
4 Post – 69 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm glad you did this. Hopefully more mods will follow your lead.

I was just banned from r/news today for deleting a 10 year old comment then got a snarky message from a mod about being a 'hero' and told to grow up. Reddit is dead to me.

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Your comment is on the nose.

I have had many arguments with people over the fact you shouldn't want to shoot someone over property. I'm a gun owner but I don't carry a gun and I don't believe a life is worth less than property. The amount of people I know who carry a gun and have said they would shot someone for stealing is incredibly high and troubling.

I don't know if it is a direct result of the daily dehumanization of ethnic groups and criminals we are bombarded with all day long everyday or if it is much more complex but there is a real problem in the US when large groups of people don't value other people's lives.

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It's complete shit right now. 5 or more years ago I could quickly find an answer to a very technical question with no problem. Now it is useless for anything. Just today I was looking for a shop near me that can perform a front end alignment on my RV, I searched for "Tractor Trailer front end alignment near me". The entire first page is either tire shops that do not offer front end alignments, car tire shops that don't even sell the correct size tires I would need for a tractor trailer, or shops 2000 miles away in various directions. It's horrible and I think it would be faster to look in the yellow pages for what I need in this case. I never found a shop using google.

Also today I was searching for the tires I need in the shopping tab there were ads for tires that google had labeled as wal-mart but when I would click the link it would take me to a Chinese scam site.

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Love the way you worked this against HR. I had a situation kind of like yours once where we got a per diem daily for a hotel and one meal. The company let us keep the leftover money from the per diem until they hired a new manager that insisted we turn in the extra (it wasn't much maybe $5-25). Fine, we all started getting more expensive hotel rooms and spending the rest on food using every cent they gave us. . After about 2 years the guy who made us turn in the leftover money left and we went back to being able to keep the extra money.

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While I agree with your position that this is a result of all the bad policies of the past I think you are missing the other side of the equation where people who live in crime ridden areas and don't steal from stores or their neighbors lose food access and access to items they need to live when stores pull out of the worst areas. People steal in all areas not just 'poor' areas but poor areas are hit the hardest when it is no longer possible to buy food within 5 - 10 miles or to go to a shopping center and buy clothes or whatever else you need to function in society.

I live in one of the top 5 "worst" cities in the country and I am tired of having my stuff stolen. In the last month I have had a car stolen, a bicycle stolen, and several people climb over my 6' fence in the middle of the night to see what they can steal from my yard. This is just in the last month. The last 10 years have been an ongoing cycle of thefts, murders, muggings, and assaults. I don't know where you're from or what your situation is but I hope it is someplace better where you don't have to worry about these things and it's a place where you can go to the store and not worry about someone robbing the store while you are in it.

Also that guy didn't steal food. He tried to steal a 30 gallon trash can full of cigarettes that he filled up by walking behind the counter and emptied out the display rack.

I feel like you have an idealistic outlook on people in general. I used to also and still do to a point but at some point you have to acknowledge the fact that there are times and people that do not deserve to be shared in that outlook.

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About 20 years ago I was running a phpnuke site on my home server and had someone doing the same thing as you describe. Hundreds of attempts over and over all night long. I went through the logs and saw it was someone on intelsat (I think, it's been a long time) internet from Africa. I called intelsat or whoever the company was and talked to their system admin that was on call. Within 20 mins of getting off the phone the attack stopped and never happened again. They guy I talked to was really nice and seemed like he was happy to be able to help me.

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The problem is the GOP voters are idiots. Low - No information voters whose entire political education is based on cherry picked and planned sound bites. Most don't know they are voting for the end of the US or fascism but they sure as hell know they are voting to "insert fear mongering sound bite". They eat this stuff up since it hurts someone else. No other political party in the US capitalizes on keeping idiots entertained.

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I never said anything about condoning criminality. I said valuing property higher than life isn't right. I said this in another post a few days ago but I'll say it again. I live in a high crime area and I am sick and tired of people stealing from not only me but my neighbors and from businesses that support the community's needs. That doesn't change the fact I think it's morally repugnant to want to kill someone for property theft.

If we invested more in community building and opportunities along with courts and police departments upholding the law we would have less of these types of crimes. Where I live the police stopped policing because they got mad after several officers were charged with the murder of a kid they arrested. In my eyes that makes them the same as the people stealing from the community. The courts here rarely convict juveniles so the kids know they can get away with just about anything.

While I say I live in a high crime area I also know that overall in the US crime rates have been declining over the years especially violent crime rates.

Wikipedia Crime stats

Not if you're on kbin. The new server isn't federated with kbin.social for some reason.

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This brings back memories I'd rather repress.

I doubt there would be any companies that own the refineries that would stay in TX at the risk of losing all the business they do in the rest of the US. TX would be a dystopian nightmare to live in if they did leave the US. No national company is going to stay, all the military bases and defense industry would be gone, no products will be delivered from other states for as long as it would take to figure out passports and immigration back into the US, the airports would no longer have FAA oversight, and a million of other small things that get taken for granted in everyday life would be gone. Companies that are US based have a responsibility to work in their shareholders interest and I can't see any rational shareholders wanting to leave the entire US market for the shithole TX market.

Edit: I replied to the wrong comment but it kind of fits so I'll leave it.

The world would be a better place without these assholes slithering around. They are like sewer rats wading in shit just under our feet waiting for an opportunity to invade our homes to spread their filth and disease. I am astounded everyday how a few extremists manage to sway and influence a decent portion of normal people to the brink of committing atrocities. This is a world wide problem and not just US centric, though the ~30% of US voters who eat up that stuff scare the crap out of me.

Well that sucks. I forget about ads on YT since I watch mostly on pc with Ublock on occasion I will watch something on the TV from YT and instantly am reminded how annoying the YT ads are.

I think it's the Youtubers who claim how easy it is and make claims of making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year doing it. Somehow those videos made it into my algorithm on YT. Everyday for several months I get at least one usually 3 or 4 pressure washing / house washing videos recommended. I'm sure many other people are also. Seems like there are 2 bigger companies spamming Youtube with how to get in the soft washing business and that birthed a number of people who vlog on yt about how great the business is.

Edit: It also has a low cost of entry to start a pressure washing or soft washing company. From what I've seen you can start one for under $500 in equipment and have seen videos of guys using their cars to haul around the equipment and chemicals. So anyone who wants to can get into the business. On a side note I doubt many of them are licensed or have liability insurance. The risk of property damage is super high when running a pressure washing or soft washing business.

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Man Mandrake brings back some memories. It was my first linux install solely because they had the fastest shipping time for install cd's and at the time I was on dialup so I couldn't just download anything I wanted. I ran it for several years and ended up on a few different distro's and freebsd for a bit.

There were more deportations from the Obama administration than both the Trump and Bush Admins. Clinton deported more people than any president before him back to Grover Cleveland. Obama had over a million more people deported in the 8 years he was in office than Bush had in his 8 Years. The bs right wing talking points are easily proven false and there is plenty of evidence to prove them false but once the idiots hear something they latch on to it and believe it no matter what. The only difference between right wing immigration policies and left wing immigration policies is the left wing tries to treat immigrants like human beings and is easier on those seeking asylum.

Funny I just reread your comment and saw you mentioned something about treating people like humans I agree and that's my point also.

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It's a nation wide thing I'm pretty sure. We have the same crime rings here that do the same thing. It's known as the homeboy shopping network around here. They steal it all then have other people (usually a girlfriend or hanger on) sell it on social media sites or on the street. I regularly see household cleaning items for sale in bundles on local facebook groups. I was just at Home Depot tonight and the woman at the self checkout told us that just before we came up to check out 4 people walked right out with full carts. It sucks and it costs all of us.

My neighborhood has been having a crime wave all summer and it's all 11 - 15 year olds committing the assaults, shootings, and thefts. The police say that is who stole our car and they have no hope of ever catching them and if they do catch them they won't face any real consequences. The police gave up here both because they are apathetic but also because the police murdered a guy a few years ago and are mad several of them got charged with his murder so they stopped policing. I've had to call 911 about 15 times this year and when I could get through the average response time was over an hour.

I have been lucky to live in all types of areas but I know people who have never lived in an area like this have this belief that everyone is good and deserves a chance. I no longer believe that. There are plenty of people that will harm you, steal from you, or kill you and not waste a moment thinking about it.

Almost all of the people on my block work hard for their stuff also and it kills me when one of us lose it to people who steal it from us.

I made a request last weekend and never got an answer. Checking back today it say's I can't request again. Either they are way behind or they aren't giving out the info.

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I haven't been on reddit since Sunday and today I took a peek at the front page and was instantly angry and defensive. I am glad to have a do over here. I too doom scrolled all day looking for things that confirm my bias and make me agitated. It will take some time for me to get past that mentality.

Yeah I do the same thing. Took the free cs50 classes from Harvard online because I was bored one night and wanted to learn Python for some reason.

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I'm not sure if they would be classified as influencers but have you ever fallen into the rabbit hole of youtube reaction channels? I fell into it because of a band I like was being heavily reacted to on youtube but I quickly noticed there is a cycle of right wing propagandists like Tom McDonald and other music type people who get featured on these reaction channels. The majority of the reactors I watch are black but they sell their souls for the traffic they get from what I assume are mostly bots that watch and comment in support of the right wing propaganda.

The first time I watched one of those reaction videos I was awestruck by how the reactor was so agreeable to the theme of "I won't apologize for being white". I know it's only tangibly related to the topic here but I have been bothered by it and wanted to share and see what other people think.

I am convinced the reactors or paid to favorably review this stuff.

Just got back a message from the mods who told me to grow up and called me a 'hero'. They also muted me for 28 days so I can't message them any more. My reply to their ban was this "Banned for deleting my own comment in a 10 year old thread? Funny."

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You use a lower pressure and higher GPM than pressure washing. There are different ways to do it some people use a 12 volt pump with a flow between 5 and 10 GPM along with either a downstream injector or a mixing valve and separate tanks to inject SH (Sodium Hydroxide) and a surfactant (soap) into the wash stream. Other people use gas engine driven pumps the same as a pressure washer but the nozzle at the end of the line takes down the pressure of the water emitted from the pump so you don't damage the house. This is the most non-destructive and really the only safe way to "pressure" wash a house or roof. You can also use it on sidewalks and driveways. The SH kills organic matter and the soap breaks up dirt and grime. It is applied to the house and sits for several minutes then washed off with a stream of water.

Not sure if you've seen these yet but there is:

!streetwear@lemmy.world - seems to be getting active last post was just 7 hours ago.

/m/frugalmalefashion on kbin - only 19 members right now but maybe it'll get going. It was one of my regular stops on Reddit.

With some interaction I figure both of them have a good chance of taking off.

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I watch a lot of YouTube content and almost none of it is political either way. Mostly it's how-to videos, science videos, or music videos. I've noticed two things lately concerning alt-right recommendations - First is, I get alt-right videos recommended when I visit a creator who in addition to their "normal" content has one or more videos that espouse right wing commentary. I recently fell into a rabbit hole of watching reaction videos of people reacting to a band I like and watched a reaction from a channel called LFR Family. Unknown to me since I was just watching one video about a music reaction this channel is run by very pro-trump people and they have several political videos. After I finished the video and went back to the YT home page every other video was a right wing propaganda piece. The second way I've started to get the right wing recommendations is by watching several stand up comedy videos in a row.

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Right to work states are anti union.

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Took my comment right out of my head. As someone who lives east of the city the redline would have been nice to have but racism took it away. I was just talking to my gf about it last weekend when we went into the city for a ballgame and how nice it would be to ride the train instead of driving.

I said this on the place that won't be named, and got downvoted. Poor dumb people are FAR easier to control/exploit than well educated people who have a financial safety net (be it private or social)

I know plenty of people who are constantly hurt financially by republican policies and still spout off gop talking points and vote along party lines. It blows my mind. Kinda like when I was a career firefighter and would sit at the dinner table in the firehouse and listen to guys who railed against taxes and "the government" when their income depended on taxes and "the government". I should have seen back then that you can't reason with people who are 100% bought in with the propaganda. When I'd ask them what they will do for a living if all taxes were abolished the just blew it off.

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Good point. We did have the best equipment available since the county we worked in was one of the richest in the country and had a decent property tax rate. Most of those guys also were anti-union but were members of our union for their own benefit. When it come time to collectively bargain though they wanted to leave it up to the county council because they thought the union had to much power. I'm glad I had retired by then because it would have been hard to have a civil discussion with them about that.

Go to your profile then on the line with sort by on it there are a left and right arrow. Click the right arrow until you see subscriptions. I've only tested this on pc not sure if it is the same on mobile.

I self medicate with caffeine and have known it for years. Though changing my diet has worked better for controlling my ADHD than anything except pharmaceuticals. I'm in my late 40's and have been diagnosed ADD / ADHD since the 1980's. A low carb diet works decently for me. It's not 100% like being on Adderall or Ritalin but I am more focused and able to stop spinning my wheels most days.

I just used redact.dev to overwrite and delete 13 years worth of comments. I also manually deleted all of my posts. Kinda hurt me to do it but I think it's the right thing to do.

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Just deleted 13 years worth of comments and posts. Not gonna lie it was slightly painful but it had to be done. I used Redact to overwrite and delete them with a message.

I'm using Redact and having it run repeatedly to overwrite my comments with a message that says why I removed the comments. I have 13 years of comments being edited and I manually deleted my posts. Hopefully they will stay gone.

I thought it might be an admin or a mod who really sides with them.

I used redact.dev to bulk edit mine. I am waiting a few days to make sure they don't get changed back by reddit and then I am going to edit them one more time then delete them and my 13 year old account.

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Mine was doing that and I realized my font size setting in Android setting was set one size bigger than the middle mark. I moved it one tick to the left and it all fits now.

To be honest I am considering doing soft washing. I am retired and have the time to put into it.

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