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Joined 1 years ago

🤨 ...How much money?

I hope these people have IBS for a couple of weeks. And during times on the can, use that quiet time to reflect. Praise Dolly. Amen.

...damn it. You win the entire thread.

And that's how we know this post was probably fake. Another point, in order to cram that box in, they would need to put in considerable effort. No. UPS. Driver. Is going to put this effort in.

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Dang, that is pretty spot on! When I go camping, I often find myself contemplating a pretend fire in front of me while I prepare for carbon monoxide poisoning in my tent...but I keep my flaps open! Safety first!

Legal scholars VS 49% of Americans, most of whom can't read a coloring book. One guess who is going to vote for the orange turd anyway.

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Now I am worried I might have committed a faux pas unknowingly. I mean, they are so polite they won't point it out. So now I am sitting here, years later, wondering if I might have, you know, murdered someone in Japan.

Thank you. That is EXACTLY what I was thinking. I stopped watching or subscribingg to anything other than Funhaus and now I am not vibing with the new set. Culture begets culture until you change it for the better.

I tried three or four times to stare at the candle but it was too bright. And I didn't say "dumbass" after each time because I'm not THAT much of a dumbass. Unless... .... dammit

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Attire is totally appropriate. Unasked for advice incoming: If you don't wear button down clothes often, wear this all day today and tomorrow. Do everything in it. Dont worry about wrinkling it. Then wash it before the interview. The reason is because many nervous candidates will fidget with their clothes. It shows they lack confidence. But how nervous would you be in your own pyjamas? Wear your (clean, pressed) interview clothes as if they were the most casual, cozy things you have.

In fact, I think it stacks with his teachers' pension, which he gets as well!

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Tell me you don't know what the work "educated" means in a truly demented political rant without admitting you don't know what the word means.

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I work retail in a place which was a pretty chill. But lately management has been making minute changes, tiny ones to solidify their management dynamic. We used to wear any hats we wanted (provided they were tasteful and didnt have a competing brand but everything else was fair) but now we can't wear any headware. We used to wear personal pins, and yes some of us were a little political in our pin choices, but mostly it was happy fun nerd nonsense. But the pins had to go. Then visible stickers on things. So basically you come to work in only company designated attire now. They are also making changes to how we can personalize our breakroom which is a long tradition in the company.

IMHO...99 times out of a 100 (roll a die of your choosing for a multiplier, I have been at this for a long time), OP is right on. ONCE in a long while, it's PSU/mobo related.

Totally. I was already in the ecosystem so it was only natural I go to Music when it was available. Is it better than Spotify? Shrug. Just different.

But without the first pioneers, how would we know the risks? I salute you, fart walking astronauts! You took the risks and paved the way so we don't have to fear. I mean, we're still going to check for skid marks but someone has to go there first.

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I once thought I had a mild case of death but it turns out I was just tired. But you won't see me taking any vaccines. No, sir. I just like shots. Like, a lot. As soon as a COVID booster is available, I will be first in line. And they're free.

Jokes on them. I had my fingers crossed behind my back!

It's the oldest rule from the oldest thieves' guilds from before there were cities: It's OK to take a little from Jimmy's cut, maybe OK to take a little off what you were gonna give to your mother, but you never. NEVER. take anything from the capo. The boss.

He would absolutely tell you that he has and he currently is. Despite the realistic scenario which is...duh.

I would read this comic book.

I have graduate degrees in English and Education. 20+ years of teaching experience in the ESL classroom. The best teacher I ever met was a 20-something who had just graduated from college, never had a full-time job, no teaching experience or training of any kind. Observing him as his teacher-mentor at a language school in Japan, and subsequent feedback sessions, his approach and his insights easily surpassed other teachers in my experience. And the students unanimously loved him. He was just one of those people who had it.

This is why I am for accountability in our government spending. Hammers? Go to Home Depot, losers. Road repair? Get a bigger truck even if you live in a duplex. Be a man. Enormous, physics defying void in the middle of The Bay? Absolutely essential govt expense.

I needed more information. Context. Maybe even a personal anecdote. But this went a little extra. Correction: very extra

4 day work week? I did my own research as a manager and find that actually a SIX day work week is better for workers.

Too late. I already have an appointment with my psychiatrist tomorrow. I am going to ask for an increased dosage to my medication. By the way, I can never pronounce complex pharmaceutical ingredients. What are "multivitamin flintstone chewables"? Why cant they ever just give it cool names like Nexium or Syphillis?

Look at all these folks with time to waste. I don't even read the headlines. I go straight for the first comment, sorta look at it, and then comment. Like this.

They are listing all the printed t-shirts I have. Funny side story, while teaching in Japan, I've taught grannies with printed shirts that said stuff like this and they didnt understand. They thought it was cute and had foreign words. I think they needed to study more before their lessons.

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Everyone, calm down. I am better than all of you anyway so shoo along. Go somewhere else while I sit here. Majestically. Admiring how brilliant I am in conflict resolution. Veritable peace maker, I is. Why, the UN should call me....hello? Uh. Where'd yall go?

This has been repeated in case studies around the world since then but the Nuremberg Trials were the first public use of "But of course the other officers at Auschwitz were terrible people but I am not a terrible person!" The psychology would be interesting if it weren't so frikkin horrific. But I suspect SBF isn't that so much as a complete and total narcissist and sociopath.

You deserve your fate. And my blue arrow.

That...is a very interesting take. I really like it.

Same. When I was young, I would RAGE if a pea so much as whispered to the mashed potatoes next to it. Now I reflect that I have bigger problems than this and don't stress about it. Medication also helps. Somewhat.

Huh. TIL. I always read that word as 'ropist'. My brother is one. Will talk for hours about sailing knots. Not joking, hours. Has different ropes at. the. ready. for demonstration. Not cool. Though way better word choice than the correct one. I understand that much.;

I have never wanted to be blind. It was a fear of mine because I already have bad eyesight. Now its a value proposition.

I pee. Then I get out of bed. Start coffee. Take a shower. Get out of wet pyjamas and put on dry clothes for work. I didn't think it needed to be said.


You are not the Batman the people wanted. Or the Batman the city needs. You aren't Batman. But you ARE a hero serving the needs the people don't have but we didn't need pumpkin spice lattes yet here we are. I salute you not Batman.

I just had my coffee. Give me a minute. THEN I'll be woke.

Also authentic Napelese (sp?) pizza doesn't taste like you are eating an entire loaf of bread with tomato sauce on top. And none of that gooey cheese dripping grease all over.