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Joined 12 months ago

I can't speak for anyone else, but the supplements I take are primarily intended to improve the quality of my life, not quantity. For example, I take a B multivitamin because I find that my nails don't break quite so easily when I do.

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Username checks out!

I also frequently enjoy more alcohol than recommended, so it's good to know that my "expensive urine" may be serving more purposes than intended. Lol.

Ooops. Millennial here and I often iron my bed sheets. I have a weird ventless washer/dryer combo thing, and no matter how quickly I pull my sheets out or what dryness level I set it to, they come out quite wrinkled. I don't really mind if the main sheet is a bit wrinkly, but it drives me nuts when the top edge gets all folded, and then those folds become permanent creases.

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Yep. The dry cycle also takes about twice as long, but supposedly it's more gentle on fabrics. It's a pretty nifty option for small spaces without a way to properly vent the dryer, but I can see why they're not more popular. The machine came with the place, so I didn't exactly choose it, but I hang dry most stuff anyway, and definitely prefer it over dealing with shared, coin operated machines.

I can't speak for all other animals, but I imagine it's often for similar reasons as why they do it for cats: removing the hormones means they're much less likely to display unwanted behaviors such as marking/spraying, territorial aggression (fighting) towards other cats, and roaming. Those behaviors all stem from the desire to mate, and if they don't have testosterone from the testicles, they don't experience the desire to mate. Unless you don't mind the smell of concentrated cat urine everywhere, adult male cats with testicles don't make very great house pets.

With female cats, they completely remove the ovaries (rather than doing a tubal ligation) for similar reasons. If they did a tubal ligation instead, the cat would still go into heat, meaning lots of yowling and trying to escape, and an increased risk of marking/spraying, just no longer able to get pregnant. In my region, they also usually remove the uterus, but it appears that varies globally.

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added sugar in the form of sucrose or honey in samples of Nido, a follow-up milk formula brand intended for use for infants aged one and above,

I hate that it sounds as if I'm defending them, but the only specific mention of honey does say it was in a product targeted at children over 1 year old. I believe the recommendation I've heard is that honey is dangerous for children under 1 year old. But fuck, if unsweetened products are good enough for infants in wealthy countries, WTF are they doing adding it to products aimed at infants in poorer countries??

Be mindful that ... air conditioning nullifies the effects for cavities.

Got any sources for that? My admittedly very brief search just turned up a bunch of stuff about ventilation and COVID/aerosols.

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Not quite a command, but I seem to have confused my oldest cat so that he thinks "excuse me" is a threat. He'll be blocking a doorway, and if I say "excuse me" as I try to pass, he hisses and possibly swats, but if I just silently try to squeeze past, we're all good. Currently working to undo that one.

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I absolutely can't stand minty or cinnamon toothpaste, and have really struggled with brushing my teeth because of it. It drives me absolutely insane that so many of the flavors I can tolerate are only available in fluoride free formulations and/or get discontinued.

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I think it's less that the muscles are different, and more about body fat percentage and maybe distribution. You could have the strongest core in the world, but if there's a layer of fat on top of your abs, they won't have this visible definition.

Also... Really rare to have boobs that big AND such low body fat, but all sorts of women get implants.

That I really have absolutely zero interest in smelling their buttholes. Also, I sometimes eat plants.

Yeah, I guess I just might be a crazy cat person.

Pumpkin pie using fresh pie pumpkins. It's not that hard, but it takes more time and means washing more dishes, and no one that I know of can tell the difference vs. a pie made using canned 100% pumpkin.

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Quick, someone photoshop the legs to complete the third heart!

I was curious what the arguments against mass chicken pox vaccination are, and it seems the thinking is changing, at least in the UK.


What I still don't understand though is if the argument against mass vaccinating children is that sick children may effectively act as a booster for adults, why not just recommend an actual booster for adults?

  • When listening to new music, I'm constantly recognizing how heavily they sample older songs that I remember listening to when I was a kid.

  • A night out with friends often ends at 9 or 10p because we're all tired.

  • A night out with friends often includes a lot of discussion of various health issues and encouraging each to see a doctor.

  • I'm finding myself more and more avoidant of new technology. Or maybe it's just that I'm getting more concerned about maintaining a little sliver of privacy?

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An exercise routine has helped me a lot, exercising sporadically, not so much. I don't really feel a sudden sense of relief from a single session, but I've noticed that when I'm working out regularly, I feel better overall. It's not a sudden change, and not a "cure all", but it helps me focus better during the day, sleep better at night, crave less junk food/alcohol, and just feel less sense of "everything sucks". The routine also really helps me stick to other daily habits that I'm embarrassed to admit I struggle with, such as brushing my teeth.

I'm currently working to get back on my full routine, but in the past, I did weightlifting Mon-Fri, with intense cardio (running, stairs, etc.) MWF and chill cardio (walking) TTh. When I was really, really into it, that naturally led to being quite active on weekends too, such as 5k's, long ass walks around town, and hiking.

My advice to anyone trying to start a routine is to start small and gradually build it up. So step 1 for getting back to my full routine right now is a short daily walk. Once the short walks become a natural part of my daily rhythm, I might make the walks a little longer, add in a little running, and/or add in some light strength training moves, all depending on my overall goals and what feels within reach.

Not even. Looking at the 2023 Q4 subscriber counts listed on Wikipedia that's about 500 million devices, so the total fine amounts to less than 50ยข per customer.

Someone please tell me I'm calculating that terribly wrong, because I'm feeling quite angry at such a meaningless penalty.

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Dating/romantic relationships. I usually manage to uncover multiple deal breakers on the first date, and I'm pretty sure that's more of a "me" problem, than a problem with the type of people I date.

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Ummm, acktually, it was on my kitchen counter, and I threw it away like half a day ago.

Not everyone who plays the lottery plays it consistently. I think I'm reasonably responsible with money, and I'm probably spending something like $20/year playing the lottery. If I won, the very first thing I'd do is get a lawyer. I wouldn't even tell my friends or family until I got things sorted with a lawyer.

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All numerical dates are represented on a 12 hour clock.

Only if you use mmdd date format. The majority of the world uses ddmm.

Similar to your example, I do sometimes have a "brain fart", thinking that X:50 means half. So, like if the microwave says 1:50, I might think that means 1.5 minutes left, but I generally catch myself pretty quickly, and it's never caused any real problems.

I did my undergrad in a science that lends itself to lots of metric measurements, so even though I'm born and raised in the US, I'm pretty comfortable with metric and tend to set my defaults to metric.

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I hear what you're saying, but I also hear, "no, just do even more work!" Haha. As it is, baking a single pie is already more expensive than a single store bought pie, and the people I'm pawning my leftovers off to don't seem to know the difference.

On top of that, I live in a high rise in the middle of the city, so home-grown squash is impossible (I barely have space for a few window sill herbs), and anything "local" is going to be even more expensive. Just not worth it to me so I can have a few slices of pie.

It's been a little while since I checked, but the last time I was thinking of making chilli, I decided against it because the ground beef was too expensive. I use the fattier/cheaper beef, and depending on which store I checked, the Impossible/Beyond products were either slightly cheaper than real meat, or the same price. Of all the shops I checked, the cheapest option ended up being Impossible or Beyond.

I understand that air conditioning removes some moisture from the air, but just how much of an effect does it actually have on oral moisture? I was hoping to find some sort of studies with actual measurements of some sort.

Does it have any mechanisms to detect someone who might just install the app on an old phone that just lives in the glove box? Seems like a real easy way to get around the "don't use your phone" aspect.

Hahaha! If time isn't linear, it's quite possible that I am your cat reincarnated or vice versa.

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I still use Craigslist, but it does seem like fewer other people do. I've never really cared to get top dollar for whatever I list, I mostly just want to avoid tossing it in the garbage or hauling it to a donation drop off, and it's worked well for that. I'm currently browsing for a few items, and it does feel cluttered with dealers, even when supposedly limiting it for sale by owner only.

I tried Offer Up once a few years ago, and for some reason, it didn't notify me of any responses, so by the time I thought to check it again, I had already sold the item through CL. I refuse to use any Meta products, so FB Marketplace effectively doesn't exist to me.

Any idea how things might be handled when things get crossposted? Will replies on the crossposted threads also become comments on their sites? Or only replies to the original post?

I've seen a few climate control systems that have options for both celsius and farenheit, but they never give more actual control in one system vs the other. One system I've seen adjusted by increments of 0.5 if you had it set to celsius, or increments of 1.0 when set to farenheit. Another adjusted by increments of 1 for celsius, or 2 for farenheit.

The one that really drives me nuts is when the faucet is too short/too far back meaning that your knuckles are constantly hitting the rear edge of the sink in order to get your palms under the stream. This is especially annoying when it's in an otherwise large sink!

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Some from my recently played:

I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) with a boner

Rhythm Is A Dancer with a boner

What Is Love with a boner

Show Me Love with a boner

I'm Too Sexy with a boner

Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) with a boner

Beat It with a boner

Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough with a boner

She Works Hard For The Money with a boner

Never Gonna Give You Up with a boner

I'm Every Woman with a boner

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun with a boner

It's Gonna Be Me with a boner

Tearin' Up My Heart with a boner

It Ain't Me with a boner

Wannabe with a boner

Cry For You with a boner

Five Hours with a boner

I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman with a boner

I hate it because income feels like a number that the studios really care about, but what about number of tickets sold? A movie released this year has a huge head start on box office income when compared to a movie from 20 years ago, since ticket prices have easily doubled. Plus, theatres often have different prices for students, children, seniors, matinees, and even IMAX/3D. So wouldn't it be more apples to apples over time to compare number of tickets sold, rather than total income?

It was years ago, so my memory might not be perfect, but I had something that kinda did that. I think it was an Xposed module called GravityBox, and there was an option to limit repeat notifications. I had set a cool down period of probably 1 minute, meaning if I received multiple messages within 60 seconds, it would only notify once, but if I received another message 60+ seconds after the first, it would ding again. I'm pretty sure that the cool down period was customizable per app too. Damn, I miss that.

Yup, and even surgical sterilizations have failure rates.

Some of the Lemmy apps have keyword filters. I'm using Thunder, but I know some others have it too. No clue if there's anything for desktop though.

Maybe we have different microwaves, but I'm pretty sure that on mine, typing 130 is the same as typing 90 (1 min, 30 sec) and typing anything larger than 99 is automatically interpreted as m:ss, so 150 would mean 1 min, 50 sec, not 1.5 min.

  • Smart lights throughout the house. Mine very gradually dim off in the evening, simulating sunset, which helps convince my body to crawl into bed. They also gradually dim on in the mornings, which helps ease me into being awake. When my routines are strong, I'm often up and out of bed before my alarm (and before sunrise).
  • Exercise. I find that working out first thing in the morning works best for me, but my friend does better with evening workouts. Consistency is much more important than time of day, but maybe don't expect to fall asleep immediately after working out.
  • Sleep cycles. A typical sleep cycle is roughly 90 minutes, so aiming for a bedtime that gives you a multiple of 90 minutes total sleep time can make the waking up part easier. I used to use the Sleep ad Android app for my alarm because it could try to detect your sleep cycles and would wake you up early if it meant waking you up in the ideal sleep phase.
  • Don't sleep in. I know it's a real tough one, but if you can force yourself to get up on a consistent schedule, you're more likely to be actually tired on schedule also. This one is especially challenging to stick to if you want to get up early on weekdays, but stay up late on weekends. Naps may help here, but it can take some practice to find what works.
  • Bed is for sleep (and sex) only. Don't hang out in bed, and if you're having a lot of trouble falling asleep, get out of bed for a while until you're feeling more tired. This helps your brain form a stronger association where bed = sleep.
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, marijuana, etc., before bed. While some of these may help you fall asleep, they often result in lower quality sleep and may make it more likely that you wake up.
  • Limit fluid intake before bed so that you don't wake up in the middle of the night to pee. *Routine. I think I kinda loosely touched on this in a few other points, but sticking to a consistent routine makes it so much easier to fall asleep and wake up.

Oh, and if your responsibilities and/or latitude have you regularly trying to sleep during daylight hours, definitely get a sleep mask and/or some good blackout curtains so you can block out the light. Ear plugs may also be helpful if noise is an issue.

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Yeah, I would never use the canned pie filling, only canned whole pumpkin, although I haven't done any side by side comparisons, and only have a slice or two per year lately, so I can't say quite as confidently that I could identify the difference.

As I mentioned in another comment, I actually prefer a graham cracker crust for my pumpkin pie, and I don't think I've ever seen that anywhere other than my own kitchen. It can be a little tricky to get the filling fully cooked without burning the crust, but I've found that chilling the crust until just before baking helps a lot.

I'm a big fan of blue cheese:

  • Water cracker, soft blue cheese, and a bit of hot (spicy) honey drizzled on top.
  • Ramen with blue cheese crumbles melted into the broth.
  • Avocado toast with blue cheese crumbles.