
3 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah but in this particular case it really needs to happen at the instance level rather then the user level, and preferably all instances at that. It's about mitigating the damage that Meta/Facebook are going to do (to the entire fediverse as a system) more than it is about not seeing shitty low-effort racism or whatever they'll have there.

If I could actually trust Meta to be benign then I'd maybe agree with you about just blocking their shit as a user, but there's just no chance of believing that about them.

What we should be doing is de-federating them en-mass.

Nothing good will come from having Facebook/Meta involved here.

I'm not sure that they ever did.

The turning point for me when I really got a concrete realisation about people absolutely not giving a shit about this was when Snowden came out and I saw the majority of people just go "Eh, that's pretty fucked, whatever", and then immediately jump straight back into scrolling facebook all day long.

I realised then that there probably wasn't any point expecting anything from them. I don't have much sympathy left for people in this regard anymore.

Most people legitimately don't give a shit about this issue. I think that they really should, but they absolutely don't for the most part.

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That's cool and everything, but if it's scraping the site they'll block that shit straight away, they've already said as much and scraper blocking is relatively easy to do these days.

Good luck though.

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Link to Boost's magazine here on the Fediverse: https://kbin.social/m/boostforlemmy@lemmy.world

1/10 because Perfect Dark and Goldeneye don't have pride of place on the top shelf next to Majoras Mask. Epic fail move right there.

But also, why do you have so many identical copies of the same games? What's the point, or are they different region copies?

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Deleted by mods or admins?

Does anyone else think that being seen as weak and capitulating to Prigozhin here is basically a death sentence to Putin?

Doing that has to have just put SO MUCH blood in the water for every internal agency/power-block with aspirations of taking him down and replacing him.

Apparently all you need is 20,000 men and Putin's defenceless...

My opinion is that this is going to cause chaos.

The fact that Putin didn't have Wagner immediately atomized on the spot suggests that he wasn't powerful enough to do so. Not a statement that someone in Putin's position would want to make, I would think.

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You're seeing a bubble burst.

The VC money is drying up and the current social media funding paradigm is breaking because of it.

It's a bit like witnessing the Dot Com bubble burst again tbh.

It's about time we moved on to a better way of doing things anyway, I'm pretty good with moving away from the old ad-based, exploit your community for profit model, personally.

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I don't get it, I've seen so many of these posts recently. Why is mine still working?!

I have a theory. Boost is limited to the OAuth threshold for requests. Hits the wall and people get limited. Some of them make posts like this ^, people quit Boost assuming that it's dead, less users brings Boost back under the limit again, people make threads saying Boost works again, people start using Boost again, Boost hits the request wall again and people ge-

Repeat and nauseam.

So confusing.

Holy Bestagons!

Would make it a little like work email addresses too.

Say, if NYT had their own instance and disabled open sign-ups for user accounts, you could be certain that any account posting from that instance is a legit NYT account.

You do realize that there's currently an exodus coming in from Reddit, right?

This post is making the correlation/causation fallacy.

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Welcome back to the internet of the turn of the millennium.

Policy? There almost certainly isn't one. This is the internet that isn't controlled by a corporation so I'd assume that it's the same as the old internet from before that happened.

Nobody is likely to be giving a shit here, just like none of us gave a shit before

Basic rules would likely be, don't be a POS and you'll be fine, just like it always was. Nobody's going to care about your alts if they're not being total cunts to everyone.

And yes, this means that I clearly don't know the answer to your question in absolute terms, and yet I'm answering anyway (I know right, fuck me), but having looked around here, I'm seeing a place that's run by normal people, just like the internet was always run before everything got silo'd into vast corporate web platforms. I'm pretty confident that it works the same way.

If so, the policy would be, "do whatever you want, but don't be a shit".

Interesting, what does Reddit even use an RSS feed for? I'm trying to figure out why they'd even have that still going today and coming up empty.

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Clearly, if Prigozhin marched, it's because he thought it as having a valid chance of success. He left because he was paid what he wanted, be it money or power, etc. Putin, notably capitulated

He did not carpet bomb the fuck, so to speak, out of the traitors. Those threatening his reign. It tells much for those who wish to hear.

Ha, so he's actively trying to throw petrol on the bonfire to put it out now.

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Yeah, funding for site hosting and development is probably essential.

Listen, back in the old days (fuck me to death with chopsticks I feel old), the internet was run by users.

Users posted the sites, users ran the sites (basically proto mods, lol), and users hosted the sites. THEY ALSO DEVELOPED THE SITES, usually in fucking notepad (yeah bitches, I'm talking back in 1999 here.

One thing that the internet was back then was community driven. This corporate walled garden bullshit didn't exist at all at the time, and the internet of today is unrecognizable. Back then, everyone basically had their own website. Almost anyway, but if you were into a game, the two forums for that game, were hosted privately by some dudes who loved the game, with a website that had info on the game hosted by some other dude who lost his family to the game (tbf, he was probably pretending to be another dude, Tropic Thunder rocks).

Eventually, all of this stuff became Reddit and Wikipedia, etc. It got centralized and had to cater to financial pressure from ad agencies, etc (hence, the bullshit you see today).

The users of the internet back then were happy enough to throw in to hosting costs if they were needed (they usually were).

I'm happy to help here, many users (according to this thread) are likewise happy to throw in, it'll work just fine like it always did.

Funding is easy if people are willing, this thread says that they are. We just need to set something up and funding for hosting costs, etc can just vanish for you.

You know that you can just place a Paypal QR code here and people can send money to it, right? That could work. Paypal takes tiny % of transaction fees compared to most of the more standard payment collection platforms like gofundme, etc.

Make a monthly server cost target (with good bandwidth, nobody wants shit bandwidth and lag) with a QR code to send money via Paypal or whatever is best (I'm hardly a comprehensive expert on the subject of payment platforms). Be open and transparent about it (post your Paypal transactions/balance, etc), and any hosting costs should vanish and not be a problem. People are clearly happy to pay them.

If you're not developing this thing full time, just talk to the community and maybe we can work something out.

I'm seeing a lot of willing here for what this platform is offering.

He confirmed the Lemmy app.

It's in the playstore where you can pre-register for it. Looks great.

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Cool, thanks for explaining.

I doubt they'd be bothered too much by impacting the first part though, they've shown to be entirely willing to lose userbase in order to force their app, so retention probably doesn't interest them there if people start using the RSS feed as a 3rd party app.

I think the crux of it would come more down to whether or not they want to deal with the potential SEO hit that could come from getting rid of it.

Should be interesting to watch how they handle it, at any rate.

On a personal note, I'm pretty much done with Reddit after how they've acted recently, but watching them running around in the road, trying to play with the busses is genuinely fascinating.

It's basically the fediverse version of twitter.

Imagine a twitter feed... That's the microblogs.

When the twitter userbase split after Musk brought down the banhammer and fascism, people went to mastodon, a fediverse version of twitter, just like this is a fediverse version of Reddit/forums.

Microblogs are where you'd see mastodon content, for example.

But you can also use them directly without using mastodon too, as they're also a native thing here.

Why would you post something to twitter when you can just post it to Reddit?

Same answer.

Dropped something in to help with costs. This thing really should be community funded.

Good luck Ernest!

This right here.

It's not about disliking some community that someone personally disagrees with for whatever reason, it's about trying to not have the entire system taken down by a vastly powerful corporate entity with an almost endless track record of being consistently malignant.

It isn't unnecessary at all, if you're Meta.

Which is the fundamental issue with a system like that.

The priority is in the wrong damn place.

So, is Spez finally beginning to realize just how badly Reddit shat the bed here then? Ha, good luck to them, their insanity just spawned eventual competitors and made a LOT of their userbase realize many things about Reddit that they weren't happy with at all.

Enjoy watching your site and it's IPO slowly collapse then. Time for something better.

where Spez edited comments to make the sub seem to be inciting violence, so he had an excuse to ban it

Not what happened. Spez, fuckwit though he is, actually managed to do a halfway decent trolling there.

A bunch of t_d people were slagging him off and insulting him in their comments. Spez got drunk as shit one night and edited their comments, swapping his name with Trump's so that it made them look like a bunch of anti-trumpers. Much gnashing of teeth ensued.

Absolutely shouldn't have done it, especially as CEO of Reddit FFS, but definitely funny as shit.

Don't get me wrong, it's absolutely a mark against him, but he didn't get them banned. They thouroughly got themselves banned on their own.

OpenAI is called that for a reason. They absolutely were a non-profit research org initially, so would have been eligible for research grants, etc. They would probably have gotten a pass on using the torrents too, for the same reason.

They went to a private for-profit model later after they built their AI's and wanted to start selling them as a service. How the hell all of that plays out as the company they are now is anyone's guess.

48k ZX Spectrum.

Treasure Island Dizzy is better than all modern gaming and I'll fight anyone who disagrees.

We'll I have a bunch now, so it's fixed as far as I can tell. It'd be nice to just have it hidden though tbh, or we'll just get the same karma farming garbage over here that we had on Reddit.

My personal opinion, of course.

The whole internet was basically hobby projects that worked fine before big tech ate everything.

It can totally work if the community's right.

The mod's response to Reddit, in case people don't want to go there:

According to them, your favourite subreddits going NSFW is too much for you to understand. The infamous Mod Code of Conduct messaged us, demanding we switch back, because “you’re likely confused by all the NSFW content you’ve been seeing”.

They didn’t allow us to reply, so we couldn’t explain that this is a subreddit for an 18+ game, nor has any of our content changed. This subreddit should have been NSFW already, but we’d never thought to change it until recently.

Until we change it back we’re in violation of Reddit’s sitewide rules. We’re not going to change it back, because this is a sexually explicit game, and also fuck them.

If we’re removed at least we got to go out on an fantastically fun flair event (don’t worry this won’t stop your flair from being added I promise), and if this sub changes back from NSFW then you know you’re no longer in control of it.

Rest assured; we have 77 fans all over Reddit, with r/lowsodiumcyberpunk being a decent fall back. We’ve never worked together on anything, but we’ve made an effort to stay on good terms with one another, and I trust them to take care of you all.

Edit: this has hit r/all choombas so assume there are a lot of people here just to feed on the drama

Some time after posting this here, the mods added a second edit:

Edit: since hitting r/all there have been a bunch of accounts created in the last month attacking us and defending Reddit admins with a vigour I’ve never seen before. That seems suspicious, at the very least

So it seems that someone (probably Reddit themselves) caught wind of this and attempted to astroturf it with bots... Now who's recently been caught doing that?

See c4's post below for a Teddit link of the whole thread: https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/144077/Reddit-threatens-the-mods-of-r-CyberpunkGame-the-main-subreddit-for#entry-comment-559801

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We (meaning the whole fediverse, all instances) need to be de-federating that crap immediately.

Nothing good will come from having Facebook streaming into here in anyway whatsoever.

The Fediverse as a whole needs to be a separate place so that people can leave places like that.

Also, if Facebook is allowed to "work with" the development of the fediverse at all, they absolutely will eventually destroy it for profit. And "working with" it absolutely includes them federating with it.

When their vast resources are taken into account, and their existing userbase also, they would rapidly become the main instance (or collection of, but probably just one) of the whole fediverse. Once that's them, they can use that position to dictate terms pretty hard.

Before you know it, everyone that would eventually have come here are there instead, and they're now the fediverse. They can also fork the software and leverage their Dev teams to make their fediverse vastly more polished... No donations needed on their fediverse, less bugs, everyone you know is already over there... Seem familiar?

How does that effect us who aren't there, how isn't it just the same thing as now? Our fediverse dies off because the users leave, instances close down through lack of population/need, before you know it there's nobody here and the idea just dies.

Literally been done before. The playbook is absolutely common knowledge: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,\_extend,\_and\_extinguish

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Wrong, fuck this guy: :)

Gonna have a wild guess here and assume that mutant is on that list.