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I think the funniest things is that she is STILL a loyal Republican. She knows the type of people they are, and she still refuses to leave the party or denounce them.

The vast majority of republican politicians are trump supporters. They have the party. They control it. All the current nominees are aping the trump brand in the hopes that enough clueless idiots will vote for them. The time of McCain and Bush are long gone — these proto-fascists have taken the party and they won’t let go until

  1. They’re destroyed;
  2. They win and seek out an eliminate anyone in power with left-leaning politics.
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There’s a large amount of perceived haughtiness from the residents of California. They have a lot to be proud of though - it’s a great state in a lot of regards.

Full disclosure, I’m Canadian but travel to San Diego often for work.

Downtown San Diego is not as I remember it from before the pandemic. It’s quite clear to me that California is struggling with a massive mental health and addiction issue. The cost of living compounds these issues and amplifies the worst in people. Even “normal” working class folk are quick to anger and explode at the slightest inconvenience and people just do not give a shit about each other. I pin it to everyone being stressed out because they live paycheck to paycheck and the future is always uncertain.

Things that I think could help: universal healthcare, increased public housing, and the execution of the sackler family.

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Tesla is incompatible with socialism. Also this usually just means the government wants the company to tow the party line.

You have to play by China’s rules if you want to do business there as a westerner. Apple does basically whatever the Chinese government asks for — as a result they’re the top selling phone in that country, even beating out Chinese made phones. For a country that’s been so nationalized and isolated that’s a huge deal.

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Would this man just die already

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Lmao, this guys post history. I’d accuse him of being a shill but I think he’s sucking corporate dick for free.

Ok. Life expectancy in america is lower for poor people. We can agree on that. Can you please compare it to the life expectancy in communist countries, like North Korea, USSR or China during Mao regime?

Lots of gems in there like this one, check through for a laugh. I don’t know why, but every right wing dirtbag that talks about “Marxist ideology indoctrinating children” is also an Elon and trump simp. Every single one. Evidence that the right loves strongmen, dictators and big leather daddies to tell them what to do and run society for them.

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It’s a sheer cliff really. Either you’re punching a nazi or you’re punching someone that doesn’t deserve it. Nazis are usually proud of being Nazis, so they show off with these salutes and their dumb swastika flags. It’s ok to punch people like this. It should in fact be legal.

The democrats are right leaning centre. Good god, man, you don’t even know what a leftie is.

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Hmm, I wonder why the world is feeling worse and worse about an American-controlled world where the powers that be in America have a history of reaching across oceans to assassinate democratically elected politicians, install fascist governments friendly to American business interests, make life worse off for people in developing nations, and allow foreign governments to reign untold destruction onto innocent civilians with American-made weapons without recourse. What a fucking mystery.

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To be clear she wasn’t just sent spiders. This woman had a targeted harassment and stalking campaign conducted against her for months by six people. They went to her house and sent her threatening messages that implied she might be in danger.

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This guy looks like the “if humans evolved to survive high impact car crashes” figure they made a while back.

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I really really don’t think Apple needs to do much to stay relevant.


Elon is bleeding millions a day at this point - he won’t even know that this 350k ever existed or what it was for.

God I hope so, but things are looking dire. The way I see it, if trump wins in 2024, they’ll do everything in their power to never let the democrats win again. This includes gerrymandering and more illegal things like straight up reducing the Democrats abilities to organize and run for office, reducing them to a pet the Repubs keep around so they can point to it and pretend they still have democracy.

They know that everyone under 30 votes Dem. They know their politics are unpopular. This is an existential threat to them and they know it.

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Would’ve been funnier without the fifth panel.

They would be able to see, so long as your instance remains federated with theirs. Donations are volunteer only.

It’s down almost 50% since they bought in in 2021 lmao

This happens in the military far too often.

There are OS updates and there are security updates. Check with your manufacturer as these periods may be quite short, and considering how tied our finances and porivate info are to our phones, it could be a huge hazard. Most android manufacturers, for example, I think offer 2 years of OS updates and 3 or 4 years of security updates. Apples does 6 and 8 - which is wild to me for all the talk of Android users about FOSS and privacy and security. Samsung does 4 and 5, which IIRC, is one of the highest in the android world.

I'm certain someone will mention GrapheneOS, so let me get ahead of that: You can completely de-google your android phone and get as many years of OS upgrades as your hardware can physically support... but is the average person really going to do that?

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This guys videos are like crack to me, but this one was kind of boring compared to his other stuff. I don’t know why though. Fear of the cold was so much better and it’s essentially the same kind of storytelling.

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You’re so deep in. Wow. You can literally turn on the TV and see the bodies and burned out apartments stacking up on corporate media.

The tide is turning, Zionist. The world is starting to hate Israel.

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For some reason I’m always surprised at how badly tourists behave in foreign countries, particularly to sights considered sacred to the locals. Uluru is a good example, where the local tribes continuously asked tourists not to climb all over it, but no one gave a shit until the government finally outlawed it.

There is so much momentum behind every billionaire that they cannot fail, no matter how bad they fuck up. The system and their buddies will prop Elon up even if he becomes a mere millionaire.

I think after a cuisine or manner of cooking has been used in a region for almost a thousand years we are free to say it is authentic to that region, even though it was introduced. That you would deny Indians that, while accepting that Thai cuisine only started using chilli peppers in the last 300 years, opens a broader discussion about your personal understanding of culture and ethnicity.

Further, a Big Mac is a product made by a single corporation, lmao. I’m not going to justify that with further argument. But to use your Naitive American angle; a big part of NA cuisine is a bread called ‘bannock’. It can be savoury or sweet, and every tribe cooks it a little different from every other tribe. It is an important part of Indegenous cooking… and it’s an introduced food. The word bannock isn’t even from any native word. It came about from Scottish settlers/workers surviving on meagre company rations of flour and oil in isolated regions where they had no idea how to get food from the land. First Nations were introduced to it then found themselves in a similar situation as they were pushed off their land and given flour rations by the government so they wouldn’t all die. This all happened so recently my grandparents knew people affected by this.

It’s integral to their culture, even, and anyone who would deny bannock isn’t naitive would rightly be called an idiot by any indigenous person I know. Even though it’s an introduced food. That’s how culture, and food, work.

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Rest assured, whatever political direction America lurches toward, Canada will follow.

Presumably it’s only for their US holdings.

“Tankie” is a term that’s applied to literally any communist. I’ve heard it used against Trotskyists and fucking social democrats.

So, what’s actually the problem with them? Are they Maoists? CPC apologists?

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Quite frankly, y’all moderators are dumb as dirt if you let this happen. It’s obvious that this would happen (and will continue to happen) and it’s been obvious since the 48 blackout was announced. The top moderator of each participating subreddit should have removed all the other mods (even just temporarily) before they shut things down — to ensure no one could pull this move. And then even if Reddit did force the reopening, there’d be no one there to moderate it.

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I wish studios like Bethesda would adopt a more stylistic art style and games that were smaller in scope. I don’t need to explore 10 000 planets with realistic graphics. I just want a tight RPG with good world building.

Microsoft did that and it sold poorly.

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Join your local Marxist organization.

No one made mention of anything being ‘invented’ anywhere until you, just now. I think I’d like to quote from one of history’s true greatest food scholars when I say, “What is even going on in this thread?”

I’m outta here.

I’m in the navy. “Afloat” means “goes to sea”, generally. A museum ship might literally be floating in water, but it can’t go to sea.

I would say our car dependency is the same or worse compared to America. In America they have the population to support small towns that are dense and walkable. These are rare enough that every single one of them is a tourist destination… but we don’t even have one. All the Canadian small towns have a highway, a Walmart, a Boston pizza, and maybe a strip mall.

Toronto, canadas biggest city, is fully dependent on the car. There are multiple highways running through it, cutting neighborhoods off and decreasing walkability. The transit system is somehow even less developed than the already meagre American alternatives, with two short subway lines servicing a city of like 3 mill.

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The Three Pillars of generation z.

You will defiantly love his other videos then. They’re all very in depth and entertaining

Then if you haven’t yet check out supereyepatchwolf - who takes similar deep dives into media but does it on a more personal level with really good storytelling. Like, really good.

Dude you’re never getting an aux port ever again.

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Yeah, but no.

I've been lifting weights daily since I was 15, and I'm 33 now. I enjoy it in that it makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something more than I would be if I just sat on my ass at home. It feels good to push yourself physically and 'feel the burn' and work up a sweat. Humans were meant to use their bodies and if you don't there's a very good chance that that is the reason you feel like shit all the time.

But also no because I find weight training to be exceptionally boring. This is easily mitigated though because once you have the flow of your workout solidly built into your head, it's simple enough that you can turn your brain off and focus on the podcast you're listening to. 30-50 minutes will pass by in a flash.

I still have days where I dread my workout, and I have to really push myself to complete them. Generally, if I go straight home from work and sit on my couch, I will not get back up.

That’s the joke. This is literally a problem directly cause by capitalism, and voting will not solve this issue.

But people still think voting is the only way we can improve society.

X is a private business.

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