2 Post – 151 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

German, Dad, GM , Mini Painter, 3D Printer, dysfunctional gifted kid - he/him

Valve good.

But valve company. Company bad.

But valve company do good thing.

But selfish reason.

But good outcome.

But what if no GabeN.

We pray.

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I think I won. I found a place I like more than reddit. Maybe we won even. We all got this place right here now. It's nice.

Maybe reddit won. Maybe they wanted to get rid of us and succeeded. Could be easier to milk the platform for shareholders after getting rid of anyone who would protest beforehand.

Maybe it doesn't matter because neither side needs the other anymore. Both sides changed and don't fit back together anymore.

Certainly declaring a winner in this situation is dumb.

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The classic "let's use the worst option because the alternative isn't perfect" fallacy.

“I completely understand why someone doesn’t want to commute an hour and a half every day. Totally get it... Doesn’t mean they have to have a job here either.”

Then why hire people living 90 minutes away?

Sure limit yourself to workers living close by. But don't give me any of that labor shortage bullshit then.

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I feel the same way often. And the kids look up to me with the absolute confidence and trust that their dad knows what he's doing and will know what to do when they have trouble. I know that's how it should be so they can be children. But at the same time I know it's just not true and I'm just winging it.

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I wish there were actual consequences that matter for this type of appalling greedy behavior.

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Having largely undisclosed and privately owned platforms and algorithms dictate and decide our cultural exchange, spread of news, topics of discourse and other societally important interactions is such a horrible idea. I wish this was more obvious to the public so governments would end this. It divides sociaties, poisons public discourse and skews it with racist biases and towards hatred.

I'm not through the whole video yet but I think you can cut the tech from the title. That's just YouTube or even social media in general. Ego, dogmatism and cult of personality.

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And now the same conservatives who led the government for 16 years will blame the current socdem+green+liberal government for wasting so much money on this problem. Sigh.

I found since people are used to app stores, I've had a much easier time convincing people to try out Linux. My mom even said that she always wished her windows PC had a proper app store.

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Wait, I died?

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But this time on purpose.

So the escapist is closing down soon? Alright then.

Dad of a very active daughter here. I know the feeling exactly.

Two things helped me and her mom immensely.

For the keeping our of trouble part it is such much better to set up a safe enclosed environment for her to explore safely rather than running after her. We made the living room child safe.

The other thing is I changed to prepping everything for my morning routine in the evening. For the same reason you described. It only gets worse when they don't sleep through the night so I was very happy I did.

Idk but it looks like a pain in the ass to install correctly.

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At this point I can answer this question with a firm yes without knowing what the BS in question actually is.

I'm sure inhumanly was the intended word here. But hyperfocus can sure be inhumane sometimes.

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I use it as a derogatory term. Content creator is for the people who create content that is imo valuable. Influencers I use for the type of person who makes content to sell as space.

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True but it helps get the concept across so much.

This was way too hard to read because of color, background, sentence structure and awkward line breaks. I'm not sure whether to admire or hate this.

Buds, Bongs & Beyond is such a great name.

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Here is what I think is happening. Google blocks certain third party tracking cookies by default in chrome. They said theyll make a list to distinguish between what they call good and bad cookies. Also they'll add built in tracking for Google into chrome.

With chrome being the most used browser by far they can use that to sell white list slots on their list or access to the built in tracking. I assume that's what they are after.

Now I understand the rename. It is much harder to block X.

Right? I love to craft things. But then what do I do with 35 mediocre looking leather pouches?

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There has to be someone with the last name of Tape using this somewhere right.

Real life clipping.

Trade secret.

It says it's not easy. I fact it is so hard, they couldn't even do it.

I sometimes wonder if this simply comes from a lifetime of being late, missing appointments and generally expecting oneself to forget something important.

I also hate being scared to do something because I might forget time and miss the important appointment. Usually it is possible to set a timer. But sometimes it feels dumb to set a timer for 10 minutes but then I hate waiting. Luckily for me it all is still on the scale of annoying rather than hindering my life in any major way. But still a lot of time goes into just being early and not doing shit because other shit is up later.

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Hey I haven't heard of this.

So this is mint based on Debian directly instead of ubuntu?

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I believe a generous free trial paired with a subscription model is currently the best way to go about MMO monetization when it comes to ethics and financial viability.

I take monthly cost over aggressive fomo advertisements of dumber and dumber immersion breaking skins and performance hogging flashy effects any day. Even worse if there is also pay to win. Most of those mtx monetization models prey on wales who fall for this type of addiction easily.

South Park hit this nail on its head.

I've experienced toxic workplace environments towards men in fields dominated by women. It happens both ways.

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The amount of knowledge within the community and the representation of niche subcommunities grows with amount of users. So within huge communities you can be assured you have an expert for nicht topic x somewhere. And even your most outlandish interest is followed by at least a few others. That is what I joined larger social media for at least.

My guess. They couldn't get the printer to work. My 3D printer has a lower problem count than my ink jet regular printed at this point.

It depends. Some Software patent holders have been known to die way earlier.

I meant it the other way around. No matter how benevolent a dictatorship is, eventually the dictator will change and you better hope there will be another benevolent one.

I personally don't think the problem is doing business. I think the problem is businesses not being democratic.

Well if one TV boss says so it's gotta be true right?

I will usually just acknowledge it without giving an explanation. People will almost always accept that. Examples.

Oh I think I just got carried away there. Let's take a step back. Do you have any questions?

Hey I think I got a bit too excited about the project for a sec. I hope that wasn't too much.

It's usually fine and takes the awkwardness out of the situation if there was any. And it shows people you realized what was going on. That's usually all they need to hear. No apology and no justifications or explanations needed. I found those would often just make it worse rather than better. Just be brief and move on. The longer you stay in the topic of an awkward situation the more it will stay awkward.

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