
8 Post – 187 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The “Not enough mod tools” complaint is valid and I hope that improves as the platform moves forward.

I DO NOT get the disdain for the Lemmy userbase. I’ve been here for the past 4-5 months and can say I’ve had so many more meaningful and fulfilling conversations here on Lemmy than I ever did on Reddit in the 10 years I was there.

I think it’s the same situation as between a small town and a big city. Reddit is huge and with a large number of people; you’re going to statistically get a larger number of assholes. Not to mention there are tens of thousands of people commenting on anything that hits r/all, so there’s no chance someone else is going to read your 1 comment that is drowning in a sea of other comments.

Lemmy feels more like a small town. Things move a little slower here, but there’s less competition to have your voice heard, and I end up seeing some of the same users time and time again across the Fediverse. I think that smaller feel means more people have a chance to see your content without it getting drowned out by the masses, which means more opportunity to make connections.

Some people suck, but Lemmy has been fucking awesome for me so far and I love this place because of that.

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I love that “No one can stand him” Is a good reason for expulsion. The human trafficking wasn’t enough.

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Bottom row, 2nd from the left. Simple, clean, distinct.

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I agree this is probably an attempt at veiled layoffs.

But I wish I could understand why executives are so desperate to have people back in an office. It’s like class warfare or something.

“Don’t let the proletariat spend more time in that box they already overpay for; make them come to the box that WE overpay for!”

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I had that kind of “astroturf-y” feel from the Reddit comment as well, but their opinion about mod tools is not entirely wrong.

The fear-mongering about CSAM being all over the place hasn’t been my experience, though. I’ve never come across CSAM here on Lemmy (sorry to those who have), but I don’t tend to keep NSFW posts on because I cruise Lemmy at work.

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D-word, so you’re saying I can play PS5 from a dang steam deck?

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Real answer? Because technology could easily do it for you if people tag posts in OP’s proposed way. Just one less thing for a viewer to have to think about.

Thank you for setting the standard for transparency and professionalism with user funding.

I believe it’s the Hamas invasion of Israel which started yesterday morning.

Some Hamas were reported to be using paragliders with assault rifles attached to them.

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Wow. I honestly didn’t think much about microwaving stuff like tupperware before, but I think this convinced me to switch to glassware.

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If you look closer, you’ll see she’s doing 69.

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This was a tough read for me. Is this what it feels like to be dyslexic?

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Google is rolling out a new feature called “Privacy Sandbox” that also enables websites to use Google’s new “Topics API” to view web addresses in your browser history.

People are generally concerned because it allows a site like Petsmart.com to learn that you bank at WellsFargo.com and that you also visit Nickelodeon.com frequently. Petsmart may then use this information to target ads at you.

The larger concern is that just about any website can learn this information (so not just Petsmart.com, but SouthernRecipeMamaOfFour.net can also get this information, which is excessive access for a site like that to say the least). The fear is likely overblown, though.

What can you do to protect yourself? Don’t use Google products or Chromium-based web browsers.

Edit: Looks like my understanding was off. Shout out to NicoCharrua and a couple other users who clarified that Topics API doesn’t expose URLs, but instead looks at the URLs in your history to create topics (kind of like tags) that other sites can see. Hope my potential employer doesn’t find out about my love of large ethnic butts!

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Can’t both sides be driven by bloodlust? It’s all horrific and a never-ending cycle of pain and rage.

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Surprised I haven’t seen this response yet:

I say awake doing things until I am on the verge of passing out from being sleepy. If that means I only get 3 hours of sleep, then so be it.

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My baby boy, I’m so glad I get to share what’s worked for me.

My younger peeps seem to thrive on mentorship and coaching. If you don’t already do 1-on-1s (even just meeting every 2 weeks), I recommend starting.

During that time, ask each person what their honest career goals are (even if they involve working elsewhere) and then help them gain the skills they’ll need to achieve those career goals. It’s their responsibility to do the work, but you’re the one helping them stay on track towards the things in their life that matter to them.

I’ve helped folks with all sorts of things from time-management to negotiation to coding to project management.

A tool I’ve found invaluable is the book “FYI: For Your Improvement”. It’s basically a manual for helping improve soft skills. I recommend getting an older version that’s cheaper.

Using this philosophy, I’ve only had folks leave my teams because of pay (which is something I don’t control and am constantly in contention with my company about). I’m still in contact with most who’ve left and one if my former peeps even got me a new job one time.

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Isn’t Russia supposed to be invading Ukraine because Ukrainians are nazis…?

“Putin: I want to beat up nazis. Putin’s mom: We have nazis at home.”

“I’ll sleep when I’m dead”

Wow, such a cool revelation. I think the devs of CK2 would be proud that you engaged with their game like this.

Great story!

This is true.

If it’s in a list with other films with years first, you wouldn’t be about to visually scan by letter, though. Two “Saw” films could be separated by hundreds of others in between.

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DayZ was such an amazing experience at the time. Battle arena games hadn’t taken off yet and you really had to pay attention to your surroundings.

Great story! War is hell

The thing I’ve always wanted: a penis big enough to be sucked 🥲

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I don’t know how I feel about this. On one hand: I dislike the trend of commercial companies buying up living space to turn around and rent it out to disruptive short-term tenants.

On the other hand: I don’t want to have anyone else present in my rental with me because that’s creepy.

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Jessica Dickler, why the FUCK would I wait for the value of my cash to disintegrate when I could get 1.08x more tacos today than if I put that money in savings and bought tacos with it next year?

Ghost in the Wires is a great book of his with lots of early hacking shenanigans in it. Highly recommend.

Gotten better and better over time.

I’ve learned to always have a backup account on another instance and that’s decreased my downtime to almost zero.

I prefer the content here to Reddit, as Reddit seems to just be clickbait these days.

My favorite thing here is the community. Much less likely to encounter an asshole and even when people disagree, they seem to argue in good faith. Love the Lemmy/knib community feel.

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I feel like I’m only just recently hearing about “RSV” (Like within the last 9 months).

Is that a new thing or do I just live under a rock?

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Taken from other friend on this article: Tl;dr: it’s more voice lines

Story looks dope. Still not preordering.

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“When you do things the right way, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.”

Wherever she asks you for something, just reply with “As you wish”.

Also, be incredibly handsome.

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I think the “not having to be first” is what is so powerful.

I know that if I comment on a post from a few days ago on a populated community, I’ll likely at least get a reply from OP, if not a bunch of other people finding my comment and replying as well.

It’s like Lemmy is the nice, small-town version of Reddit (which is probably more similar to Gary Indiana).

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This thread is filled with comments on DE, but it was your comment that convinced me to finally play the game.

Thanks for the story!

Thank you for the summary! This is the investigation I was looking for.

Disallowing remote with when it’s possible is anti-worker.

Only used it a couple of times for work when researching some broad topics like data governance concepts.

It’s a good tool for learning because you can ask it about a subject and then ask it to explain the subject “as a metaphor to improve comprehension” and it does a pretty good job. Just make sure you use some outside resources to ensure you’e not being hallucinated all over.

My bosses use it to write their emails (ESL).

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Damn good to see you a friendly face in these parts!



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I have a place like this in my town. They know their food is bomb ass good and they still manage to be excited you’re there to eat even though the place is filthy

What kind of techniques did you use to add the weathering effect?

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