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I'm pretty sure what's being alleged is that there is real data exfiltrated from his devices on the laptop, but the laptop itself wasn't his. As in he was hacked, someone created the laptop with that data and added manipulations to it, then coincidently dropped it off to be "found".

Given the lack of proper chain of custody, it's probably likely.

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That just means every member of congress is an insurrectionist because they have just as much or more power to change that.

It is not insurrection in either todays definition or the 14ths contemporary definition, and that would be slapped down.

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Array.prototype.sort if no callback is passed to it will coerce non-undefined elements to strings when sorting. It does do that.

To sort numbers passing a function like (a, b) => a - b is good enough.

Is it a farce, though? Isn't more like they want to make it a farce, just like how they are trying to make impeachment a farce?

Mainly because JavaScript was designed to work along side HTTP in a browser. Most of its input will be text, so defaulting common behavior to strings makes some sense.

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The apps using GPT4 without regards to safety can be though. Example: replacing human with chatbot for suicide prevention.

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From Washington Post:

In the lawsuit, Biden does not concede that the laptop was his, but he does acknowledge that at least “some of the data that Defendants obtained, copied, and proceeded to hack into and tamper with belongs” to him. The lawsuit charges that Biden’s data was “manipulated, altered and damaged before it was copied and sent” to Giuliani and Costello.

He specifically says some of his private data was hacked, he's not saying the laptop they had was his, just they definitely had his private data.

Search xbox mouse adapter on amazon. There are so many products that do what you describe people wouldn't care to do because they don't care.

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They are laying off people not on strike in response to the strike and blaming those on strike for it.

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It's a contract thing called detrimental reliance. As I understand it, basically you relied on a promise to do something only in the event the promise was upheld then it wasn't. It wouldn't hurt to speak to a lawyer for a consultation. I doubt you'd get the job back, but they could be liable for the damages caused by moving.

If it's repeated offenses like the example in the article, it's a little harder to prove it wasn't intentional.

Add to it the gun law was declared unconstitutional by the fifth circuit Court of appeals recently, it's likely the only charges he'll be facing are tax related. It's funny because the gun charge was the only thing holding back his plea deal.

You are probably right. Devices like these in the old days used to require you hook up an official controller to it to get past the drm. Likely will evolve back to that.

Neither was Ted Cruz, but he still ran in the primary.

Lol at mobile autocorrect, I wanted to say exfiltrated.

The problem is if you play their games like they play them you legitimize everything. If you start cheating like they do, their lies about you become truth and it's all down hill from there.

The only chance the country can be saved is if the electorate wakes up. Part of the country still playing by the rules allows us to be able to go back to all of the government playing by the rules. If they give up on that, there is no coming back.

Government jobs love them though, Security+ is required for a lot of DoD jobs.

You are probably correct. I don't know if it's true, it's probably more likely it was a way for it not to fail.

I said HTTP mainly because HTML is plaintext because of it. 1.0s main purpose was to manipulate the page. Of course Array objects weren't added til 1.1, when netscape navigator 3.0 released, but it was still mostly 1.0 code. I felt like having everything be coercable to string made it easy for you to just assign it to the document. If you assigned the wrong thing it wouldn't crash.

I originally thought there was a precursor to microsofts XMLHTTP in an earlier version due to the 1997 ECMAScript documentation specifically talking about using it both client and serverside to distribute computations, but it was far more static. So, I'm probably just wrong.

I mean, the game is good, but you can see the spike in steam charts right at the point it was announced for EVO. Like outside the initial release, the game averaged under 20 players. After that they spiked and then just slowly got back to averaging less than 20 players the last few months.

I like the game, but it's not comparable to the other successful indie titles like UNIST or Skull Girls. Yeah it kills punch planet, but outside the first few months it released to may 2021, it did similar numbers.

It starts at the local level. National 3rd party candidates are just spoilers used to split the vote enough for one side to win when they wouldn't in a 1v1. Until the third party builds enough momentum in city->county->state elections they will never be viable nationwide.

Instead of focusing on the national, they need to pick a few places to focus on and grow viable candidates throughout the whole process. If they can flip one state to the third party, then we might start talking about their viability.

If it's a maximum limit to what's safe, you can say anything at or below it is safe. They don't set the maximum at a value that is unsafe for some vehicles.

It's just the Madagascar Plan all over again.

It was mainly due to them embracing rollback net code and being part of EVOs line up during covid. Problem is that the big fighters revised their netcode since then and it's been relegated.

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