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Joined 1 years ago

You mentioned a Bluetooth issue. Do they have a hearing aid that may be your phone is broadcasting to via Bluetooth by mistake?

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That's a convenient sound bite that really ignores actual data on renewables.

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Yep. It relies on information not present in the example. It's intended for most people to get wrong.

Similarly the Facebook one genuinely looks like a scam unless you know of the Facebook case.

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Yep, arresting a 47yo for smoking will be very on point for a broken clock.

Keep in mind, this will be policed only on poor ethnic minorities. Rich white guys in their private club s will still smoke with impunity.

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Not anti Semitic and even worse, it was a deft destruction of a gatekeeping argument.

I mean, I would just stick down the charger?

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Carbon capture has had trillions and decades and still can't reach reasonable efficiency rates. Certainly real world performance is nowhere near what it would need to be to make a contribution to the environment.

The companies investing in CCS are the companies mining fossil fuels and natural gas. They are using CCS to divert funding away from renewables and to greenwash their current mining operations. In most cases the material captured is used in further mining operations. Like a 2xdmg to the environment bonus.

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Find an elderly friend nearby you can share with?

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Keep in mind ChatGPT is a language model. It's designed specifically to simulate sounding like a human. It does that... Okay. It doesn't understand the information or concepts it is using. It just sounds like it does. It can't reliably do basic maths and doesn't try or need to. It just needs to talk about it in a believably conversational way.

The brain does far more than process information. And ChatGPT doesn't even really do that.

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...is not an NFT

While yes, that's an accurate quip, it actually does highlight a deeper issue in the industry. If everyone passes your scam test, they don't need to buy your scam test.

Additionally, scam emails aren't 50/50 yes/no pass/fail. It's more a combination of red flags to gauge how risky the email is to click on links, reply to, download attachments from, etcetera.

Currently the scam testing industry has no way to rate an individuals ability other than how many scam emails they did or didn't click on. That is a false metric. It incites scam testers to trick people to justify their value to the customer.

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Are you using a screen protector? A lot of them make the fingerprint reader unusable.

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A lot of third party integrations to improve accessibility for visually or physically impaired users were caught up in the restrictions designed to destroy RIF Apollo etc. Spez vaguely said reddit would fix that, but it basically just resulted in improvements to base reddit for those users thrown into the bottom of a low priority dev list never to see the light of day.

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Don't look to Australia as the example. The laws resulted in just paying Murdoch news to stay in power and our news feeds have turned to shit.

If you have five things that are related, put them in a folder. Repeat. Eventually you end up with maybe ten distinct folders.

Is vaping worse, or are you?

Don't look to Australia as the example. The laws resulted in just paying Murdoch news to stay in power and our news feeds have turned to shit.

While it's humorous how personally you are taking critiques of, chatGPT, it is unfortunate you are also demonstrating a fundamental lack of basic understanding of how ChatGPT works. Because of that, you have inflated what you believe chatGPT is doing.

Even when it gets basic maths wrong repeatedly. Because I can tell it 2+2=5 and it will agree with me. Conversationally. Since it has no concept of what 2+2=5 means.

Even though it has no memory of previous conversations, you believe it somehow retains understanding of concepts it discusses.

Even though it searches the internet to provide it the knowledge to answer questions, which is why it can cite sources that don't exist or don't support its claims, clearly demonstrating a fundamental lack of understanding the concept, or even the concept of citing sources.

Even though it was literally trained by humans telling it what the three most correct conversational response would be out of the 5 answers it gave every calibration question, you still believe it actually possesses intelligence above any human, who can have a conversation without making any of these mistakes.

I clearly put chatGPT "intelligence" as remarkably low as is possible, even non-existent. I also must concede in this situation it is smarter than at least one human I am aware of.

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The chemicals that cause popcorn lung haven't been in vape juice for years.

Hulk was originally grey. Printing error made him green, they kept it.

Google has their own.

With no budget or indication of quality or usage, it's hard to recommend the right solution.

Can always use the Shure usb c connector with most OEM's.

The fact that this topic has no good algorithm experience, I question if it is good enough. I think the algorithms suffer from feedback loops.

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Can it tie a shoelace? No. If you gave it manipulators and a shoe, would it tie the laces? No. Can it do a Rorschach test? No. Can it create a new idea? No.

It can barely pretend to talk reasonably about these things because it is only designed to talk reasonably about anything. That is not intelligence.

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That's primary school children. Not teens.

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It's been about 5yrs now. UNESCO know it's endangered, but the government keep debating their data and privately sourcing bs data that pretends everything is okay.

It's probably too late now. The reef is below a stable level to recover from any more impact. And there is definitively more impact coming from the climate crisis.

It's also a feedback loop. They suggest popular music, which exposes it to more people, which makes it seem more popular, which means it gets suggested more...

How many fuck spez signs do you think they are waiting for before they act?

Ah okay, I thought you were killing the "bosses" without following the story prompts. Sounds like you are following the prompts so ignore me.

I hear ya, but you're missing major chunks of side quests and backstory that way. It's a fantastic story when you play it the way it's intended.

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While here in Australia we already have a state running on 100% renewables, any plan for nuclear takes too long and costs too much. Read up. The barriers for compact reactors are large and expensive before nuclear is feasible and they still haven't worked out that pesky waste issue. Investing in nuclear once renewables are established is fine. Expecting nuclear to bear the load while they are yet to be built is just fantasy. Renewables are here and are cheaper. They are literally the answer already here.

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Holy buzz words batman, that sentence is more trademark than words!

Consider the rise in bots would artificially inflate those usage figures

Have some savings in case of emergency. A few thousand at least.

Work out a budget. What you earn, minus your bills + 10%, is the money you have for fun. The 10% helps prevent bill shock. Personally, I record the amount of the last four bills and average them then add the 10%. Seems to work.

Inherit or buy quality cookware and learn how to cook. Quality isn't necessarily expensive. And good cooking is cheaper and healthier than anything else. At the start doing meal prep recipes to cover a week would be good.

What the qanon is this?

#1 killer of teens is dangerous driving most often influenced by peer pressure. Removing the peers by putting them ona bike would reduce the teen mortality rate by far more than the mortality rate of teens on bikes going over 30mph. See, stats can be used in many ways. Not always supportive of your opinion. Which is why it is important to choose a source that specifically relates to the topic. If you don't want it pointed out that your source is irrelevant to the discussion.

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How many adolescents die from bike accidents?

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Slightly concerned over the amount of slow waddling between areas

New knowledge is simply creativity which AI distinctly do not have. The shoelace and Rorschach are variations of the same point. ChatGPT regurgitates info from the internet and uses confirmation bias to present it conversationally. ChatGPT cannot understand the concept that a shoe has a lace that should be tied. It can only answer a question about that by using prepublished information related to tying shoelaces. As for Rorschach, even with a visual component, ChatGPT is by its nature incapable of interpreting the data itself. It is quite simply not what the engine does.

Understand what ChatGPT does, do not project your idea of what an AI can do onto its single occasionally accurate trick.