
2 Post – 16 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I like kotlin SpringBoot apps deployed to k8s. Go apps for custom k8s operators/controllers.

Just make sure to test the regex instead of blindly slapping it in assuming it works 🙂

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Yes, I write SpringBoot microservices and IntelliJ plugins using Kotlin. Any new code is Kotlin, but there is still a ton of Java, which I don't consider "legacy", since it works, and if I can sanely add Kotlin when necessary, I don't see the need for "full rewrite".

You may get more traction by asking the Kotlin community

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I find it very difficult to recommend generative ai as a learning tool (specifically for juniors) as it often spits out terrible code (or even straight up not working) which could be mistaken as "good" code. I think the more experienced a dev is, the better it is to use more like a pair programmer.

The problem is it cannot go back and correct/improve already generated output unless prompted to. It is getting better and better, but it is still an overly glorified template generator, for the most part, that often includes import statements from packages that don't exist, one off functions that could have been inline (cannot go back and correct itself), and numerous garbage variables that are referenced only once and take up heap space for no seemingly no good reason.

Mainly speaking on GPT4, CoPilot is better, both have licensing concerns (of where did it get this code from) if you are creating something real and not for fun.

Interpreted language != Compiled language

Laughs in object

I have been using "gaming" keyboards for coding for ~10 years now. The only thing to be wary of imo, is keebs that have "extra customizable keys" on them and break conformity from a standard layout. Depends on the device, but Logitech will call them "G keys", for example, and often stick them on the far left of the board, left of tab/caps/L shift. Makes life a lot more difficult if not gaming.

Outside of that, I think calling something a "gaming" keyboard is more of a marketing tactic to up the price. It's hard to not recommend mechanical, but that sounds out of budget and often hard to do wireless/bluetooth, but personally I think mech is the top priority.

What I have seen a lot of peers do is wait to see whatever keyboard the get in office, then buy the same one for home for consistency, rather than dragging a personal one back and forth. Often companies will offer basic boards like logitech K270, K350, or K650. Not amazing, not terrible, and most likely fit in your described criteria.

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December 8th, 2009 - Motorola Droid successfully rooted ... [granting] root access on the phone using a terminal emulator. This is how I learned bash which inevitably pushed me into pursuing proper Computer Science.

wiki ref

December 8th, 2009 - Motorola Droid successfully rooted ... [granting] root access on the phone using a terminal emulator. This is how I learned bash which inevitably pushed me into pursuing proper Computer Science.

wiki ref

not production ready vs. production ready

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It covers each and every line of the source code, each and every conditional statement in the program and every loop otherwise known as iteration in the program.

I think it is important to note 100% code coverage ("covers each and every line") does not mean the tests are good tests.

The myth of 100% code coverage

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The most simple way of explaining the cloud computing is storing, accessing, and processing data over the internet instead of using a traditional client server architecture.

Just because your compute is "in the cloud" doesn't mean it isn't a server, and it definitely can still be client/server architecture

Cloud provider hosted server accessed by client = client/server architecture

I won't parrot the reasons, I think other comments captured that.

However, I would MUCH rather share links in professional circles to something called programming.dev that is specifically an instance about programming rather than "choose your random generic instance" that has porn, memes, shit posts, etc. and oh look, a programming community too.

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AutheNtication vs. AuthoriZation, I believe

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Absolutely, which is why I never linked to Reddit. So I'm already loving and prefferring lemmy over Reddit 100%!

You may get more traction asking in the communities that exist for those tools: IntelliJ and Docker

8GB for two separate IntelliJ projects sounds low. You could try importing both into one instance as separate "modules" so that there is only one IntelliJ instance/window.

Depending on how you are running the VM, the host may be choking it through the host OS and leading to OOM. Especially with a tool like docker.

Edit: I see you commented usage of windows, you may need to look into wslconfig

Although I despise their software, I do enjoy their engineering blogs, thanks for sharing.