2 Post – 72 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

Don't talk to our "FRONT END AND BACK END DEV" like that.

Will newpipe and its fork be affected ? If not i don't give a fuck .

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James cameron would kill them if they had watched avatar 2

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No shit einstein

Sweet home alabama

Linux anyone ?

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You really miss it when your trapped somewhere with no phone and has to beg to strangers for theirs.

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Fuck elon . But also he looks good in this pic too bad he looks like a pig now tho

Just want to get my friends to try anything ftom the frediverse and i think pixelfed is the only platform that ordinary people will want to use in tge frediverse.Also i don't know how instagrams early days look like i only used it for a week past year.

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He did stright to karma coart

Better yet graphene OS

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If you said something like you will live X more days i would've reposted .

And record it in 8k

To all the women all you have to do is ask sis.

Goddamit vegans

Comedy means laugh and laugh means consuming more air . Do you wanna help vegans win ?

What pisses me is the game lets me kill everyone except the king ? I'd rather spare some innocent pawns to be honest

I can make one for you and transfer mod to you when you are ready if that is what you are asking.

Whatever it is i want some .

Good bot

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True but what they really are tgere for is dopamine

Harry potter series

Where can i buy this ? Gimme a link ?


Great work comrade

Ah reinventing pants

I agree

There are several i use pipe pipe i also use libretube it is a piped youtube client

Happy women's day

If that happeninux will also recieve more contributions and donations from that structers also linux devs also doesn't have to worry about building blobs, ads, tracking, making UI prettierso they can worry about real stuff and aolve those issues . The security of linux isn't because of the low amount of users its simply because it is what it is an OS build and used by nerds who whether you like it or not are some of the most tech savy people you can find and they have their heart in it because they are not doing it for corpos or salary . Also linux is the OS used by most (and best ) hackers and proggrammers and often recieve contributions from (only sometimes from the hackers but as the linux users are naturally paranoid they often review code and PR for vulnabilities instead of the need to add extra features cause jomo)

Also spelling, grammer etc.

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I proggram for hobby and i am really really bad at it like if a legitamate programmer sees my life's work in it they will beat me to death with bare hands bad . And the grammer and spellings is because english isn'ty first language.

Tried and failed

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Well the kids not dead in the pic

If root is must i guess you are right

Everytime i see tokyo i am like damn night city

Dunno never had one but by the jist of what my friends say they like each others post and chat through the night etc. And that seems fun ngl especially when your home alone and bored

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When is enough is ENOUGH ?

Yea sometimes i go 15 or 20 i should stop..probably

Huh interesting . Thanks i'll check it out

Just keep being you the real homies will come sooner or later (i am talking about IRL ).