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Can’t wait to see him respond to it. Maybe he will post a couple of saucy pics on the subreddit himself to contribute?

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Sounds good on the face of it but really doesn’t address the mountain of debt most people are in currently. Agreed that schools and deceptive lending practices need to be reigned in, but let’s be real here, this doesn’t really address the root cause of the problem which is runaway costs. As long as people are willing to take the loans out the schools will continue to charge what they want. From what I read it’s just kicking the can down the road and putting the onus on a young student coming out of high school to make the right decision.

Can’t have pesky humans and their need for water get in the way of progress. If they can’t handle the heat just replace that one with another more hungry than the previous. /s

Sounds like Kentuckians like to suffer. I say this as a Texan and my fellow Texans love to suffer and constantly vote against their own best interests.

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Now we all knew the Russian military and its personnel were incompetent but if this isn’t the most hilarious and stereotypical thing I’ve read today, I don’t know what is.

How terrifying and how infuriating. They need to stop saying these groups have ties to white supremacists and just outright call them what they are. White Supremacist terrorists. Not that hard to say.

What if instead of taking over Twitter handle X, he had taken over Twitter handle of say NY Times. Not blocked it or suspended but straight up takeover. They’re part of that company’s brand. X May have not been important monetarily to that person but doing something like this without offering some sort of compensation signals to all other companies who use Twitter that their handle isn’t safe. This may be a unique instance because he wants the X Twitter handle for their rebranding, but it is an asshole move and undoubtedly others will be watching closely.

I agree. They are within their rights to do whatever with their database, their service. But if their decisions impact someone else’s business then they shouldn’t be surprised if someone takes legal action.

Can anyone explain exactly what this means in terms of how the schools are run?

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What doesn’t surprise me is that wealthy adventure enthusiast billionaire would think it’s okay to cheap out on something supposed to sustain his life underwater. $30 game controller? Plumbing pipe for ballast? Off the shelf monitors? Is that picture showing they done even have any seats or way to strap in safely? Bolted in from the outside without a safety escape built in? I feel they would have been better off trying to go at it with an old timey diving bell attached to the surface with an air hose. That would have been even cheaper than this underwater coffin they built. At least then they would have been tethered and retrievable.

Well then is it better to say that we should redefine what happiness means? Or is it that happiness means something different to each individual? Sometimes I feel like what I define as happy is really just being content to someone else. This is more of a philosophical question, or maybe more specifically a metaphysical question. What is happiness?

I’ve seen some op eds calling for a pardon for trump a la Nixon with then President Ford. I can see why they think it’s a good idea but at some point you have to pay for your misdeeds. If trump is ever actually found guilty and sentenced to jail I think it’s very necessary to set a standard and actually make him follow through on being punished. I feel like a pardon would show his supporters that whatever he did wasn’t too bad if he got pardoned. They’ll call it a witch hunt no matter the result, might as well make it so that there is some justice actually seen at the end of it all.

Thank you! That’s helpful.

Bravo! Couldn’t have said it better myself. Their aim is not to prevent abortions. Their aim is to keep the populace broke, segregated, uneducated, and worse off so they can continue to get wealthier. Serfdom is the future they want.

Are moderate republicans ever going to vote democrat? I don’t know any anti vaxx republicans that would. Sounds like this hurts the GOP more than it would hurt them, unless I’m missing something?

To me it sounded more like “bro you’re alone and no one is going to have your back on this. Your best best at surviving this coup attempt is to join me in exile in Belarus while we wait for someone stronger to become our daddy.”

Interesting read. It’s always hard to read about musicians and artists we all love and see them in a bad light. Same goes for athletes or anyone in the spotlight. It’s always good to hear about celebrities that are actually good people and nice, but let’s face it, in order to become big you have to have somewhat of an egotistical personality and sometimes that means stepping on other people in the process. I don’t condone it, in fact I wish that every person who contributes to a successful venture be recognized and compensated justly. But chances are if a singular person is famous, inevitably you will find people in their wake that were either left out or hurt in the process.

Also letting the dough rest for a bit helps. Like 20-30 minutes. The recipe on the bags of Maseca don’t mention that step but I found it does make a difference in the consistency.

But then they’ll say “well legancy admissions and the money that brings allows the institution to admit those of lesser means”. However you dice it, what matters the most is that they now have more reason to discriminate. They always did but the way I see it the schools that are impacted most by affirmative action seem to be the ones that have had these legacy admissions. Always been Pay To Play, and now there’s no reason to even try to allow even a minimal amount of outsiders into their exclusive club. All these kids and families that jumped onto Blum’s ship for the lawsuit have been played and don’t even know it.

They probably have to pay someone full time to monitor anything he does or says on social media to keep up with the mixed confessions with lies he spews. As dumb as we all like to think he is, I really believe what he’s doing is just trying to flood the news cycle hoping that whatever jurors end up serving are so turned around on what’s true and what isn’t. He’s hoping whatever diarrhea his lawyers will drum up as an excuse will leave enough doubt in the minds of the jurors that they’ll vote to acquit. I think we all believe this is a slam dunk case but let’s be real, ol’ Cheeto Benito has made conning his career and he will continue until he’s behind bars or dead.

I don’t disagree. What happens in Tx also has ramifications elsewhere. It’s just apparent loads of people in both states vote against their own interests and as a result vote against the interests of people out of their state. Until we get more people to vote in all elections the few will decide for the majority.

Looking at the last stats for Texas during the midterm elections in 2022 sat at 45% of over 17 million registered voters. In a state with over 30 million people, that means 8 million people decided those elections. Statewide and local elections voter turnout are abysmal. Last I checked for where I’m living it hovers between 11-13%. So if Texans vote against their best interests, I feel it’s the choice few making horrible decisions that impact the majority. A quick google search for Kentucky shows similar numbers. 41% voter turnout for midterms and it was lower than normal. The older bloc vote and the youth always stay in when looking at the numbers. Why would any older person vote for someone younger and less “wise to the world” in their eyes. If we want younger elected officials then we have to get the younger voters to engage and vote as well. At least that’s my opinion. McConnell keeps getting elected because younger voters don’t vote if they don’t feel represented by who is running. They opt to sit out, which is the worst thing to do. That’s what I’ve heard my peers say when I ask if they voted. If they don’t like what they see politically they just disengage.