
20 Post – 252 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Elon Musk shouldn't be allowed to vote.

I'm subscribing to all and I'll just unsubscribe if it turns out I don't like them. For overlapping ones I haven't seen many duplicate threads. If I post, though, I'll stick to one and right now I'm favoring the one on my instance.

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Why the scare quote around fun? He's right. There is no point in adding something to a game that doesn't make it more fun.

"extreme trans lobby" is a conspiratorial misrepresentation of a group of people who would just like to live their lives.

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This is a "Let them fight" situation if I ever saw one.

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I bet this is more about the stress of being constantly available to your boss, your parents, your teachers, your neediest friends than about wanting a world without technology.

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The solution: Amnesty and citizenship. Screw this "Everyone must suffer trying to be here." They wanna be here. There are jobs for them. Just swear them in and forget all this bullshit.

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Even if he's dead, his investors and his company should still be held accountable for all this bullshit. We need to put a stop to these assholes cutting out every safety measure except the liability waiver they make the customers sign.

I'm not sure using a program designed to find the most likely words and sentences is a great way to finish up a book series known for turning cliches and tropes on their heads.

The company, founded in 2015 by Dukhovny, Konstantin Kisly, Pavel Markin, Oleg Petrov in Palo Alto, California, has been test driving and flying the car's prototype since 2019.

"The constraints were: it has to be a real car (driving in driving lanes, parking in parking spaces), it has to have a vertical takeoff (otherwise it is not a real flying car), it has to be affordable for most people (not just the rich)," Alef said.

The following year, the first sub-scale prototype was built, and in 2018, the first full-size “skeleton” took to the skies.

It's for real this time. Whether or not it will be a Tesla lemon, time will tell. But the FAA is generally EXTREMELY safety-conscious.

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This is known as "ruining the song."

This is what's killing me. How can they NOT be keeping track?

I think there's an argument that using someone's art or writing to train an AI is like charging for a screening of a movie in your garage. You're using their work and labor for something that will make a profit without their permission. It's not like Fair Use for educational purpose, the AI isn't a human being who can make a choice as to what they do with their education, it's a mathematical prediction engine that is going to be use for industry purposes.

I can read someone else's book. I can read someone else's book to a child. I can't post someone else's book on my website and charge 5 bucks to read it. I can't reprint someone's book on my website with ads. So why can someone use someone else's book to develop an LLM chatboot that will be placed on a website that gains ad revenue? Or that will be sold to software companies to write technical instructions or code?

With that in mind, that the lawsuit here is based on COPYING the book to an internal database to train on, based on scanning it, they are arguing that the book was reproduced to gain a profit, basically the same thing as pirating a movie and selling tickets to a private screening.

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I would. Hell, just to punish the guys who are hiring below the minimum wage I would give them citizenship AND a union card.

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This is the nature of aging. As an older millennial I wish more millennials would get with it. We spent our 20s and 30s wanting to be treated as adults. Well, this is how young people treat adults.

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@Phoenixbouncing Soldiers are more strictly regimented than regular police, I think. Hell, if you fuck up just a little as an MP you are out of that career field. Unfortunately, it's because of a STRONGER hierarchy and if the leader goes bad they all go with him. Which is why when there's war crimes it's usually a whole unit committing them.

Of course, there's also the aspect where the Law of Armed Conflict forbids anyone in the armed forces from doing things that civilian police forces do all the time, like using tear gas.

So one thing you have to remember about Hawaii is that Hawaii didn't CHOOSE to become part of the US. The US seized the place and forced the Queen to sign some paperwork turning the country over to them. And now a bunch of people from the country that took over your country come every year to party it up, even if there's been a disaster that killed a bunch of native Hawaiians.

This is why a lot of native Hawaiians have a big problem with tourists not just now, but ALL of the time. And if you say their economy is getting uplifted by tourism you will get an EARFUL about how foreign companies are what's actually reaping the rewards of that tourism, and that the land on the island is too expensive for natives to buy BECAUSE of the tourist industry snapping it up and how they'd basically rather be poor than occupied by a party industry that encourages outsiders to come down, treat people like servants and trash the place.

Now I can't do anything to solve this and neither can any of you. Just give them a break, guys. It's not easy to live in another man's paradise.

Going to bring it up again, the Paradox of Tolerance disappears when you consider tolerance a social contract rather than a moral standard.

Nazis base their identity and politics around not tolerating the presence of various minorities, and therefore aren't entitled to tolerance themselves.

TERFs base their identity and politics areound not tolerating trans people, and therefore aren't entitled to tolerance themselves.

Furries don't base their identity on excluding, invalidating or persecuting someone else, so furries are entitled to tolerance.

So, the furry boards stay but we need to defederate Nazis and TERFs.

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Why do we want a single instance to be as large as reddit?

So President's sons are no longer offlimits. Sweet. Soon an ex-President, and then maybe we can actually manage to impeach a sitting official that I hope is someone on SCOTUS.

Anyone else notice they always front-load the good decisions like protecting the ICWA, and wait on stuff like killing Roe until the last releases of their session? I don't have high hopes for this.

Found this bit really interesting:

At its peak, Reader had just north of 30 million users, many of them using it every day. That’s a big number — by almost any scale other than Google’s. Google scale projects are about hundreds of millions and billions of users, and executives always seemed to regard Reader as a rounding error. Internally, lots of workers used and loved it, but the company’s leadership began to wonder whether Reader was ever going to hit Google scale. Almost nothing ever hits Google scale, which is why Google kills almost everything.

So THIS is the article that has all those writers on Bluesky ranting.

For me, I don't see HOW this is a useful tool at all. It's.. a word counter. It counts the number of times you use a word. Someone had a screencap of his "vividness" rankings on words, and it had placed "wintery" at a higher score than "permafrost." Why? How does it know that one word is more vivid than the other? what's the standard here? This sort of thing is very subjective.

And he starts with Vonnegut's shape of stories, but an LLM can't recognize rising and falling action so how could it do such a comparison?

Honestly, the WHOLE thing sounds like he's trying to create a formula for good writing, and you can't pin down good writing like that.

This is not a useful tool. It's a tool that will get people caught in the weeds like they do with narrative outlines like the Hero's Journey and lists of tropes. It will churn out a bunch of writers people don't like who can't understand why they don't catch on when they are following all the rules.

You can install an app from the Kbin mobile page to your phone, though. Just go to the mobile page, there's an install app option under the 3 dots that works.

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We called it the Threadiverse first.

That's great
An IPO--terms update, Mods revolt
An exodus
Lemmy, Kbin overload

Ooo, that's an idea I like. What else has Annapurna done?

Edit: They've published Stray, which was amazing. (But it wasn't their development like I initially thought.) I am cautiously optimistic.

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I'd add "Update your resume" and start looking because if Reddit holds to the pattern of enschittification, then layoffs are coming. Pointless, stupid layoffs that don't care how important your job is.

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Everyone who called Firefish stupid needs to come see this and reconsider.

@agamemnonymous No, it looks like it beforehand. ChatGPT's just a language prediction engine, but people think it can think. It can only discern what the most probable language patterns are, it can't make judgements. But people are arguing it is working off inspiration.

And we've KNOWN it will look like it beforehand, that's why there's even concepts like a Turing test, to prepare us for discerning the illusion of intelligence from actual intelligence.

Prersonally, I suspect social media and the way that Bigsoc companies hack the human mind using feed algorithms is an argument for a Non-AI Singularity, and more likely than a math engine that predicts the next word in an astoundingly natural way.

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@Yendor Point is that it's jumping the gun to think we can escape climate change by rocketing to Mars and terraforming the climate there, rather than just concentrating on terraforming Earth back to a liveable environment and THEN worrying about moving elsewhere. If we can't keep Earth inhabitable, we can't make Mars inhabitable.

Just like people who think Large Language Models are genuine AI are completely jumping the gun about what we're capable of coding right now.

So the problem with this idea is we're gonna get into a big argument about whether to keep magazines or communities and honestly just screw that. A magazine is a community, a cat is a kitty. We can have two words for things.

Edit: If we do get into it I vote for "magazine" because I went there for the topic primarily.

I had a commander who used to drive all the techs crazy by asking "Why?" His philosophy was to ask "Why?" six times whether he understood or not to make sure his sergeants had thought through any proposal.

"So, understanding the full responsibility for the potential shedding of Russian blood from either side"

What did he THINK would happen when he reached Moscow? Putin would come out on a terrace and address everyone with "Thank you for proving your resolve! As a reward, you may torture as many Ukrainians as you want!"

The app does request permissions for financial info.

There are several colors Anish Kapoor is not legally permitted to paint this.

Dark Wizards and Light Wizards.

I think maybe the irksome thing is this is a retroactive label for older games. It's not how we got to know those games, and it sounds pretty dismissive of something we enjoyed and loved. smart_boy below has the right idea, reclaim the term, realign the meaning.

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We generally estimate for the same percentage tip every time, and we keep careful track and then we have an accident and go bankrupt from the medical bills anyway.

I've never heard a bad thing about it. I'm stillplaying through, it's remarkable. I'm having a little trouble with the map, though.