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Well the "super computer" argument is just not good because this wasnt an all purpose computer. This was specially build for this task. There are tons of special purpose chips today that wont be able to do general purpuse computing but crush a beefy pc in special tasks. Video encoding for example or tons of other tasks.

Yea shure you guys think that nasa was able to land something on the moon with either remote control or fully automated and then after a sucessfull landing of a unmanned craft deploy a mirror angled so you can bounce back laser but you also say that PEOPLE were never up there? What is even needed as proof for you people?

Pff gps is a hoax, in reality there is a little goblin with a perfect sense of direction in your phone.

Skin effect with 50hz yea, no not much.

Ok so every time you change the voltage level you still need a transformer and a inverter to create ac, so no it doesnt make any sense.

Yea have fun transmitting a decent amount of power with 240v over a meaningfull distance. Also most generators produce ac anyways so why would you recitify it at the generator instead of your device after a transformer? You still need all kinds of different voltages everywhere in your electronics and this means you still need to regulate it.

I am not shure how the american wirering worls out but to get from 240 to 120 you still need a transformer... or is it 240v between the different phases and then 120 from phase to neutral?

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What non algorith streaming sites are there? The reason these people appear to be in the majority is because most people who agree wont post " i agree with the protests" under those yea but windows amd etc get through the microsoft driver signing wich is the process where microsoft checks if the drivernis broken or not. The crowdstrike driver got its updates via microcode. Think off the driver as a engine that runs code from a file. The druver was signed but the code it exevuted was broken. I dont know how vanguard handels updates but i guess they take a similar approach as crowdstroke did and only got their "engine" signed but kot the actual code that the driver executes. Else they need to resign their driver every time they donupdates and that wouöd be costry and slow.