2 Post – 111 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Free software junkie (i.e. speech not beer), keyboard jockey, Coonass libertarian, how bah dat baw? Laissez les bon temps rouler - mais' wea

Long live King Biden! Take out them enemies King Biden

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Biden should officially 2/3 of Congress ASAP...or at least someone he will pardon, unlike Hunter.

I'm just here to spread the good word about

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It's disrespectful to keep referring to anyone by any name that they've requested you to not use to reference. Kind of simple right?

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Justice is a lie.

Sounds like she has a problem being judged by others I don't believe it a coincidence.

That's like charging me $0.90 or $1.80 depending on if I inflate my assets at all

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Use shift f10 and edit the registry.... They aren't disabling that until they have a better solution for autopilot.

May not work for home editions...

Im happy that I'll live through kernel of the beast times

Child sexual assault/abuse material

the search engine ignores -string

WHAT? Why would they do that? WTF no wonder....

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"Fuck you" vs "you fuck" is just semantics. Ignore that "asshole".

And they'll live stream the evidence again

Now do who.

Median age 86 after 80 years...that is a lot of former child prisoners.

Who can Metallica sue for this?

That was a pretty well written piece. I'm skeptical reddit dies because of all this that said I was a daily user for 16 years and im 7 days "sober" now and my being here is a sign of sorts. I want the time line where Aaron is CEO.

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More like poor brand management. One of Mike's fans(seriously they wanted to tell me all about him) told me he was a reformed crack addict.

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So my mortgage or insurance is going down ...right? /S

Why would anyone publicly debate a convicted rapist?

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If you put three libertarians in a room, the only thing on which they'll all agree is that there is only one libertarian in the room.

Hunter Biden's LAPTOP.

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This journalism is as shitty as most software is at AI

They're itching for new dick pics

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Wait until he finds out about obfuscated code he's going to be real frenchy then

You don't get rich helping others.

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Hey Pence, if the crowd had been more successful when overtaking the building do you think King Trump would have erected a huge monument in your tiny little name?

Sure, but he's not wrong. It's still bizarre and unnecessary. There's no need to generalize every freaking situation. It eventually waters down language IMO.

The enshit intensifies

Sometimes I just pay the parking ticket.

Sysadmining is a lifestyle

Id been there 16 years, fuck em. Cold turkey and haven't been back. Making new habits is hard, take the help you get is my advice and make a better habit. I've been programming more and uh uh refining my porn consumption lol

you don’t start coding and are granted a vision by the god of logic about where your journey will lead you.

What is Agile for $200?

From the article:

There are times when I’m writing software just for myself where I don’t realize some of the difficulties and challenges until I actually start writing code.

I get what you're saying but regardless if you have them upfront or along the way coding is modeling those requirements as we best imagine or understand them....even accidentally when following practices learned from others we may not even realize what requirements our modeling has solved.

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The package manager won’t update anything installed from source.

emerge lols

Of course that's the answer but the real problem isn't the books. IMO the problem is the political goals of christo nationalists funded by multiple foreign entities designed to sew chaotic discord among the voting public. This is just an attack vector like the "certification of votes" was. It's a target for aggression. They are at war I believe.

Remove caps lock first I think

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I'm going to sign up and issue a charge back to make sure I get banned as a customer

Duck Duck Gomes

Geology disagrees

Tie it inversely to the retirement age, start at 65:65.