Radical Dog

@Radical Dog@lemmy.world
0 Post – 61 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Man, this thread is full of dickheads. Even if, say, only 30% of these people voted Remain, that's a lot of people who deserve some sympathy. To damn a whole group of people when a substantial number share the exact same opinions as you is truly thoughtless.

I'm a remainer in a leave-majority area, for what it's worth. May as well tell me about the "consequences of my actions" too!

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Whistleblower laws need strengthening. Snowden's leaks, for example, were clearly in the public interest and needed to be leaked. It's an unjust country that can't see that and spare him.

The myth of Aaron Swartz continues...

He was a big proponent of free speech absolutism. He'd have been more than happy with the jailbait subs, watchpeopledie, fatpeoplehate etc. I really don't think he deserves a free pass just because Reddit wasn't enshittifying while he was around, as it was in a growth phase. It had other problems which needed resolution.

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Kind of nice to see NFTs breaking through the floor at the trough of disillusionment, never to return.

We found out in the Apple lawsuit that the games are fixed price for Epic, so you can download or not as you wish - individually you do not make their cost go up.

Yeah, very annoying to be told a word is "new" when I know it well, and vice-versa be expected to have done whole lessons on other words that I've never seen before. That said, not many options for Hungarian, I've only seen Drops as an alternative daily app.

They probably had no idea Yahtzee and co were that loyal to Nick. That said, I'm shocked Yahtzee was never given an ownership stake, as an insurance against... Well, this exact scenario.

Epic funded that and allowed them to take the risk. In that case they're the good guys, so I don't see the point in being a hardliner about their store. Use Playnite if you are adamant about having all your games in one launcher!

I only date someone if they have successfully entered, and exited, the gates of vim.

I use Justwatch to figure out where films and shows are, and even then it's grim how many aren't available to stream, or even buy legally.

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Someone spent a while telling me Nier Automata was great, and it took a couple years before I got independently interested. My punishment is the same fate, of telling others it's great, and no-one trying it.

Same with Return of the Obra Dinn, which has a niche art style but a captivating set of mysteries.

Not really, except for where they re-take your biometrics to confirm. More often, biometrics get turned into digital info which can't be changed. If a scammer gets your DNA biometric, tough shit, you're now unable to change it and deny the scammer access. It is a huge boon for some forms of fraud.

No, he wants to swing around while fucking Spider-Man. And who doesn't?

A lot of people are posting games that are short and linear. But to match your energy, games that cannot be replayed unless you forget what you learn;

  • Case of the Golden Idol is a mystery/deduction game, a la Obra Dinn.

  • Toki Tori 2 is a puzzle metroidvania, where you can do your full moveset from the start - tweet and stomp. Right from the first screen, big chunks of the map can be shortcut through once you put your later learnings into practice.

Kinda crap advice for novices, as shorting means uncapped losses if you're wrong. You'd have to be very confident other people are making a mistake, as other investors may not worry that power users no longer like Reddit, and stock could still go up.

Honestly, buying a disc for a new game and selling it a month later is still the cheapest way to play new things without being constrained by a subscription's library. PC is excellent for old/indie stuff going cheap, but discs are awesome.

I cannot fathom why Plex is so dominant while Jellyfin, for my taste, is better. And Jellyfin is explicitly free, contributors cannot be paid, because they are funded by their intense hatred of capitalism.

The multiplayer is full of ultra skilled people who have played for years, so a steep curve. Best FPS campaign ever though, so I recommend it for that.

Cheers for the citation

The Steam Deck has helped bring it to light. I loved the Hitman games, for example, but I won't buy the studio's 007 game if that has the same always-online-singleplayer shite.

Seems like one to be wary of reviews for. At each publication, the person who enjoyed part 1 will be excitedly picking up this job, while anyone who disliked part 1 will be passing. I guess the main benefit is it matches the audience; if you didn't like part 1, reviews won't convince you this is worth it.

On balance, I like that they're deviating from the original. I dislike that the main deviation is padding it into 3 games.

Jellyfin is king. Plex is corporate-in-waiting, wishing it could have infinite growth infinitely. Jellyfin is just some people makin a thing.

At least they got a touch closer than most, hosting virtual concerts etc. Just... No-one I know went to one.

It doesn't, we know from their Apple lawsuit that publishers are given pre-negotiated fees for the whole giveaway.

I guess it's the one I care least about that I listed. Substitute in the overtly racist subreddits, if you wish, as they surely didn't deserve a platform.

Back in the day, if you wanted a drop shadow you added it in photoshop... And saved as jpg

Windows' relentless backwards compatibility is underrated, but it's so damn nice I can still play games from 2005 effortlessly. Android has been a shitshow in comparison, as even when mobile gaming wasn't so shit (Doodle Jump, Angry Birds etc), the whole era has been almost wiped from existence.

Turnout was actually pretty good. But there was external manipulation, illegal spending, plus a ton of shifting goalposts, with no confirmation vote once the real Brexit "deal" existed. Pre-vote, people were told we'd be able to be like Norway, as unbelievable as that sounds now. Wild how a 52/48 result was taken as confirmation for the hardest Brexit possible. It truly sucks.

If I'm taking one thing from this thread, it's that I'm most likely to click on something called "Desiny Potato".

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I'd honestly suggest using your ears and deciding if you can tell the difference. My music library is under 20GB so I do not fuss too much, but I am not truly sure I can tell the difference.

I've done that for my Jellyfin server, but some things are too rare and niche to be sure of results unfortunately.

Shouldn't be too hard to get a little usb c adapter. But still, I am very glad to have my 3.5mm.

I am so done with pregnancy test Doom, though - the only part of that that is pregnancy test is the plastic shell. Kind of sick of seeing it crop up!

Copying a comment I made on the other site;

Recursed, just £1.67. It is a brilliant puzzle game, completely mind bending stuff about recursion and jumping into chests inside of chests while taking another chest with you so you can jump inside it...

Wonderputt Forever - £2.20. Prettiest minigolf game, animated to excess. Less than an hour to beat unless you go for optional challenges. You may have played the original flash game a decade ago.

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The original predates mobile. Looks like Netflix have put this one on mobile. Still very good so don't let that put you off.

I wish I gave a shit about any of their games so I could boycott properly.

I've only used Jellyfin, but I struggle to imagine Plex being much easier - it was a piece of piss to just run the installer and point at my folders. Complexity only comes when doing stuff like making it available over the internet.

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Did you read the article? The couple quoted spent about 140 days and now can't spend more than 90.

But the people I am talking about are the remainers who didn't have that.

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Lanterns are a plague on farmers unfortunately. We've picked out quite a few from hedges over the years, it's just littering with extra steps.