
2 Post – 148 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Soft disagree. I use the Qi charger to charge my phone overnight or while it’s sitting on my desk. The USB cable is when I need it charged quickly.

This way, my phone’s charging port is protected with a plug when I’m not using it and it is immaculate and unlikely to fail while I have it.

(My previous phone’s charging port almost failed and would stop working if I used it for all charging. Using Qi for the bulk of the charging kept the port working for when I needed it, like in the car or to the computer.)

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Phone etiquette for the 2020s:


Hi, I wanted to talk about X. I think it’ll take about 5-10 minutes. When would be a convenient time to call?

Phone calls themselves don’t annoy me. People who expect to call you at any time and then get upset you won’t drop what you’re doing to speak to them annoy me.


It boggles my mind that consumer protections in the US are so weak.

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I’ll believe it when it ships. I’m genuinely optimistic that we can develop better batteries, but I’ve seen this story too many times before.

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I don’t mind in-game ads printed on in-map billboards and stuff, but ads that interrupt gameplay? Fuck that. Especially if you’ve paid for the content.

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An X looks like a swastika if you only add half the seriffs

In my own case I’d put it down to Flatpak etc. finally resolving the software installation problem.

Installing most Linux OSes has been easy enough for decades, but a program not in your distro’s repos could be a nightmare to get working.

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Let’s file this in the cabinet of company quotes that come back to haunt them

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In Australia, being a total bastard is a good thing, while being a bit of a bastard isn’t so good.

Mad cunt = good. Shit cunt = bad, see image

Where I’m from, laws were changed so communities like this can’t block lot modifications that improve a lot’s sustainability performance (e.g. rooftop solar, rainwater harvesting, etc.). Not that anyone here would block rooftop solar, it’s wildly popular.

Not overly high tech but such a good fit for the culture and extremely convenient:

Self-filling, self-warming baths

Put the plug in during the day, press the button to fill the bath at the remote keypad in the kitchen. Baths fills and a little jingle announces that the bath is ready at the perfect temperature.

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Wtf did I just read

Such incredible stunning animals. It would be an enormous injustice to lose them.

MVNOs are fantastic value once they get up and running in healthy competition. Australia has heaps of them and IIRC some of the cheapest mobile data charges in the world.

ETA: according to data from cable.co.uk, Australia ranks 15th cheapest, 68¢ per GB on average.

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In my country that’s the legal definition of February 29. So if it’s not a leap year, February 29 is March 1.

The radio station that plays the old hits has started playing newer hits. Spoiler: they’re not new.

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Remember that your beliefs and values should inform your political affiliation, not the other way around.

Don’t let others tell you what you “should” believe, because political views can be nuanced and contextual.

Memories 🥲

I remember visiting X.com in 2000 or so. Was a bank type website, which PayPal bought up. That’s probably how he got control of the domain. (ETA: more accurate answer below!)

But also, looks like the X11 logo

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Over on YouTube, thunderfoot did a fun thought experiment. He filled a hard disk full of copies of the Quran and then proceeded to zero over all of them. Is destroying thousands of digital copies of the Quran equivalent to burning them?

Basically the part of movies where the characters come to realise their whole life or perception of the world was a deception.

Example Spoilers:

  • Truman show at the end when the boat hits the studio wall
  • The Island when EM and SJ run out of their compound and they realise it was a hologram
  • The Matrix when Neo wakes up in the power plant
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Did they collectively come to the realisation that they were gonna be fished anyway…

Be careful with your expression so that you offend supporters of both sides equally

Try not to view spare time as the absence of plans. It should be specifically booked in and not cannibalised by other things.

As others have already mentioned, break your big tasks down into smaller operationalised tasks. Spending time to plan things isn’t wasted.

Also, it’s hard to grasp this myself but I try to live by it: everything will be ok, everything is fixable. Avoid worrying about things too much.

So what are the Apple engineers using?

Know when to ask for help. You can’t always hold the world on your shoulders.

Ok so as someone who has always loathed twitter, I am irritated by journalists bemoaning the platforms irrelevance while still using it to lazily farm quick takes for their stories.

Don’t think twitter is relevant anymore? Stop using it. Governments and companies should stop using it too if they don’t see it as a legit social network anymore

If I’m on public transport, crowded public area, feeling off colour

There are some gaps in this video owing to the guy not knowing some different keyboard shortcuts in macOS and just assuming they don’t exist.

I’d say macOS is still more consistent than Linux but it certainly peaked in Snow Leopard.

Isn’t the UK plug like how it is because of the awful ring circuits in buildings built after the war? Otherwise could we have RCDs and overload protection at the switchboard?

As an Australian I’ll stand in solidarity with the UK on having switches for each power socket – immensely convenient.

I have no opinion on my country’s plug, it seems to work well and not grip loosely. But I’m open to being convinced that others are better.

I am convinced the Danish power socket contributes to national happiness.

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I’m always so excited every time he puts out a new video. Granted, it took a while for him to discover his humour but it’s very dry and often self deprecating which I appreciate

Confidential projects, etc. amirite?

Adding another. Children of Men. Brilliantly made, disturbing premise, very plausible sci-fi. Quite violent, though.

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Anyone marking an assignment with a TurnItIn report, who is also in possession of half a brain, knows to read through the report and check where the matches are coming from. A high similarity score can come about for many reasons, and in my experience most of those reasons are not due to cheating.

ELI5 the difference between the white badged Teams and the dark badged Teams

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Computer Modern, the font of LaTeX

I have a vision of the Apple Watch Android port team sitting in an internal office, frisbee throwing business cards into a bin for three years.

Algae can get by with dissolved gases in the water

Sometimes it’s better to reply in comments to address specific questions, other times better to post an ETA. Sometimes, I just wanted to provoke discussion, or I’m about to do something that’ll leave me away for a couple of hours.