
0 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

wow, old.lemmy.world is perfection.

Very cool!

if u liked RiF, Connect to Lemmy is a p good app. After messing w the settings browsing lemmy feels so much cleaner.

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To answer your question about quality: it matters because it's not real. The act of producing something of quality is what makes us better people. It ties into motivation to be better. Computers automating repetition doesn't hinder that (as much, it does affect learning curves). The notion that computers be used for an output that would normally require creativity is just throwing away the essense of creation, the end product is not the only thing that benefits us. There's no objective to why it was created, an AI writing something that evokes emotion is a party trick. All it really does is promote consumption and demoralize innovation, and ironically it hides behind innovation as the end-goal of the project. It's just dead. One of the most beautiful things within creating something of value is the very process of creating it, having the passion and desire to do so, and the will to bring it into existence. AI is a cursed attempt at trying to replicate this process, and by lifting that kind of burden from a human inhuman.

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it isn't about you, it's a security risk and a massive vulnerability leaving servers open to data collection for data they shouldn't be collecting.

because they think it's just some dude who profitted off of reddit's goodwill without giving anything back, and now poor ol' reddit just wants to make a couple bucks to pay the bills.

bro wasn't listening to anything and didn't know what to say

For that very same reason Tom said fuck all this, SOLD the whole thing and now lives his life doing whatever the f he wants. No way our boy Tom is about to come back with the whiteboard lmao he's got it good

... nah. Doxxing is not cool kids.

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Oddly enough, since I'm so used to being open when I'm ~anonynous on the internet, when I need a confidence push to be open with someone in person I just pretend I'm on the internet and they're a stranger, and bum bam wam suddenly I don't give a shit what they think of me & I can just speak comfortably

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I wanna say 20th is still pretty high, but quality of posts here are astronomically higher than reddit at the moment and if that continues to be the case, new visitors in general are gonna be signing up for both and will frequent the ones they most frequent. Same way we got on reddit, same way we got off reddit.

I'm already working on just running my own instance lol. But no users, just me. That way I can federate/defederate with whoever I want and call it a day.

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Read his edit, it's a bit weird that such a thing even exists. Total sum of up and down votes sure. But according to OP it's all of it.

he what?

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shit, meta has no place in the fediverse. Evil bastards.

And if it can't, and you've reached the edge where there is nothing further, you write a Tutorial.

lol the official app came to be long after 3rd party apps existed. The official app itself was a 3rd party app that Reddit purchased (though nothing good remains)

yeah the comment per day graph is not doing too hot. Subscriber count may be rising but comment count is constantly in the valley.

I'm trying Thunder right now and this one is very nice as well. But I'm getting the same problems as Connect.. I click on a post from my profile and it says the post doesn't exist.

At least on Thunder, it still loads the main post and I can scroll to my comment (which is how I'm replying to you. On Connect, my comment doesn't even show up and other comments are missing.

I really do like thunder though so far it's #1

Dude where's you find this! Finally I have an instance lol. Thousand thanks.

now that's a tldr.

we need to shitpost more. a neighborhood that is high in crime does not appeal to advertisers. like north korea, they live in paradise whilst convincing the rest of the world that it's a shithole.

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I downloaded latest .apk on apkpure a few mins ago, not fixed. Maybe it is on playstore though, but I'm not touching that

If they add user-level defed, I'd be pretty on board with defederation being used for stuff like bot farms.

As it stands, with the current lack of user-level defed-- defederating is a server/user-whitelist, server-blacklist function.

Ideally I think it should be a server/user-whitelist, user-blacklist function, where a server-blacklist is reserved for botfarms/illegal content.

y not a lil bit of commie, lil bit of demo, demo-commie

yeah being a toddler was fucking lit

Bro, could you help me set one up ._. I tried docker, ansible, from scratch using rust, and I kept running into an error. I tried all three methods several times on Debian 11, Debian 12, and Ubuntu 20.

Was there a guide outside of the official docs or am I just too inexperienced? Like with the from scratch setup, had all dependencies listed installed, but every time rust starts opening crates after a minute it just throws some error.

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It's like in real life how people talk, to simplify e.g. we're all speaking english here. Where as facebook speaks only facebook, twitter speaks only twitter, and reddit speaks only reddit... these instances all speak ActivityPub.

If anything anyone could also just pick a mail routing server, pay like $50 a year and have as many emails for as many domains as they want. I got one, I have like 8 domains pointed to it for emails. All I had to do was fill in the blanks for the DNS page for the domain (mx, and the spf+dkim) and all emails I send go to inbox like butter. Unlimited email accounts, takes 15 seconds to make, no phone no name no nothing just email+pass and it exists now.

gmail was nice for a bit, but shit man I don't want to give my life story and phone number every time I want to make an email address.

latter sounds great, not really where OP is headed lmao

lol wtf, does that just slightly photoshop faces? Cuz technically that would be true

or is it some next-gen facemaker

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Yea the lack of confidence is not without reason for sure. It's like the "fake-it-till-you-make-it" idea which in practice only works when the feeling of insecurity is overstepping. The confidence boost just snaps me out of that headspace which is nice, and every now n then I still say something goofy but iddiswuddidis

plus all the dope apps being built. Lemmy feels a lot bigger than reddit too.

Also ur username brought back some memories, hah.

and we'd voice our opinion AS THESE CHANGES WERE HAPPENING and people would cry "things change you just don't like change hur durr i'm so progressive"

The issue isn't about any one person... so many people here are making it a personal problem. The problem is the ability for literally anyone to track how ideas propagate PER USER. The person analyzing this data doesn't care who any one person is in real life.

im so confused. I thought a guy was saying the original poster should have unblocked the name of the guy being weird with his song, i was saying that would be bad

gay people magic. beware

Uh that kinda just looks like electrical tape with extra steps

I like the web design tho

Yeah that's how I felt too. I remember being excited about g+, then I also remember aggressively turning off any association to g+ because no one was on it and it kept pushing it in my face. Come to think of it gmail was similar, invite only and that, but it wasn't forced even at release and they made it look a lot nicer than what yahoo and hotmail had going on at the time.

I'm on 6 rn, nice dosage, just don't overdo it you'll be fine

I read that in the link @PrinzMegahertz kindly provided, but she should have gone forward with it anyway. If anything remotely bad were to happen to her family Trump would actually be fucked.

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