finally be able to mark/search mobile/TV compatible apps? i remeber there being talk about that supported with appstream metadata

it got shoved down our faces

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Partially, it also had strong technical motivations.

Most displays support DDC, the feature has actually been in powerdevil for a while, but disabled due to bugs.

EDIT: modern displays*

what Guest OS are you running? IF it is windows, the opengl driver is still a WIP and hasnt been merged yet IIRC.

I always reccomend using qemu cli, for qemu-cli you can do something like

-device virtio-gpu-gl  -display spice-app,gl=on

or if you are doing remote VMs you can use a remote spice viewer and connect to the port like so

-device virtio-gpu-gl  -display egl-headless  -spice port=3001,disable-ticketing

EDIT: for more reading, you can go through these docs I wrote for bliss. they are oriented more for android but they are still widely applicable https://docs.blissos.org/installation/install-in-a-virtual-machine/advanced-qemu-config/

tried it, sadly it seems to rarely actually pop up, most sites I tried just didnt do anything

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some android kernels are, but AOSP itself can run perfectly happy on a vanilla kernel, just make sure your kernel was compilled with BINDER enabled, which yes, is upstream

Now THIS is a duct tape solution!

this would be... somewhat possible, you can't really boot GSI images, however the folk at BlissOS do have an android generic project that makes porting custom roms to x86 a lot easier. By porting android images to generic x86, we can serve them as temporary VMs, just like https://distrosea.com/ (I've actually been thinking about doing something like this for bliss specifically but funding says no lol).

This is contingent on roms being ported to x86 though, off the top of my head there are images floating around for

  • Bliss (Obviously)
  • Lineage OS,
  • Vanilla AOSP,

and specific verisons of

  • Project sakura (A11 iirc)
  • CarbonROM A10
  • Bootleggers A10
  • RessurectionRemix
  • Pixel Experience
  • Dirty Unicorns
  • Tesla

I believe there are also images of LMODroid and Calyx floating around... somewhere

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is another big factor, and probably the one that finally tipped the scales

means that it is not the sole motivating factor.

which means even if they are literally adolf hitler, I shouldn’t care, as long as they don’t post about gassing people on my server

Literally means that if they go around spewing crap, they get dealt with. This is not condoning hateful trolling at all. He is on the free speech side of things, but that doesn't mean he condones it at all. If you start posting bad crap, you get dealt with. Minor slights, are as the name implies, minor. Those are allowed but within strict limitations, if you start going full blown idiot, you get dealt with.

for me, ill probably always use olive at this point, its such a phenomenal editor and blows kde out of the water for ease of use and flexibility.

especially when you test the glsl pr

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This is always felt really weird to me in general because on one hand you do have a lot of over aggressive police officers in the States but on the other hand you also have a lot of police officers who are like been through the drill and are just calm as fuck about it.

I feel like the immediate pucker factor would be nine times higher if you're in the States, but then it either goes to shit real fast or settles down real fast.

Honestly might be a bit of a "shill" moment, Grabbing windows 2 in 1 and flashing bliss to it. Currently have a chuwi hi10x which can boot into Bliss and it's nice.

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you already can, While cosmic stuff is on the AUR i've been having issues with it so I use my own scripts I have here https://github.com/Quackdoc/pkgbuild-scripts/tree/Master/cosmic-epoch

you can add the repo as a paru repo if you have it;

Url = https://github.com/Quackdoc/pkgbuild-scripts.git
#Path = /home/quack/code/pkgbuild-scripts
Depth = 4

then install it using paru -S --rebuild cosmic-applibrary-git cosmic-bg-git cosmic-comp-git cosmic-edit-git cosmic-files-git cosmic-greeter-git cosmic-icons-git cosmic-launcher-git cosmic-notifications-git cosmic-osd-git cosmic-panel-git cosmic-randr-git cosmic-screenshot-git cosmic-session-git cosmic-settings-daemon-git cosmic-settings-git cosmic-store-git cosmic-term-git cosmic-workspaces-epoch-git xdg-desktop-portal-cosmic-git

you will also need cosmic-applets-git I need to patch mine to disable LTO=fat with LTO=thin in cargo toml so it's not part of the above command. Note I haven't done a clean build on these, but they should mostly work. if you run into any issues lemme know and I can try and fix them.

cosmic-greeter can be enabled with cosmic-greeter.service I think you need to manually install greetd im not sure I have added it to deps. using cosmic-greeter isn't necessary however.

EDIT: it is somewhat likely that I may have messed something up, but as it stands i'm currently actively using cosmic comp right now

this is not really quite true, we have always been able to run androidx86/BlissOS in qemu which works about "as well" but with less integration, IE no "native like" windows

One of the ones we had to take out. I'm still mad because it wasn't even that bad. It was a massive really long function that should have been refectored but kept getting put off. The comment was along the lines of

// TODO: take this fat bitch to the gym later.

Had to get removed because insensitive, well the function finally got refactored at least lol.

I use it a lot, I keep a little dock with me and a small bluetooth mouse and keyboard, when I'm typing on the go, I can just plug in when I come home and everything is there.

exact same thing with my emulators. I can also chroot into arch and get a full blown desktop environment if needed

It's just the sad state of reality. People get hurt when cops don't act on this. Unfortunately many police are poorly trained and filtered out, so this does lead to many instances where people do get hurt because of them responding. Police officers need to be more strictly trained and monitored when dealing with situations like these, and the transparency of stuff like this is shockingly little.

I just get any windows tablet that has good linux support and throw bliss on it, Linux tablet situation is bad right now

Wrong. This was originally technically motivated as hyprland had been limited by wlroots in the past and often had different update cycles from sway causing packaging issues.

Vaxry never condoned hateful trolling of trans people. In fact, he publicly acknowledged, and apologized for the lack of moderation that lead to the incident, said he would do better, DID better, and THEN after everything had blown over FDO tried to ego butt into his server even more.

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most android apps are architecure agnostic "java, kotlin etc" and even apps that are often ship "Universal binaries" which include x86, or split builds for arm and x86

libhoudini is optimized for Intel, NDK for AMD, but some apps may be incompatible with one or the other.

It has a LOT of issues still, it has potential, but things like subscriptions rarely actually work for me, and when it does, it takes ages for it to work. Portrait videos don't work.

I do like how it syncs my watch history, allows me to watch membership content. I wish it allowed me to comment natively as well as like dislikes. However the page button allows you to open the webview for the video giving access to those, not superb, but for sure not bad.

Google has been trying to clamp down on people daring to run software they don’t approve on their devices.

"Google" isn't. ChromeOS is actually providing more and more flexibility then ever. Android however is the exact opposite. One must keep in mind that google isn't some monolithic company, it's very fractured and has many independent teams, the best showcase of this is JXL. 3/4 top contributors to libjxl are google employees, and yet chromium decided to remove JXL support citing bogus reasons generated by obviously flawed testing and analysis.

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crostini is pretty damn great but it's important to know what it IS and it's actually really simple. Crostini is two things combined into one

Firstly A VMM

Crostini uses the crosvm VMM which is can be thought of kinda like an inhouse version of qemu but designed to explicitly run natively integrated and high performance VMs safely instead of being a swiss army knife (KVM acceleration, virtio peripherals etc) (PS. it's written in rust too) They use it for chromeOS to integrate android support (on select newer devices) and linux. It runs a supervisor distro which can run containers inside of it.

ChromeOS calls the VM termina. Im not sure what distro is running in the VM, or if its a specialized one. I forget

Next is the containerization

It is a lot like distrobox, It can run a myriad of distros but the key part of it is sommelier. A wayland compositor designed to render windows through virtio-wayland, an extension of virtio-gpu. In practice very similar waypipe which rendering wayland windows to a remote wayland client using network/sockets (Yes, it does support AV_VSOCK so it can work with qemu.)

Sommelier is run in the containerized Distro, running on the TerminaVM. Using termina provides excelent security and performance, and then using LXD inside of termina provides excellent flexibility

The guts of "crostini" crosvm, virtio-wayland, sommelieris all open source, you can actually (with some degree of hassle) set this up entirely yourself, or do what I do, and run qemu + waypipe for a similar experience. Waypipe is much easier to setup however it comes at a preformance detriment since qemu virtio-gpu perf is worse then crosvm (no vulkan support in qemu yet still)

EDIT: s/Architecturally/in practice/ I have no idea why I said Architecturally. they are quite different things. I must have had a brain fart

Chromium browsers have a lot of issues, and so does firefox, but ram usage is not one of chromes weaknesses, Chromium regularly preforms better for me then firefox does under low ram scenarios, Both in terms of chrome being responsive, and in terms of chrome not crippling everything else around it.

That's actually horrid. My router is android only and I thought that was bad.