3 Post – 135 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Doubt you’d be saying this if you had ever personally been subjected to workplace harassment of the same endurance and severity.

You’re mixing up chicken and egg here. Victim blaming is a core component of the fucking nightmare of workplace harassment.

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If having a grand old time on vacation from negativity and bigotry makes me a snowflake, I'll be a snowflake. Beehaw is the bee's knees thus far.

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Oh I’m sure you would have warm, fuzzy feelings if your government decimated your city and you had no agency to leave. Lack of clean water, food, and medical aid amidst ongoing death and destruction would only endear them to you further, but of course!

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Eh. Billionaires are each directly responsible for meteoric contributions to human suffering and loss of life. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to dismiss the humanity of folks who actively devalue the humanity of the vast majority of humans. Eat the rich.

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Kids are going to die because of this.

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Clickbait has this singular capacity to make one feel treated as a simple primate. Such a relieving comparison.

It takes a special flavor of insecurity to simp the Musk.

This isn’t a wealth tax, it’s a tweak to income tax.

The rich don’t gain wealth through income.

Capital gains should be taxed at least as hard as income.

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Probably by design, to be honest. Jobs tend to be very anti-parent, especially in US states where FMLA is legally protected.

I’m fortunate to work for a company that has a culture of prioritizing real life so you can do your best work. Sadly, that’s antithetical to next quarter thinking, so it’s not the norm.

The dumb thing is (in my experience) parents seem to work harder and stay at companies for longer than childless folks. They’re just shorter on free time and need some basic flexibility to address emergent issues. Not to mention being better at teaching and managing in general.

One notable flaw in the analysis is that it blindly examines Cob from Tales of Earthsea in the context of Ghibli instead of in context of Ursula K. Le Guin (the author).

Le Guin’s Left Hand of Darkness features a nonbinary race and was published in 1969. A good chunk of her work includes critique of gender and queer themes.

So it’s inane as hell to complain that “It’s unfortunate then that one of Ghibli’s very few unquestionably evil roles is also one of their only transfeminine characters” when Cob is transfeminine in virtue of Le Guin’s original material and decidedly not the only trans* character in her body of work.

However, a valid critique is that Ghibli never goes beyond allusion to queerness with the exception of an adaptation of another’s work. Yeah, Japanese culture/media yadda yadda but someone needs to have some nerve and practice prefigurative politics already.

An alarming number of trans men think testosterone is sufficient to prevent pregnancy so hopefully this goes a long way to clarifying that particular point.

Well at least "mutant" carries the recognition that it's not a matter of choice. If the tiny trans population is solely responsible for the indictment, then surely that means we're superior mutants at that 😏

Doubt you’d be saying this if you had ever personally been subjected to workplace harassment of the same endurance and severity.

You’re mixing up chicken and egg here. Victim blaming is a core component of the fucking nightmare of workplace harassment.

How is existing as a transgender person pornographic or obscene? Is it not well-known that trans people are generally more private about their bodies and sex lives than the general population?

There isn’t even a cogent reason provided for what problem is being caused by trans folks. Presumably it’s the threat to the patriarchy gender variance poses, but idk why they don’t say that part out loud.

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Don’t get sequenced and encourage your relatives to avoid as well. It’s not worth risking your genome getting leaked.

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The Twin Cities are pretty swell - a lot of the arts and amenities of larger cities with lower COL. Minnesota winter is a small price to pay for basic human rights.

Neurodivergence doesn’t absolve people of accountability for their actions. Everyone has their own constraints to work around. One either has to avoid getting in situations where they can’t do right by others or adapt circumstances/behaviors to avoid harm. As a person with ADHD, there’s nothing more grating than others saying “Oh you can’t expect me to take responsibility for harmful this thing I do because ADHD!”. Explanations are not excuses.

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Personally, it's nice to be getting news of Reddit without giving them any traffic. It'll be old news eventually and I'm not a huge fan of shutting down natural discussion.

I appreciate your voice and the importance of the sentiment that all humans deserve fundamental dignity and respect.

That said, “all billionaires are malfeasant parasites who don’t deserve to participate in society” is a hill upon which I’m willing to die.

It takes a special kind of sociopathy to pillage and hoard resources unfathomable when people are starving, suffering, and dying.

“Eat the rich” is more stirring and concise than “humanely strip the heinously wealthy of their power and resources”.

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The only silver lining I can find is a bit selfish, but it’s really nice that the trans population of MN is growing explosively. Can’t even leave the house in the metro without seeing other GNC folks.

It was intentional. WCK coordinated with the IDF on the route plan.

I hope people struggling with Cluster B personality disorders get the help they need. However, I’m too traumatized by abuse from people with these disorders to engage with anyone who exhibits the associated toxic behaviors.

But in the same breath they complain about how the gender affirming care is “sterilizing children”. Can’t even bother to be consistent.

Three times a month for a long term relationship seems really low to me. Over a decade married and ~3-5x a week.

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Whether one believes that the lives of women are morally considerable, for example! (or best case scenario - worth as much as whatever tax savings one thinks they’ll reap 😒)

Oh yeah totally. It’s just ~*politics*~ and not at all a reliable determinant of whether your potential partner will treat you as an equal🙄

FWIW I think the majority of people struggle with mental and physical health working 40/hr a week in earnest. It’s not sustainable and I wish we’d stop pretending like it is just because it’s less heinous than what predated it.

From what I understand, most employ various strategies to avoid literally working for 40 hours. The jobs that aren’t conducive to this (cough cough Amazon delivery and warehouse) are especially barbaric.

If you’re neurodivergent it’s much harder to retain a job in virtue of likability/social connections so you’re more likely to have to put your nose to the grindstone to get by.

Humans should not be coerced to sell all of the concentrated effort/time they get in a week (and then some) just to survive.

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Not actually correct in this case. Hypoxia is only painless if oxygen is displaced with an inert gas like nitrogen. Our bodies detect low oxygen indirectly via chemoreceptors that detect the increase in blood acidity (respiratory acidosis) induced by high carbon dioxide (hypercapnia).

As humans breathe in a sealed environment, oxygen is replaced with CO~2~. Hypercapnia is what causes the panic and pain of drowning prior to inhalation of water. Consciousness is lost mere seconds after water inhalation.

Drowning and hypercapnic asphyxiation are essentially the same experience in terms of suffering.

Secondary outcomes and resuscitation are a different story, but are obviously not applicable here.

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Ah, I'm still getting used to the fediverse thing. On Beehaw, there's no downvote button.

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A good reminder for folks to get their passports and birth records corrected post haste. Don’t be afraid to seek assistance and/or mutual aid for the cost.

IANAL but legal documents should retain validity under Article I (ex post facto) so long as you pre-empt legislation barring gender amendment.

If you want to be extra proactive, make sure your medical records reflect the correct gender and your providers use the male/female hypogonadism diagnosis.

Plan for the worst and hope for the best.

Had to have surgical intervention a few weeks ago and am getting mild pangs of renal colic pain on the other side. I’m drinking tons of water and crossing my fingers hard that these stones don’t require intervention 🤞

Other than that life feels like a mess right now and I’m trying to be more intentional about addressing things this week.

Anyone have good advice for making friends in one’s thirties? Online or IRL?

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Not surprised the state responsible for Mitch McConnell is really good at voting counter to its best interests.

FWIW, you don’t need the CS degree to pivot to software. Start learning, build a project portfolio, and attend local tech meetups. Unless you really want the academic experiences, you’re footing unnecessary literal and opportunity costs. Around 30% my colleagues have unrelated degrees.

Working and learning at the same time is quite a bear to tackle, so you’ve certainly got the gumption.

Things vary from company to company, but tech is pretty chill about trans* stuff. I’m out and one of several at my current company. No pronoun issues.

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There aren’t words to fully articulate the improvement to quality of life following top surgery. I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity.

This article reminded me of a concern I have amidst a social climate increasingly hostile toward trans folks. A lot of trans* positive posts about medical intervention sugar-coat things and lack critical nuance. I could almost make the case for overcompensating for the fear-mongering around detransition.

However, I do think it’s worse to leave people in the dark about real difficulties the folks can experience after top surgery like poor results, post-op depression, increased lower dysphoria, the weird adjustment to less dysphoria, etc.

I wouldn’t want anyone setting unrealistic expectations or thinking something’s wrong with them if it’s not all puppies and rainbows.

I really wish workers had enough organizing power to yeet these duplicitous assholes. Why can’t we have candidates who actually fucking care about bettering our circumstances?

This really is the trajectory for most unwanted children.

No heritable resources, a fuck ton of trauma, and unaffordable healthcare leads to lifelong difficulties finding and retaining work with no hope of mental health care to fix the central issue.

Chiming in as another trans/bi/poly person. Poly also feels much more elective than trans or bi to me personally.

Living as my gender is essential to existing and romantic companionship makes life more worth living. Can live without being poly in practice without significant onus.

Can just we skip to the part where gender is impertinent and we just lead our lives in ways that fulfill ourselves and others? Support and adore your partners, communicate and productively work through unmet expectations, etc. It really shouldn’t matter much what’s between one’s legs.

At some level, men just need to stop giving a shit about what maladjusted men think and focus on what actually matters - living a good life for one’s self and those around them. If we’re actually interested in flourishing beyond our critter origins, anyway.

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I’m mostly just grateful to live in a time and place where the consequences of living openly as myself aren’t all that severe. Though bigoted legislation may come for us yet 😬

This really shouldn’t be grounds for termination. What people do off the clock is their business.

Not sure things would look much different if Twitter was intentionally destroyed.