
2 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Honestly, being one of the dozen or so people who still prefers to do his internetting with a computer rather than a smartphone, the whole app drama doesn't really bother me one way or another. What DOES bother me is Reddit deciding that they need to force a miserable ad-ridden experience on the people viewing and contributing to their site, plus knowing that if and when this goes through, old.reddit is almost certain to be next on the chopping block. Everything that's happened after that announcement has only reassured me that getting off of Reddit now is the right choice

Never assume that "malice" and "incompetence" are mutually exclusive.

Unfortunately, I think you just answered your own question with that.

Thank goodness for that at least. It can't come soon enough

Well on the bright side, I'm sure that THIS will be the one that gets developers/publishers to stop spamming the market with so many half-baked Live Service games, and while we're at it, get consumers to stop jumping on The Latest Greatest Live Service, right? laugh/sob

Alas, poor Reddit, I knew them well

Path of Exile. If you say anything positive about it you get shit for being a mindless fanboy, and if you say anything negative about it you're a mindless hater. Plus the whole "zoom zoom" meta

I've been getting notified of replies even when I don't get tagged

1 more...

Dunno, I haven't seen anything pop up in Firefox running uBlock Origin, on either desktop or mobile (hint hint)

All of the various mental health meme and [x]_irl subreddits, to make fun of all my intrusive thoughts and overall broken-ness and laugh with other people who are doing the same

(there was a lot more that I could've/wanted to put in there)

This is why I haven't tried to create any new communities/magazines for subreddits that I previously enjoyed (doesn't help that contacting the mods for those subs would require, y'know, posting on reddit)

There's a few too many to name a specific game, but every few months I do try to do a run of one of the NES Mega Man games. Or, for slightly later on, ever since the remastered Quake came out for the Switch I do the occasional run through one of the singleplayer episodes (particularly if I need some semi-mindless distraction and can't be at my comp)

The Crazy Timeline

Same. I don't begrudge the people who want to salt and burn their Reddit history, but I'm leaving my old posts up for anybody who might be helped by them (plus most of them are just shitposts anyways)

So now we're on the "Blame anybody and everybody BUT ourselves" stage. Lovely. <s>Because OF COURSE the consumers are wrong to be unhappy about misleading-to-outright-false marketing selling them a product that didn't actually exist outside of the marketing pages (like a game that was playable on XB1/PS4. ZING!)</s>

Hype culture needs to die in a fire. Preferably one fueled by all the cash that's going to the marketing departments.

Like always.

ah shit here we go again.png

Between this bullshit and what seems like every Triple-Eh publisher suddenly developing massive diamond-hard boners for Denuvo (you're welcome), it's almost enough to make me want to go full Console Peasant. almost.

And if you believe a word of that, I've got a bridge to sell you (in the general sense)

Sadly, it doesn't make the paying customers STOP paying, which means it's just going to keep. F*cking. Happening.

I only went over today cause a couple of the subs I frequent had temporarily opened to ask "Should we stay blacked out?"

Not planning to make that mistake again anytime soon

If the internet had a Geneva Convention, that would be a flagrant violation of it

Just one more reason why the obsession with the latest greatest OMGWTF HIGH DEFINITION GRAPHICS is the worst thing to happen to gaming since the Atari Jaguar.

boomer thanking a younger person for anything

Found the fake boomer /hj