
1 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

My dad always told me that when a company switches to single ply toilet paper, it's time to gtfo bc the writing is on the wall. Company's going under.

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this is also not really a normal thing to do, but I tried trimming my armpit hair and had a huge reduction in sweat marks and BO immediately

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Oh wow. I hate them with a passion haha

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share this with workreform. they'll love it. I would link but forgot how

"So much of what running a business is about is figuring out 'how do I connect with people?'" Shaich told BI. "What motivates them, and how do I help them decide to affiliate with what the mission of the enterprise is?"

Money! Seriously, I don't want to connect with my CEO. Maybe a pizza party is just what I need

I'm in the US and when I read the title I assumed it'd be a car parked in an insane way. I wish we had the opportunity to be mad at bikes haha. The closest is people dumping scooters wherever or they try to park them politely but then they fall over

I just got a Mac for work. The hotkeys are definitely worse

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I'd say at the point you have to ask ;p

Plot point: hero person goes back in time to kill Hitler, but finds they have to fight off a bunch of other time travelers from different points in the future bc everyone wants the kill for themselves. Hitler still gets away.

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The Yale University professor's former ties to Big Tech companies including Microsoft and Apple raised eyebrows, as she would have been in charge of advising on the Digital Markets Act, the EU law designed to tame those very companies.

Yeah, that'll do it

gotta make time! (in case there's confusion, this doesn't mean make time for breaks, but to get there as quickly as possible)

Maybe cross post to !workreform@lemmy.world

The red X is over the horse, but how do I know the horse isn't a Muslim woman? Horses could have their own practice and it isn't reasonable to assume they would do as humans do.

Judging by this person's code, I totally understand their socio-economic leanings and policies!

yeah that takes the cake haha


While I know what a missile corvette is.... https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIG.PqAq78UtW0zq28_0zEcv?pid=ImgGn

I think it's a mixed bag. While anarchistic approaches do lean that way (and there's a lot more I need to learn about it beyond the nonsense I was told in school), the communist ideology also gave a lot of power to workers, but on the flip side, taking the approach of a centrally planned economy requires a concentration of power. So, the world is full of contradictions, I guess