
0 Post – 196 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Advocate for user privacy and anonymity

Refusing rust and wasm is a signal you don’t care about code quality or security

See? You can keep playing that game all the way down to the most onerous language

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and imagines herself as a rapist, and is proud of it (per her posted content)

Omg are you in for a treat!

Steams work with proton, steam OS, and the steam deck means after switching my gaming pc to Linux last year, the only games out of the hundreds I have that don’t work are the ones whose launchers refuse to run on Linux.

Even Denuvo games work with a little effort

Highly recommend you give Linux another shot 😁

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So, what, people are only allowed to like your content? Can’t possibly be shit posts or anything like that, clearly it’s just all the downvoters who are wrong.

OR a downvote is as meaningful as an upvote, and it’s pretty childish to complain about them. (Especially considering that many instances don’t even count or display them)

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The downvote is the feedback

If people are downvoting and not commenting there is probably an obvious reason why.

Usually you just said some type of heresy in that community, like going to a NASA forum and saying it’s idiotic to still be trying for manned space missions to the moon or elsewhere.

It’s so anathema to the community they don’t even want to engage in a discussion about it, they just want to say “you’re wrong/I don’t like this” and move on.

Far more civil than how religions used to deal with heretics, imo

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The author is right: there is no legitimate justification for WEI

This entire project is to ensure people cant have control of their own systems, because they may act in a way contrary to googles interests (or the governments, or any other party)

I can't help but laugh at this.

"learn how to use podman" from someone who already knows docker is their happy path.


Most users can simply alias Docker to Podman (alias docker=podman) without any problems

Seriously, the only two problems i've had are:

  1. makefile doesn't honor the alias
  2. need to restart the VM occasionally
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There should be legal limits to this level of narcissistic assholism

And now the result of that trial could be a verdict with punitive damages

umm, why not jail time? This seems jail time worthy

And quite the conundrum that the electricity they used is often owned and operated by oppressive governments

You can play this game with everything, we do what we can with what we have.

Sure, it'd be great to have a community based on open source and operated electricity, to prevent the harms that may come from centralized control, but sometimes things just aren't feasible, and we may not even want to make them that way.

We can incorporate the benefits of cloudflare while using our control of the platform to minimize the harm, we just haven't done it yet.

Having an open and decentralized cloudflare solution just isn't feasible, due to what they provide.

but then they would have to compete on hardware

Won't anybody think of what that costs the poor billionaires?

Executable and maintainable

AI generated code can’t, as of yet, go in and fix a bug

See? I didn’t consider your post harmful, but I did consider it worthy of a downvote, simply due to how I felt it contributed to the discussion.

And people who don’t feel like I’m contributing meaningfully can downvote my posts. Almost as if that was the point of the button, to give an indicator of how much readers liked or disliked the content.

Negative opinions are every bit as valid as positive ones. Even more so in a culture where criticism is considered “rude” and socially suppressed.

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You mean a key combination like OS, f,i,r,e,f,down,down,enter to launch Firefox?

That exists, bud. There are even multiple ways to achieve the same command, like “OS,t,e,r,m,i,n,a,l,down,enter, ‘open Firefox’”

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free speech cannot be monetized by a corp and remain free

Even innocuous things like removing a dislike button are about removing the power of users to be negative, or share it. Can't have human expression affecting corporate profits, after all.

We need a public square that prioritizes the users, not whoever can think of a shitty way to profit off them.

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That he signed the NDA at all means he's been bought, or is planning to be.

Everyone in open source knows those are tools to shut down prominent voices from being able to call out abuse and rally support. They just make sure to hit every needed talking point in the meeting, and now he legally can't condemn anything meta does because it is "covered by NDA"

It's just one of many shitty ways corporations try and exert coercive control over OSS

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Have you tried growing up?

No, seriously.

You support more unethical bullshit buying avocados and meat than you do video games. To even give the issues you’ve mentioned as much attention as you have, while ignoring the much less ethical things you purchase far more often, shows how disingenuous and shallow your objection to those products really is, and it leads to more problems than it solves.

For example, Balders Gate 3 is a pretty fantastic game, with no micro transactions or as far as I can see any other form of end user manipulation.

They’re also one of the few studios I’ve seen recently that the devs dont seem burnt out on, which says a lot about how they were managed.

And they just license the content from wizards, to go “oh they’re tangentially related so it’s evil!” (Which you also did with hogwarts legacy) denies all the hundreds and thousands of passionate developers of a chance.

Indie games are a great alternative, true, but as others have said indies can be as toxic as the big companies when they want to be. Not to mention the long term consequences of that direction being developers can’t work together to make AAA games anymore, because according to your rules if a shithead makes it to the top everyone else’s work should be thrown away.

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I mean, it’s not like slavery or murder.

Being pro-FOSS does not mean you are anti proprietary software. There’s plenty of middle ground.

Video games, for example, where the company might not want to open source their server code for plenty of very legitimate reasons.

Mail is a super important utility. For physical mail, it’s a felony for anybody to open it. For digital mail, gmail open, reads, and inserts ads before handing it to you. It’s ok to think some things are important enough to mandate FOSS, and some things not.

Not that they mentioned, no

This, tbh

“Benefit of the doubt” shenanigans is corporate bullshit 101

Omfg this

Where is the bill to take all infrastructure made using this public money and give the infrastructure to the public?

I love those two rules, when taken together. Seems these days communities just pick one, and both are worse off for it.

And the author clearly has no idea what she’s talking about, or the impact of AI on CS.

I use chatgpt regularly to build outlines and boilerplate to code I want to write. Yes it’s code I can’t trust and almost entirely rewrite, but simply the act of it naming the variables saves me time.

And even if it did get to the point of good code, you have to be a developer to know what it created is what you wanted in the first place.

This is fearmongering targeting tech people by claiming their jobs are at the same level of risk of disruption by ai as other white collar jobs (like hers!).

Your red flag is a green flag for me. It tells me the dev set a realistic and fair price in the first place, and i don't mind the increase in price specifically because it's so cheap per gameplay/hour compared to any AAA title.

If the price was $100 it would still be the best value game i've every purchased... and i think i've spent at least that much buying copies as gifts

Not to mention the mods essentially infinitely expand the base game.

Everything about how the dev has done this has been a green flag in my book, as a consumer.

Keyloggers are malware and malicious by default, even for your own use.

Look into clipboard managers, and you can save/paste history more easily. Do not pursue keyloggers, they will leak all your secure passwords.

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I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you.

How could Google allow such blatant incompetence in their products?

It's not about getting the code. They have the code, have for years, and hate it because it forces an open system.

This is about forcing people in "positions of power and authority" over mastodon/lemmy/kbin servers to conform to facebook's wishes so that they can destroy a competing platform.

Google XMPP or Microsoft Word Document style.

It's been done before, the only reason for people to cave now is they're getting paid.

They don't need an NDA for that, and he certainly knows better than to sign one.

This is fishy to the extreme

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Still a minuscule fraction of its androcide rate, but don’t expect people to give a shit

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Just because they are bribing us to let the torjan horse in doesn't mean we should or have to

conversely, switching now means he'll be learning domain specific knowledge for podman, the thing he wants to work in, and not building it in docker, the thing he's trying to move away from

It is criticism, and certainly from a subjective standpoint it’s very valid criticism

But I’m free to downvote criticism I don’t like or agree with 😁just like you’re free to downvote a comment you felt was rude, in addition to pointing that out. It would also mean something different if you didnt downvote but also commented that I was being rude.

Almost like the downvote was providing useful information

Almost like we knew the title was clickbait bullshit!

They’re already in an abusive relationship, with Google

whether it’s something that individuals have access to

No we don't. That's the box being opened.

Here's a leaked google internal memo telling them as such: https://www.semianalysis.com/p/google-we-have-no-moat-and-neither

tl;dr: The open source community has accomplished more in a month of Meta's AI weights being released than everything we have, and shows no signs of slowing down. We have no secret sauce, no way to prevent anyone from setting up their own, and the opensource community already has almost-GPT equivalents running on old laptops and they're targeting the model running directly on the phone, making our expensive single ai solutions entirely obsolete.


In addition, these corporations only have AI in the first place by stealing/scraping data from regular people and the open source community. Individuals should not feel obligated to honor any rule or directive that these technologies be owned and operated by only big players.

Beehaw is one, I think

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He means this builds all the backend and proof of concepts necessary to force it on every other environment, and websites will be prepared for the switch, giving the public that much less time to react when they push it to desktop again

It’s basically “OK, we can’t stop the pushback, so we’ll tell the public it will only work on android web view, but all teams keep working full steam, we’ll wait to merge into the bigger systems until all this dies down, and we won’t have lost any dev time!”

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  1. you question looks like Hilary's aid asking "How do i permanently delete emails from a hard drive", so is sus on it's own and i have 0% trust that you have a valid use case for this

  2. literally every use case you have or could mention is solved in a better way. Pursuing the avenue you are currently on is a security vulnerability. It's like asking a lockmaking group "Hey, how can i have my keys copied automatically so i don't ever forget them again? And have them printed to a shelf right next to the front door"

So even if you are being genuine, any sense of a duty of care to an internet stranger compels me to tell you to not do this

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there's no reason the rest of us can't continue here as before, without it.

That's OP's point. They won't just siphon users. They will profit off of our content, while providing nothing in return, and intentionally breaking things to ensure the network never grows larger than a certain amount.

Offers for help should be treated the same as offers from a country you are actively at war with. No instances should federate with any Meta own/operated/controlled system. To do otherwise is suicide for the fediverse.

We should also avoid building on technologies they control. Even if OSS, they can knowingly introduce bugs in updates that only break fediverse tech and not meta tech. Which is exactly what the examples in the posted article did. Microsoft did exactly this, to ensure dominance in document file formats.

It seems really stupid from our perspective. Maliciously petty, but our paychecks don't depend on the success of the fediverse, while theirs does depend on it's failure.

These are not compatible communities, due to the owners of one.

Too many idiot CEO's still idealize musk, and think his current business moves are genius they just can't understand yet.