
73 Post – 166 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Yeah, you should have checked it before you ruined all those poor students' lives.

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They convicted him on "supporting the transfer of underage pornography", i.e. he ran an exit node that "allowed" the upload of CP to an Austrian image hoster. Apparently, he wasn't protected because he ran the exit as an individual, not a registered company. Most likely, the Austrian authority checked who uploaded the images, and found his IP address, which became the basis for convicting him. He didn't have any of the materials because all those stuffs were encrypted in transit.

He mentioned that law that was used to prosecute him was changed a few weeks later to protect individuals as well. He apparently now ran Tor exits under an offshore company.

In summary, from what he said, he just happened to run an unrestricted exit node that some people used to upload CP.

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You can eat anything you like, as much as you like, followed by a pill. Sound like an environmental and social and poverty-problem disaster. Pretty much a theme of the Hunger Games.

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You might already be aware, but there have been instances of information leaks in the past. Even major tech companies restrict their employees from using such tools due to worries about leaks of confidential information.

If you're worried about your personal info, it's a good idea to consistently clear your chat history.

Another big thing is AI hallucination. When you inquire about topics it doesn't know much about, it can confidently generate fictional information. So, you'll need to verify the points it presents. This even occurs when you ask it to summarize an article. Sometimes, it might include information that doesn't come from the original source.

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Since webp is Google's, I wouldn't be surprised that everybody is using Google libwebp's derived code to display webp images. There was an advisory to check updates for ALL your browsers on ALL platforms. Edge also had a recent update.

Eat them before you eat anything else. When you are hungry, foods tend to taste better, and your body is not trying to tell you to stop eating yet.

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All of them is most likely the most accurate answer. The tilted examples would be: Genghis Khan is widely admired as a hero by the Mongolians and almost universally hated by others. Leopold II is admired by the Belgians but would be a criminal, probably crimes against humanity, today.

A Congolese man, Nsala, looking at the severed hand and foot of his five-year-old daughter who was killed and allegedly cannibalized by members of the Force Publique in 1904, as a result of Leopold's policy.

Opting out is likely impossible for people living outside the GDPR area right now.

There are 7,000+ Tor relays, and 2,000+ bridges being run by entities including individuals, orgs, corporations, and most likely governments. (https://metrics.torproject.org/networksize.html) So, the answer is yes, no, and something in between. He himself didn't say, but the article portrayed him of being an individual who believed in free speech, an activity which Tor does help support.


Yeah, audience score: 81%, well deserved.

A body has been formed to stifle competition and give themselves free reins.

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And the arms in this case.

It's cool. It's hip. It's Blockchain! Come on, folks, let's invest in boring and colorful monkeys. You WILL be rich beyond imagination!

Well, not that I believe in it. Representative democracy. It's like, we have the right to elect representatives, who seem to more often than not represent corporate/money interests, not really the interest of the majority.

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Yes, there have been. They won in the same fields twice, different fields twice, but looks like none except Marie Curie that won in two different scientific fields.

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Well, that's most terrifying. Can you do anything about it except not using smartphones?

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I did. I thought it did quite a nice job actually. I even did the formatting.

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In November 2022, LastPass, a password manager service, suffered a data breach in which hackers stole password vaults containing encrypted and plaintext data for over 25 million users. Since then, there has been a series of cryptocurrency thefts targeting individuals in the tech industry, totaling more than $35 million. These thefts primarily targeted individuals deeply integrated into the cryptocurrency ecosystem, including employees of crypto organizations and venture capitalists.

Researchers, led by Taylor Monahan, CEO of MetaMask, have identified a common factor among these victims: they had previously used LastPass to store their "seed phrase," which is a critical private key for accessing their cryptocurrency investments. Armed with this seed phrase, attackers can instantly access and transfer the victim's cryptocurrency holdings.

The LastPass breach exposed vulnerabilities in its security, particularly related to the master passwords and encryption settings. LastPass users who stored important passwords, especially for cryptocurrency accounts, are urged to change their credentials immediately and migrate their crypto holdings to offline hardware wallets. Alternatives like 1Password, which offer additional security layers like a Secret Key, are recommended.

While the research suggests a strong link between the LastPass breach and the cryptocurrency thefts, it's challenging to definitively prove causation. Nonetheless, security experts advise taking immediate action to protect digital assets.

  1. It's clothing that looks beautiful for the young and the fit

  2. It now may be associated with other sexual identities

I mean, given there are companies that scrape user data and sell them to interested parties including governments, it seems highly likely that there will be entities that create instances just to collect people's data in the fediverse.

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Yes, there's already an update.

While technology is being used to oppress people, it can also be used to liberate them.

Free encrypted tools like the chat app Signal and the encrypted email service Tutanota help activists around the world to protect their private communication. Keeping messages confidential can be a matter of life and death for activists, journalists and whistleblowers in many countries.

That's why we ... will keep fighting for privacy and against and attempt to backdoor encryption.

The /c I found relaxing include:

Well, there are a lot to list (I only got to 'c'). One of the best things you can do is, post positive things that make you happy on the /c you follow for your fellow lemmies. The happiness this generates are multiple times worth the posts you read. Try it. Be a positive content relayer / originator yourself.

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Thx. You don't seem to be the only one.

In July 2022, Charlie Osborne of ZDNet suggested that individuals who suspect a Pegasus infection use a secondary device with GrapheneOS for secure communication.


Put sneakers in the fridge.

You condition is getting worse. Unless you can consult a medical professional on the phone, you should go see a doctor. Of course, if you mom won't take you, you're stuck, and either that, or you figure out some other way.

I did proofread it to make sure that it followed the article; wasn't just generate and post. OTH, human summary isn't free of misunderstandings either.

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That's a great question. The EFF article gives answers that I find somewhat unsatisfactory (but may be possible solutions given what're there at the moment):

For users joining the fediverse, you should evaluate the about page for a given server, to see what precautions (if any) they outline. Once you’ve joined, you can take advantage of the smaller scale of community on the platform, and raise these issues directly with admin and other users on your instance. Insist that the obligations from Who has Your Back, including to notify you and to resist law enforcement demands where possible, be included in the instance information and terms of service. Making these commitments binding in the terms of service is not only a good idea, it can help the host fight back against overbroad law enforcement requests and can support later motions by defendants to exclude the evidence.

Another benefit of the fediverse, unlike the major lock-in platforms, is that if you don’t like their answer, you can easily find and move to a new instance. However, since most servers in this new decentralized social web are hosted by enthusiasts, users should approach these networks mindful of privacy and security concerns. This means not using these services for sensitive communications, being aware of the risks of social network mapping, and taking some additional precautions when necessary like using a VPN or Tor, and a temporary email address.

They need those brain cells to combat the scams, and hence, less dementia. ;-)

“That momentum is surely gathering pace in the age of generative AI, which we believe presents a remarkable opportunity to create a new stream of revenues, while allowing us to reduce costs across the business” ...

News Corp recently reduced staffing costs through widespread redundancies.

Well, you squeeze them, and they squeeze you back. Typical. Like, the US is not expecting that.

Besides the chips, there are still the OS. It'll take a while yet, if ever, for Huawei phones to gain traction again outside of China. What would you buy: Qualcomm/MediaTek/Huawei(SMIC) chip? What would you buy: Android/Huawei OS?

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For sustainable environment, the ships, habitats, and all applicable equipment will be made with safe, state-of-the-art recyclable plastics.

I don't know much about photography, but being a passionate consumer of internet posting, one interpretation of this sausage stands out...

Yes, for home, if you are not installing ad-blockers for all your family members, you can set AdGuard DNS, etc., as DNS servers on your router to somewhat mitigate the ad/malware/scam problem for the entire location.

But you are their human.

Also, it appears that sometimes, the deletion fails, and the request doesn't get federated, leaving the comment/post orphaned.


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This is from the horse's mouth: https://fidoalliance.org/passkeys/