
1 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He's a privileged white boy complaining about slavery while operating scheme to not pay his employees.

As someone who used voat for awhiel here are my tips:

  1. USE this platform, don't use reddit. USE this platform and give it content. Content is basically the same as oxygen you can't deprive it, POST often and comment OFTEN.
  2. Don't dwell on reddit too much. Voat's only active communities were about shit posting on reddit (they had a /v/MeanwhileOnReddit and a few banned communities and that was it, nobody used any other communities). Find your favorite community and build it. Build just 1 ideally, anymore is too thin. I am building up https://lemmy.world/c/frugal
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Typical, control freak power tripping mods.

He only killed one person too. Seems he killed the wrong person, maybe someone with power/connections. It makes no sense how he gets the death penalty but other murders don't.

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Shut down awhile ago.

One could moderate their own community on voat and ban people from it, but nobody cared to even make communities that were not about either reddit or very grotesque racist content. It eventually died because quite frankly your right, people don't even want to touch a website like that with a proxy because it was way too hot and probably monitored by intel agencies. I know I stopped posting there once it turned into that, wasn't worth the personal risk of my ip being associated with that. But I think it was two things combined. The out of control content, but also the fact nobody used it other than to post extreme content, so if you banned the extreme content you would be left with nothing at all anyway.

He wasn't a brutal killer, he was hired to kill someone and did it out of greed. That's actually not brutality. Brutality would be someone raping someone and then killing them for glee. The state in this case is doing this out of brutality, they are doing it because it brings enjoyment and their method of execution is quite brutal.

Yes a similar thing happened on voat, but voat died and it wasn't just because of the trolls. It was because the only people who commented commented about reddit, it was basically a reddit based forum, and when people got tired of complaining about reddit they just left. Make sure to use this community as much as possible to grow it and keep it this way. Make it a habit to login daily and replace bad habits with this new habit. And 9/10 your favorite community won't exist here, and I highly encourage you to build it if it doesn't and then promote it. I am doing that for /c/frugal: https://lemmy.world/c/frugal

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And the reddit blackout is forcing people into the habit of using lemmy. Ideally that habit replaces the old one.

Just as long as it doesn't resemble what the poors would use. Yuck.


Or what some mod thinks you should and should not be seeing.

I majored in feminist critical perspective /s

That's false spin. Nitrogen air is just regular air minus oxygen, 78% of the air you breathe is nitrogen. He was suffocated to death simply put, he died of hypoxia. It would be like someone getting shot, but then taking 5-8 minutes to slowly die minus the immediate burning pain of a gun shot or sudden drop in consciousness from immediate/fast bleed out.

Those pitbulls would attack you dog. Either dumb or just don't care. I don't care if this offends you, for the sake of animal safety you need to hear it.

False. He died far more painfully of hypoxia that took over 5 minutes and he was able to dread it coming for years.

78% of the air you breathe is nitrogen dummy.

"raising hatred" ... How did he hurt you and would like to talk about it?

So he admits openly that this isn't about justice, but about politics. As long as you have people in key areas of the government politically persecuting someone as high a former and likely future president, people will yearn for a populist president like Trump.

I went to school, paid attention, picked the relevant major to my interests, and paid off my debt. Just because others partied or made decisions doesn't mean they shouldn't have to pay their debts while those who worked hard pay it for them.

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Lol you sound like a loser.

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78% of the air you and everyone breathes is nitrogen you dumb shit.

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