
0 Post – 68 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I see a lot of people saying "but that's how creators get paid".

Listen: I didn't put ads on my video. YouTube did. I can't take them off and I don't see a cent from them. Block away.

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Mark my words:

Trump will win, and it will be largely because of people who refuse to support Biden due to Palestine.

I will be truly happy if time proves me wrong.

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I am 110% in favor of breaking the two party stranglehold. It's long overdue. It needs to end yesterday.

But hot fuck, this is LITERALLY THE WORST POSSIBLE TIME to vote third party. I read here and on Reddit that people are promising to vote third party because Biden hasn't personally solved the middle east conflict or whatever, but doing that in the presidential election amounts to screaming "fuck yeah I love Trump and everything he stands for".

Vote Biden or vote Trump. There is no third choice. Doing literally anything else is a vote for Trump.

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Great! There's no reason not to clearly disclose those fees up-front other than deception.

AirBnB is the worst at this. A vacation rental is $200 a night, so you'd assume five nights would be $1000 plus tax. But then add the cleaning fee, the service fee, the booking fee, the hosting surcharge, the surcharge fee, and a half dozen other junk fees, and suddenly it's $375 a night. Plus tax.

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Look, I am all for breaking the two party stranglehold in the US right now. Progress can't happen as long as we're forced to choose the lesser of two evils.

But my word this is literally the worst possible time to vote third party.

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I'm a moderate. I tend to take a lot of what I read online with a grain of salt (as everyone should, but you know how that goes).

A few months ago I decided to try X again and see for myself. I thought "what if this is just exaggerated hysterics, and the site really isn't that bad."

No. It's not exaggerated. It's not hysterics. X / Twitter really is that bad of a dumpster fire. You can say "I don't like Nazis" and a billion bots will accuse you of being a woke radical leftist.

Sold my well-aged account to a scammer, haven't looked back.

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We don't often talk about this in the limelight, but it's important. We need to understand how they got here if we want to have any hope of reducing the odds of that happening again.

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I'm a boss. My criteria for evaluating whether an employee continues to be allowed to work remotely full time is:

  1. Can their job be done remotely?
  2. Is the job getting done remotely?

If the answer to both is "yes", then I'm happy to let them work just about anywhere they'd like.

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How are they with temperature regulation? I think that's a big holdback for a lot of people. A gas burner gives consistent heat output at the set level, while an electric burner cycles on and off, resulting in a wider temperature range.

ETA: Wow, WTF? Downvoted for asking a legit question. Are we Reddit now?

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Everyone should have the right to organize. Unions are why most of our labor laws, including pesky things like overtime and workplace safety, exist.

It doesn't really matter what someone's personal thoughts are on the subject. Don't like unions? Don't join one. I know the common response to this is "but what if I'm management and I have to deal with a labor contract", and honestly, that's why you get the big bucks. I'm management. I deal with a labor contract. It's far from the worst thing I have to contend with.

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In related news, AT&T has decided to rebrand their 5G network as 25G.

(they've done this before)

About 3 months ago I was banned for saying "People have the right to use like force to defend themselves against an attacker, including using deadly force. It's not a happy outcome. But neither is being a victim." It was a comment on an article about a homeowner who killed a burglar, so context is king. /r/news banned me and reported me for "threatening violence". Then I got an account warning (whatever that means) by Reddit.

When I contacted the admin team, I got a ban for abusive reporting.

%reddit%.com is now blocked in my DNS. Fuck those fucks, they don't even deserve my ad revenue from searches.

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Browser fingerprinting is nasty and easy. There are ways to push back but it's still awful.

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They don't care.

The people pledging to vote against Biden over Israel are typically armchair politicians who get all their news from echo chambers. Facts and reality don't matter; they honestly believe they are "sending a message" and "making a stand". The reality is that they're the 2024 version of 2016's insufferable #voteswap techbros.

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Here's a complete list of all the times someone else's hair had any impact of any nature whatsoever on my life:

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Exactly. And the hotel probably has a rewards program and an on-site employee in case any issues come up.

I like the idea of vacation rentals, but I hate the current state of the market. It's almost always cheaper and simpler to just get a hotel.

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I can honestly say that the phrase "my radio was stuck in a boot loop" is something I ever thought I'd need to say, but here we are.

Side note, you know what would be just absolutely perfect? Just Bluetooth. I don't need to watch Disney+ while I drive. I don't need up-to-the-minute notifications of the hottest celebrity news. I don't need sports updates. I don't need to know what my stocks are doing right now.

I just want to play music.

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This is yet another reason why I would not buy or recommend HP printers anymore. My ancient laserjet from 10 years ago is still going strong, but if it ever kicks the bucket, I'm getting a Brother. They seem to just work without any hassle.

That sucks, but it's not surprising. 4K Bluray looks great but it's not as mind-blowing as the jump from VHS to DVD was, or DVD to Bluray. It's technically superior to all streaming services (if anyone knows of a legal, legit, high-bandwidth streaming service, let me know) but for 99.99% of the consumer market, streaming is good enough.

Best Buy did some mind-blowing sales late last year or early this year. You could pick up a bunch of 4K Blurays for $5 - $10. Lots of good stuff, too.

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“Working long hours, being responsive, blending work and life, is not anything to shy away from,” he wrote in the email.

"Pay your employees overtime for off-schedule work, and allow for flexible scheduling so they can slide their normal working hours around to match real life," I said in reply.

I don't mind putting in the hard work and I do believe there's room for some amount of fuzziness between work and life. But I only get one life; I can choose another employer. If my employer runs me too hard, I'll just find another. My employer isn't going to take time away from my family, friends, or personal pursuits without compensating me. And there are some things I absolutely won't miss. Datacenter is melting down during my kid's play? You should have thought about that when you refused to hire additional support.

Saying I should be happy to put in extra work without expecting to be paid is like saying my employer should be happy to put in extra pay without expecting me to show up.

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I'm sure some do, but I also don't hang out to watch "10 most fatal crashes (#2 will amaze you)" and "here's a 10-minute SEO-optimized video to tell you something that would otherwise take 20 seconds to read" videos, which are probably typical "creators".

Make sure you're also blocking all other outbound DNS at your firewall. Many "smart" devices (and presumably some apps, though I have no way to check this) are hard coded to use regardless of what DCHP says to use.

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Your post has been removed by Reddit.

Reason: threatening violence

I have been trying.

But all my local pharmacies are out and aren't scheduling appointments until stock is back up. It's total hit and miss.

The pessimist in me says to look out for a bill authored by Google to make adblocking illegal.

"These brave content creators, who produce such culturally significant shows as 'Ow my balls' and 'Matrix 1999 [full rip]', are being literally murdered by hackers who use adblockers. These pirates use their hacking technology to steal this content and threaten our very way of life. While we regret resorting to legislation, we are left with no choice but to show these thieves the harsh reality of the criminal justice system."

I miss the day when you could search YouTube for something like "JFK skyclub" and actually get video of the Skyclub at JFK. Today you'll get 15-minute videos that are 90% a guy talking about his thoughts on JFK, or Skyclub, or airlines, or whatever. If you're really lucky, some of them may feature a few seconds of actual footage of Skyclub.

It's not just Skyclub or travel videos. If I search for "repair mr coffee" I want to see a howto, not someone's SEO-optimized long winded lecture about whatever coffeemakers they're selling.

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This will be the most middle aged thing I ever post, but:

I'm Gen X. I feel like my generation, and maybe some millennials, got the best of both worlds. We know what it's like to live in an offline world, including cars. You can drop me anywhere in the continental US and I can drive home without GPS, and probably without a map. We grew up on mixtape-fueled road trips and not having every inch of our commute planned and cross-checked. We didn't know exactly what to expect in that upcoming town or city, because there was no Tripadvisor or Wikitravel.

We also know how convenient smartphones can be. It's great that I don't have to carry a camera plus a camcorder plus a Walkman plus an atlas plus a photo album plus a laptop plus a calling card plus a bag phone plus a notepad plus an encyclopedia plus a wristwatch plus a travel alarm clock plus whatever else I'm forgetting. But take that all away, and it's at worst a mild annoyance.

So if I can't use Android Auto, I'm just going to not buy that car. And if all cars suddenly stop shipping with Android Auto, then I'll see that as a precursor to mandatory 30-second ads before being able to drive, and I'll just buy whatever car remotely meets my needs AND makes it easy for me to install an aftermarket Android head unit.

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That’s nice. They’ll lose, and the momentum put to that independent candidate is momentum that could have been used against Trump. Voting for either of them is a vote for "I am not interested in what happens in this country, and sincerely hope Trump wins. Because instead of voting against him, instead I choose to throw away my vote by making some kind of 'statement' that will never be heard by anyone."

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I remember way back in the late 90s or early 2000s, when Opera was commercial, I bought a lifetime license. I don't remember the specifics but it was basically a way to support them and it was good for all future versions, forever and ever.

I lost the key long ago and the browser is free now anyway. Still wouldn't use it.

It absolutely is. You're removing a vote that could have been used to stop Trump and throwing it into a candidate who will not win. You are, quite literally saying, "I am completely fine with another Trump presidency".

The election is a tug of war. Trump and his supporters are pulling on the right. Biden and his supporters are pulling on the left.

When you vote for an independent candidate, you are removing force that could have been used to pull against Trump and redirecting that force towards a candidate who has zero chance of winning. A vote for an independent candidate is a vote for Trump.

The only valid retort to this is "well I wasn't going to vote anyway" and anyone who feels that way can shut the fuck up about everything.

19 more...

Who could have imagined that this might happen?

Look I don't know about you but when I hear "quality software development" the first company that comes to mind is GM so

That's nice. They'll lose, and the momentum put to that independent candidate is momentum that could have been used against Trump.

Voting for an independent candidate for president is standing on your rooftop and screaming "I LOVE TRUMP AND HOPE HE BECOMES PRESIDENT IN 2024".

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Good luck! The best advice I can give for IT these days is to not be afraid of learning and certifications. Far too many people get complacent in their skillset. I started at an ISP help desk back in 2006 and today I'm senior management. 99.9% of the people I passed on the way here had a mentality like "well I used to install stage 1 Gentoo back in 2003 so therefore I am a master Linux admin" and just refused to take on new projects / new areas.

You've got this!

I know people are passionate about their love / hated of Brave, but it along with LibreWolf (and Firefox) all offer strong fingerprinting protection out of the box. With Firefox, just make sure you add uBlock Origin.

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This is the Internet. You can post comprehensive, overwhelming, irrefutable proof and people will still argue.

Did the article say anything about their payment history? That looks like the only variable they didn't mention.

13 more...

Ditto. I'm truly amazed at all the people making comments that boil down to "you're intolerant if you refuse to tolerate intolerance".

It's okay to ban shitty people. When a community is full of shitty people, it's okay to cut them off too. Don't like it? That's the beauty of Lemmy: feel free to start your own instance.

Good. I'm not familiar with their grievances, but every employee should have the right to organize and bargain collectively.

an inept manager, the nonsensical tasks, the sheer inability to get any resources, the butting heads with hoardy other teams, and the best part, the manager’s brain-numbingly boring meetings where she simply read from her own badly made powerpoints that put me to sleep.

That sounds like it could be just about any job, but it's the opposite of what I've experienced in civil service. I'm glad you found someplace you like better!

I use Linux for my daily driver. It has really come a long way even in the last five years, but especially compared to 10-15 years ago. For the most part, stuff just works out of the box.

My ONLY beef is that many of the games I play (Civ 5, Banished, Sins of a Solar Empire, Frostpunk) are not stable and/or have performance issues under Linux, so I occasionally need to boot into Windows. For example Civ 5 works great until around 20 turns in when the lag between turns grows unbearable. That really sucks in multiplayer.

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