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Joined 1 years ago

May contain traces of nuts!

Realized?? They knew all the time, and didn't give a shit.

It's more likely that they have pushed too far, and users are pushing back. They will dial it back a bit, and hope people forget.

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Wouldn't Netflix's password sharing fall under the same law then?

They use user information like connected wifi and position data to determine if a device is used away from the defined "home".

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I get that servers, bandwidth, manpower, utilities and buildings aren't free, and with more and more people using ad blocking, all that user data they have harvested isn't worth much anymore. So I think we are going to see an increase in subscription based services, and man do I hate it.

Because You just know it's going to increase and squeeze evey last dime from their users. Because it's never enough to have their expenses covered and earn some money.. They constantly need to earn more. Just look at Netflix, declining in contents, increasing restrictions and rising price.

The way that YouTube treats their users and content creators for that matter, I'll never enter a subscription from there. Removing features, blocking people with no way of appealing and letting scammers and spammers run rampant on their platform. Yeah, no thanks.

I used to love using YouTube for music, it was great at suggesting new and exciting music. But then it was split into a separate service and they nuked the algorithm. Now I can discover music by popularity or moods, and as someone whos into EDM, hardstyle, rock, metal and heavy metal.. that's a piss poor way to find new music.

It seems like they are going out of their way to remove good features. Like they removed the option to right click the taskbar and open task manager. They since added it back, but only because of user demand.

They have removed quick access to disabling the network, seeing and changing ip settings.

I can't remember all the annoying issues, but there's a lot.

I hate that it has become a general thing to ruin user experience and possibilities of customization. Google is doing the same with android.

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Apparently they have been living on life-support.

I can't claim to fully understand how it worked, but apparently as long as sites could show user growth they could attract investments, but with inflation causing interest rates to go up (and other economy hocus pocus) , that money is quickly drying up.

I don't know if the investors believed that if the user base could grow large enough, someone would buy the companies, or they suddenly could come up with some fantastic monetization of said user-base.

Now as companies are listed on the stock exchange, and facing the falling investor interest, they are expected to react (aggressively) to secure future revenue.

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Most young people bare basically tech illiterate. Yeah they are fantastic with new apps and phones. But have zero idea how any of it works under the hood.

Ask them to transfer a file from a computer to a USB drive. They have no idea how a file system is structured or even that an app has to specifically made for different platforms.. e.g. Facebook on apple is completely different from Facebook on Android and the two will contain different bugs and different settings.

We are almost back to default browser = internet

You mean popped again? It has already popped back in 2002 with the dot-com bubble bursting. Seems investors never learn.

You mean British English and Simplified English?

Holy shit! Your post made me realize that we are in Dot-com bubble burst 2.0

It the exact same thing, everyone and their dog, had to have a webpage. Investers finally realized that most websites had no way of generating money, and stuff came crashing down.

Same thing is happening now!

Use "Because API changes" instead of "Because lemmy". But I agree; changing it to a link to Lemmy instead is better. Theres a shit-ton of valuable information buried on Reddit.

I'm stunned with how bad it was and why they hell they didn't use the same strategy that made Windows popular.. The apps.

My work back then gave me a Windows Phone. Very few of the apps I had on my Android phone was available for my work phone.

On top of that a lot of things simply didn't work. One thing I still remember was that Alarm volume and Ring tone volume could not be adjusted individually.

The whole thing felt like they wanted to reinvent the wheel and started from absolute scratch without learning from the innovation in the past decade of mobile phones.

It's sad, a third competitor in the smartphone space wouldn't have been a bad thing.

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Or DDD, dopamin deficiency disorder

"You need to love yourself, before you can love someone else"

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But It's in no way helpful advice to someone who is lonely or otherwise struggling. It's almost along the lines of "why don't you just cheer up".

Helpful advice would be something along the lines "I understand you are struggling, maybe it would be a good idea to check out therapy"

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Holy shit! Your post made me realize that we are in Dot-com bubble burst 2.0

It the exact same thing, everyone and their dog, had to have a webpage. Investers finally realized that most websites had no way of generating money, and stuff came crashing down.

Same thing is happening now!

At this point it's better to put it down, like the sick panda it is!

It's buggy, bloated, slow and with a horrible UI.

They still do their bloated framework and launcher outside the US.

It even let's the village idiots, of village idiots find each other.

Maybe, there's still important questions. Will it scale? Preliminary tests only transfered mA's before the super conductivity breaks down. So can you layer the material to get higher amps? Will cables have to be made in one continuous part or will the super conductivity work across joined cables

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But then comes the issue, which government? As Starlink is global infrastructure.

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You may want to check out these two videos.



And then they start scanning your files, for your safety and "the children". Find something they don't like. Might even be perfectly legal, and close your account. Because AI...

Puff, gone are your files and you have zero way to appeal.

There is NO cloud.. only someone else's computer...

I rarely see any ads. First thing I do on a clean windows or new phone, is to install adblockers. Simply because they have become so intrusive and takes up a lot of screen realestate. On top of that ads have been attack vectors for zero day exploits into people's computers several times before.

One place I still see ads are on Facebook, and they never target anything I'm interested in. I suspect it's because of greed. Because they are absolutely collecting my data, so they should be able to target me with relevant stuff, but they will allow any ads as long as the advertisers pay up. I have seen explicit ads on Facebook.. on Facebook! Where users almost gets banned for saying butt. Ads on the other hand, is fine..

The result is I'm bombarded with irrelevant ads, that I never click.

As services gets more aggressive with pushing ads down my throat, the more aggressive methods I'm going use to block ads or find alternative services. They did it to themselves.

On the bright side, he should have all the time in the world to code, after going to prison.

One of the techniques is called buffer overflow. Where you target a flaw in some software. Computers are logic, they will do EXACTLY what you tell them. Imagine if an image viewer uses an dll to process jpg. That dll expects a very specific header. If this is not handled correctly and a malicious attacker crafts the header to be slightly larger and the larger part contains executable code. This code spills over in the adjacent memory area. The OS then reads this as code to run.. and boom you are in.

This is oversimplified and proberly not explained correctly, but its something like that; and that kids, is why its important to update your OS and software.

Sometimes they find bugs like this, that have existed for many years before being discovered.

Hell, I would even have accepted a subscription to be able to use Boost; and I hate subscription based services.

They had opportunity to earn a lot of money and not alienate their users. With profit from 3party apps and companies using reddit for AI data. With realistic pricing.

But Spez (Fuck u), acted like a spoiled vendictive little brat and burned everything down, because of his fragile ego.

Just take a look at the mail and phone conversation, and subsequent lies about what was said; between Spez and the Apollo developer. To see I'm not making this up.

I posted a reply with a "quick fix" to a Lenovo T14s issue, quite some time ago. That reply has kept getting "Thank you" replies now and again. I suspect that that will continue for a long time to come.

There is a lot of that kind of useful information on Reddit that doesn't get outdated for at foreseeable future.

Hell. I found a 14 year old solution to a Borland database issue I had at work, buried in some old forums, so don't dismis the value of old information.

I was supposed to be at a course at 9, two hours away. Was reminded by outlook 8.45. Gee thanks Outlook, very helpful.

Worst part, is that you come off as lazy, a slack or stupid for forgetting something that neurotypical would never forget.

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As long as they can keep people on the platform, they keep the cash from the app store flowing.

I agree. But I think spam-bots, especially backed with ChatGPT or better level AI will prevent real user generated content, on that level from 20 years ago, to resurface.

Holy shit sorry. You are right, I was sure it was USB -C.

It must have been the OnePlus two then. I distinctly remember being the only one having USB-C anywhere I went.

I normally add stuff like this to my private Google calendar for that exact reason.. But I forgot..

Wrong. OnePlus One, released in April, (as invite only) 2014 had USB-C.

I was wrong, sorry. It was not until OnePlus two.

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